Health Care Systems A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition. Gerardus Blokdyk. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gerardus Blokdyk
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная деловая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781867461524
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you have reached your goal and need to set a new one?

      <--- Score

      60. What creative shifts do you need to take?

      <--- Score

      61. What are the stakeholder objectives to be achieved with Health care systems?

      <--- Score

      62. What Health care systems capabilities do you need?

      <--- Score

      63. What does Health care systems success mean to the stakeholders?

      <--- Score

      64. Is it needed?

      <--- Score

      65. Who needs to know about Health care systems?

      <--- Score

      66. How do you take a forward-looking perspective in identifying Health care systems research related to market response and models?

      <--- Score

      67. Are employees recognized or rewarded for performance that demonstrates the highest levels of integrity?

      <--- Score

      68. As a sponsor, customer or management, how important is it to meet goals, objectives?

      <--- Score

      69. Who should resolve the Health care systems issues?

      <--- Score

      70. For your Health care systems project, identify and describe the business environment, is there more than one layer to the business environment?

      <--- Score

      71. Which needs are not included or involved?

      <--- Score

      72. Looking at each person individually – does every one have the qualities which are needed to work in this group?

      <--- Score

      73. Are there Health care systems problems defined?

      <--- Score

      74. What Health care systems coordination do you need?

      <--- Score

      75. Are problem definition and motivation clearly presented?

      <--- Score

      76. What are the minority interests and what amount of minority interests can be recognized?

      <--- Score

      77. How are the Health care systems’s objectives aligned to the group’s overall stakeholder strategy?

      <--- Score

      78. Does Health care systems create potential expectations in other areas that need to be recognized and considered?

      <--- Score

      79. Are there recognized Health care systems problems?

      <--- Score

      80. What do you need to start doing?

      <--- Score

      81. What would happen if Health care systems weren’t done?

      <--- Score

      82. What needs to be done?

      <--- Score

      83. What is the recognized need?

      <--- Score

      84. What are the expected benefits of Health care systems to the stakeholder?

      <--- Score

      85. Will a response program recognize when a crisis occurs and provide some level of response?

      <--- Score

      86. How do you identify the kinds of information that you will need?

      <--- Score

      87. What is the problem or issue?

      <--- Score

      88. How can auditing be a preventative security measure?

      <--- Score

      89. Are controls defined to recognize and contain problems?

      <--- Score

      90. How do you assess your Health care systems workforce capability and capacity needs, including skills, competencies, and staffing levels?

      <--- Score

      91. How are training requirements identified?

      <--- Score

      92. Think about the people you identified for your Health care systems project and the project responsibilities you would assign to them, what kind of training do you think they would need to perform these responsibilities effectively?

      <--- Score

      93. Who are your key stakeholders who need to sign off?

      <--- Score

      94. What are the clients issues and concerns?

      <--- Score

      Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section

      Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section

      Transfer your score to the Health care systems Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.


      INTENT: Formulate the stakeholder problem. Define the problem, needs and objectives.

      In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:

      5 Strongly Agree

      4 Agree

      3 Neutral

      2 Disagree

      1 Strongly Disagree

      1. Is the improvement team aware of the different versions of a process: what they think it is vs. what it actually is vs. what it should be vs. what it could be?

      <--- Score

      2. Has your scope been defined?

      <--- Score

      3. What is the definition of Health care systems excellence?

      <--- Score

      4. Has a high-level ‘as is’ process map been completed, verified and validated?

      <--- Score

      5. What are the core elements of the Health care systems business case?

      <--- Score

      6. Have specific policy objectives been defined?

      <--- Score

      7. What are the Health care systems tasks and definitions?

      <--- Score

      8. Why are you doing Health care systems and what is the scope?

      <--- Score

      9. Are improvement team members fully trained on Health care systems?

      <--- Score

      10. How do you hand over Health care systems context?

      <--- Score

      11. How would you define Health care systems leadership?

      <--- Score

      12. Is the scope of Health care systems defined?

      <--- Score

      13. What defines best in class?

      <--- Score

      14. Is there regularly 100% attendance at the team meetings? If not, have appointed substitutes attended to preserve cross-functionality