Trusting YHWH. Lorne E. Weaver. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lorne E. Weaver
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781498290449
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Happy are they who find refuge in him! (Ps 34:8);

      Deliverance for the righteous comes from יהוה, their refuge in time of trouble (Ps 37:39);

      יהוה will save him in time of trouble; יהוה protects him and gives him life (Ps 41:1,2);

      God is our refuge and our stronghold, a timely help in trouble (Ps 46:1);

      The mountain of Zion. . .is the city of the great king. God in her palaces is revealed as a tower of strength (Ps 48:2,3);

      God has rescued me from every trouble (Ps 54:7);

      I shall raise a psalm to you, my strength; for God is my strong tower. [He] is my gracious God (Ps 59:7);

      I am safe in the shadow of your wings. I follow you closely and your right hand upholds me (Ps 63:8);

      With יהוה on my side, as my helper, I shall see the downfall of my enemies (Ps 118:7);

      God, be gracious to me; be gracious, for I have made you my refuge. I shall seek refuge in the shadow of your wings until the storms are past (Ps 57:1);

      But יהוה has been my strong tower, and my God is my rock and my refuge (Ps 94:22).

      Seven, there are remarkable notes of intimacy with which Israel addresses her God. They speak too in the language of the formidable and address God in wondrous titles. יהוה is addressed as:

      The Praise of Israel: You, the Praise of Israel, are enthroned in the sanctuary (Ps 22:3);

      The Shepherd of Israel: Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, leading Joseph like a flock (Ps 80:1);

      The Holy One of Israel: . . . on the lyre I shall sing to you, the Holy One of Israel (Ps 71:22);

      Again and again they tried God’s patience and provoked the Holy One of Israel (78:41);

      To יהוה belongs our shield, to the Holy One of Israel our king (89:18).

      Israel’s God: But you, Lord God of Hosts, Israel’s God . . . (59:5);

      Awesome is God in your sanctuary; [he] is Israel’s God (68:35);

      God of Israel, let none who seek you be humiliated through me (Ps 69:6);

      Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel (Ps 72:18;);

      Blessed be יהוה the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting (Ps 106:48).

      Israel’s hiding-place and shield: But you, יהוה, are a shield to cover me (Ps 3:3);

      For you, יהוה, will bless the righteous; you will surround them with favour as with a shield (Ps 5:12);

      I rely on God to shield me; he saves the honest of heart (Ps 7:10);

      Guard me like the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings (Ps 17:8);

      the word of יהוה has stood the test; [he] is a shield to all who take refuge in [him] (Ps 18:30);

      יהוה is my strength and my shield; in יהוה my heart trusts (Ps 28:7);

       . . . you are a hiding-place for me in distress; you guard me and enfold me in salvation (Ps 32:7);

      You will hide me under the cover of your presence (Ps 31:20);

      O Lord, my shield (Ps 59:11);

      In your tent I shall make my home forever and find shelter under the cover of your wings (Ps 61:4);

      To יהוה belongs our shield (Ps 89:18);

      You have made the Most High your dwelling-place (Ps 91:9);

      Those who fear יהוה trust in יהוה: . . . [he] is their help and their shield (Ps 115:9–11);

      יהוה God, my strong deliverer, you shield me on the day of battle (Ps 140:7);

      Blessed be יהוה, my rock, . . . my shield in whom I trust (Ps 144:2).

      יהוה lives! Blessed is my rock! High above all is God, my safe refuge (Ps 18:46);

      To You, יהוה, I call; my Rock, do not be deaf to my cry (Ps 28:1);

      Be to me a rock of refuge, a stronghold to keep me safe. You are my rock and my stronghold (Ps 31:2,3);

      God only is my rock of deliverance, my strong tower, so that I stand unshaken (Ps 62:2);

      Do not vaunt yourself against heaven or speak arrogantly against the Rock (Ps 75:5);

      God is the rock of my heart (Ps 73:26);

      יהוה is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him (Ps 92:15).

      Blessed be יהוה, my rock, who trains my hands for battle (Ps 144:1).

      יהוה God of Hosts: יהוה of Hosts, [he] is the king of glory (Ps 24:10);

      יהוה of Hosts is with us (Ps 46:11);

      יהוה God of Hosts, Israel’s God, arouse yourself to come to me and keep watch (Ps 59:4);

      יהוה God of Hosts, how long will you fume at your people’s prayer? (Ps 80:4);

      יהוה God of Hosts, let none of those who hope in you be discouraged (Ps 69:6);

      יהוה God of Hosts, restore us, and make your face shine on us, that we may be saved (Ps 80:7; 19);

      יהוה of Hosts, how dearly loved is your dwelling-place (Ps 84:1);

      יהוה God of Hosts, hear my prayer (Ps 84:8);

      יהוה God of Hosts, who is like you? Your strength and faithfulness are all around you (Ps 89:8);

      The Most High: I shall rejoice and exult in you, the Most High (Ps 9:2);

      Yet they provoked and defied God Most High (Ps 78:56);

      . . . all sons of the Most High (Ps 82:6);

      I put my trust in you, the Most High (Ps 56:3);

      I shall call to God Most High (Ps 57:2);

      Does the Most High know or care? (Ps 73:11);

      Has the right hand of the Most High changed? (Ps 77:10);

      The Most High establishes her (Ps 87:5);

      [He] who lives in the shelter of the Most High . . . (Ps 91:1);

      You have made the Most High your dwelling-place (Ps 91:9);

      It is good to give thanks to יהוה, to sing praises to your name, O Most High (Ps 92:1).

      The God of Jacob: May the name of Jacob’s God be your tower of strength (Ps 20:1);

       . . . such is the fortune of those who seek [him], who seek the presence of the God of Jacob (Ps 24:6);

       . . . the God of Jacob is our fortress (Ps 46:11);

      Sing out in praise of God our refuge, acclaim the God of Jacob (Ps 81:1);

      God of Jacob, listen . . . (Ps 84:8);

      Earth, dance at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob (Ps 114:7);

       . . . a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob (Ps 132:2);

      Happy is he whose helper is the God of Jacob (Ps 146:5).

      יהוה my God: יהוה my God, in you I find refuge; (Ps 7:1);

      Look now, יהוה my God, and answer me (Ps 13:3);

      יהוה my God, to you I lift my heart (Ps 25:1);

      But in you, יהוה, I put my trust; I say, ‘You are my God.’ (Ps 31:14);
