Like most of the things for which my parents silently sacrificed, to them our new house represented a better life for their children. The wood frame house had four rooms, a bath, and porches in both the front and rear. When we moved in, Pop, who, in fact, was colorblind, chose to paint the house his favorite color—canary yellow. He also added on two more bedrooms.
Our family was growing rapidly. My brothers Robert and John Albert, named for the Apostle, had both been born on Oak Street. More children would be born in the new house on Grand Avenue. Each time Mom became pregnant, I fervently hoped it would be a girl. But our next baby was Phillip, then James. I was giving up hope. However, when Mom was about to give birth again, a strange event seemed to foretell that my wishes for a sister were about to become a reality.
In August of that year, a neighborhood boy threw a brick during a fight. Instead of hitting its intended victim, the brick hit me. At that time, Pop’s cousin Laura Frances Anderson, from Bloomfield, was living with us. (She had first come to Louisville to work for Joseph Ray, a neighbor whose wife was seriously ill. After working for the Rays, she moved in with us and helped Mom.) She and Mom had already bathed the cut with alcohol and bandaged it up by the time the boy’s mother came over to apologize. The woman also gave Mom ten dollars to take me to the doctor.
Since I was all right, Mom and Cousin Frances took us all to the State Fair instead of going to the doctor. With that ten dollars we rode the Ferris wheel, ate cotton candy, and looked at the animals. Mom and Frances were having as much fun as we were.
As we walked the midway, a wily fortune teller with a captivating manner lured us to her tent, saying in a deep, throaty voice, “I can predict the baby’s sex.”
“Let’s go in,” Frances urged. “Maybe we can find out if Georgia’s going to get the little sister she wants.” Though Mom laughed, she told me to wait outside while they went in.
The dark tent was lit by glowing candles. The fortune teller, seated at a low table, motioned to Frances and Mom to sit down.
“You have a girl there,” the fortune teller assured Mom.
Though usually skeptical and levelheaded, for some reason, Mom and Frances became so excited they went out and bought a pink bassinet and all pink baby clothes. On September 24, Mom gave birth to my brother Lawrence. I cried and cried for the little sister I was never to have. I refused to go in and see him. Of course, when I finally did, I immediately fell in love with him, as I had all my other baby brothers.
Mom gave birth to most of her children at home. During her next pregnancy, however, because she had gained a lot of weight and developed high blood pressure, her doctor felt she ought to have the baby at City Hospital. Of course, it was another boy. When I visited Mom, she said she was going to name the new baby Walker Montgomery.
“Mom, you can’t do that,” I said. “He’ll have two last names!”
Although we were not allowed to question our parents once a decision had been made, I spoke up and gave my opinion that day—as I had in many other situations. Mom had chosen Walker because it had been her maiden name. I suggested the name of a boy I knew, Randolph. We compromised and named the baby Rudolph Walker Montgomery.
That this name was partially my choice assuaged my disappointment at the baby’s sex, but I missed not having the sister and confidant I wanted so badly. Perhaps that is one important reason why, growing up among so many males and without really close female friends, I kept my intimate questions, thoughts, and dreams to myself.
Not long afterward, in the autumn of 1937, my family and I watched with astonishment as rain pelted Kentucky for days. Our neighbors congregated to stare at the water gushing from manholes and pooling in the streets. No one thought the water would get so high, but one day, as the bad weather continued, our street became covered with water from curb to curb. The Ohio River was flooding Louisville.
Pop began building small bridges by stacking bricks with planks laid across them, enabling people to get from one side to another. As the water continued getting higher, he decided to go to Ross’s Market a few miles away to stock up on groceries. Though he was gone only a short time, the waters rose so quickly that we had to evacuate. The Red Cross people came in boats and used megaphones to blare the news that we were in danger and had to leave.
We were one of the last ones to go, since Mom insisted on waiting for Pop to return. Finally, though, even she relented. We stepped from our porch into two of the rowboats manned by the Red Cross workers. These boats were traveling down our street, picking up stranded people.
“Bring nothing with you,” one worker shouted, but I managed to slip in an extra clean dress anyway. On that occasion, as on so many others, I was determined—some would say headstrong.
Just as the boat started to push away, I realized that our dog Rex had been left behind. “Let me go back!” I insisted, but no one listened.
The boats took us to Thirtieth and Kentucky Streets where we were loaded onto trucks to take us three further blocks, where we’d be out of the water’s reach. Getting out, we looked around anxiously; we were worried about my father, praying he’d be safe.
“There’s Pop!” someone shouted. And there he was, sitting in his car, the seats piled high with groceries, trying to get back home to us. He swooped us all up, loaded us in, and headed for Bardstown. First, he dropped Mom and three of my brothers at Aunt Celia’s. He took two other brothers to Grandma’s house, left one brother and me at Aunt Emma’s, then, always concerned that others might not be as fortunate as he, headed back to Louisville to help repair boats at the flood headquarters at Eighteenth and Broadway.
To us kids, it was like going on a vacation. We were children and we weren’t worried about the four feet of water in our family’s house or all the ruined furniture and other lost possessions. The only serious concern I had was for our dog, Rex, but he, like his owner, was a survivor. When my parents returned home to begin cleaning out the debris, Rex greeted them at the door. His muddy footprints were all over a mattress on which he’d floated during the flood to survive. It wasn’t until two months after the flood that we were able to return home to live again.
Long after the excitement had faded from our memories, the water marks remained on houses and trees—sober reminders of the ability of the river to leave its banks and wreak havoc, of the power of nature and the helplessness of its victims to stop the destruction.
Despite such fateful events as tornadoes and floods, most of my memories of those childhood days are happy ones. Ours was a house neighbors came to often. Pop was interested in what was going and liked to keep up with world events, especially elections. He was also a big fan of country music; it was no surprise, then, that ours was the first radio on the block. In addition to listening to the serious stuff, like news and elections, friends gathered on our front porch or in our living room to be entertained by the antics of Amos and Andy or to be enthralled by the adventures of “The Shadow.”
We were all huddled around the radio, adult and child alike, when Orson Welles’s “War of the Worlds” aired. All the children grabbed each other and started crying. We ran and hid in the corner until Mom calmed us. “It’s just a program,” she said. “It’s not real,” but I think even she and the other adults were fooled at first.
Not only did Pop keep up with current news, especially elections, but he also kept abreast of modern innovations. We were the first family on Grand Avenue to own a washing machine. Pop bought a Standard, a forerunner of the Maytag washer. It had a huge tub with roller wringers. He built a wash house in the back yard and ran water out there. The neighbors brought their clothes, washed them, and left a quarter to pay for the water. That may have been the first coin laundry in Louisville.
Because we were a large family, there was never enough time to do everything in those days. I had to help my mother, of course, and it seemed to me like I was always on call to do something. Mom put an apron on me and taught me to cook. I cleaned right along with her and helped her wash and iron our