Teaching With the Instructional Cha-Chas. LeAnn Nickersen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: LeAnn Nickersen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781945349966
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What Teaching Elements Should Chunks Include?

       Lesson Plan With Chunks



       What Strategies Can You Use During Chunking?

       Text Chunking

       Teacher Think-Aloud

       Student Think-Aloud

       Big Picture Note-Taking

       Chunk Mind Map

       Color-Coded Nonfiction Chunking

       What? So What? Now What?

       Interest Expert Groups Jigsaw

       Rotation Stations


       Text Chunking

       Partner Reading Checklist—Fiction Strategies

       Partner Reading Checklist—Nonfiction Strategies

       Big Picture Note-Taking Method

       Mind Map Assessment Rubric

       What? So What? Now What?

       CHAPTER 5Take Step Two: Chew (Learn)

       What Is Processing?

       Why Does the Brain Need to Process?

       What Are the Benefits of Processing?

       How Can You Differentiate the Content Processing?

       Processing in Homogeneous Groups

       Processing in Heterogeneous Cooperative Learning Groups

       Lesson Plan With Chew Points



       Suggestions for Differentiation

       Suggestions to Incorporate Technology

       What Strategies Can You Use During Chewing?

       Question Stars From Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels

       Think Notes

       Framing Opinions With SOS

       Framing Arguments

       Talking Chips



       Reciprocal Teaching

       Thirty-Second Expert

       Chalk Talk, Wisdom Walk

       Conversation Starters


       The Main Idea and Detail Tabletop Graphic Organizer

       Question Stars for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level One—Knowledge

       Question Stars for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Two—Comprehension

       Question Stars for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Three—Application

       Question Stars for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Four—Analysis

       Question Stars for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Five—Evaluation

       Question Stars for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Six—Synthesis

       Think Notes

       Framing-an-Argument Organizer

       Talking Chips Explanation

       Talking Chips Pieces

       Swap-a-Question Template

       CHAPTER 6Take Step Three: Check (Evaluate)

       Why Is Checking for Understanding Worthwhile?

       How Do You Differentiate the Product With Checkpoints and Feedback?

       What Evidence Are You Checking?

       How Can You Respond to the Many Checkpoints?

       How Can You Give More Powerful Verbal Feedback?

       Where Am I Going?

       Where Am I Now?

       How Do I Get Closer to the Goal? How Do I Close the Gap?

       Lesson Plan With Added Checkpoints



       Suggestions for Differentiation

       Suggestions to Incorporate Technology

       What Strategies Can You Use During Checking?

       All-Student Response Quick-Check Tools

       Seven-Step Feedback

       Feedback Cue Cards

       Multiple Intelligence Closure

       Exit Tickets

       Dynamic Duo Feedback


       Fix-It Activities

       Daily Learning Target Check

       Student Self-Assessment and Goal Setting


       Feedback Cue Cards

       Exit Ticket Templates—Version One

       Exit Ticket Templates—Version Two

       Fix-It Activity Tally Page for Grades K–3

       Fix-It Activity Tally Page for Grades 4–8

       Daily Learning Target Self-Assessment—Version One

       Daily Learning Target Self-Assessment—Version Two

       Exam Error Breakdown

       Rubric for Self-Assessment and Goal Setting

       Reading Strategy Goals Bookmark

       CHAPTER 7Take Step Four: Change (Differentiate)

       What Common Changes Exist?

       How Can You Find the Time for Change?

       How Do You Use Data to Determine What Change to Make?

       What Strategies