Behavior:The Forgotten Curriculum. Chris Weber. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Chris Weber
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781945349829
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“I belong in this academic community.” Educators know that students are connected to someone and something within the school environment.

      ■ “My ability and competence grow with my effort.” Educators observe that students believe that they can improve with effort; that smart is something that you become, not something that you are.

      ■ “I can succeed at this.” Educators know that success breeds success and that meeting students where they are and nudging them toward greater levels of proficiency are key; students draw on a sense of self-efficacy to persist in learning.

      ■ “This work has value for me.” Educators know that motivation is dependent on the relevance that students see in classrooms; students have opportunities to explore passions, they see the purpose in learning, and they experience personalized supports and opportunities for personalized paths.

      3. Social skills: Students have respectful interactions with others and demonstrate respect for themselves. Educators observe students cooperating and collaborating in socially appropriate ways and behaving with empathy for others in both academic and social circumstances.

      4. Learning strategies: Students can regulate, monitor, and reflect on their learning. Educators see students employing effective study and organizational skills, behaving metacognitively, tracking their own progress, and responding appropriately when faced with a task, whether the task is completing an in-class assignment, completing a long-term project, or preparing for a test. Learning strategies can be thought of as cognitive self-regulation: students regulate the level of their learning frequently and make the necessary adjustments.

      5. Perseverance: Students maintain effort and adapt to setbacks; they exercise self-discipline and self-control; they delay gratification; and they advocate for one’s needs. Educators observe that students stick with tasks, typically because they are drawing on positive mindsets, social skills, and learning strategies.

      6. Academic behaviors: Students are physically, emotionally, and cognitively present and attentive within learning and learning environments. Educators note that students consistently complete tasks of high quality; that they actively participate in learning; and that they appear motivated to learn, succeed, and grow. Again, educators’ observations of academic behaviors typically draw on and depend on positive mindsets, social skills, learning strategies, and perseverance, the companion behavioral skills in figure I.2 (page 7).

      Defining behavioral skills within the context of Farrington et al.’s (2012) framework is helpful because the framework then becomes an action plan. We can operationalize the research, putting the best thinking of these experts into action and proactively supporting students in developing skills when difficulties exist. For example, let’s say a student is labeled as unmotivated—he or she doesn’t seem to care about school or his or her grades, or his or her future. This is perhaps the most common concern that educators identify, particularly as students get older. A lack of motivation would appear as a deficit in the category of academic behaviors within the framework. While we will describe how we can teach students to behave in more motivated ways, the sequential nature of the framework reveals that there are predictable antecedents to poor academic behaviors, or more specifically, a lack of motivation.

      Considering the framework from top to bottom, a student who is hungry, is tired, has difficulties modulating emotions, or has some combination of these, may appear unmotivated, and more immediately, may not display positive, growth mindsets. A student without positive, growth mindsets may appear unmotivated, and more immediately, may not display positive social skills. A lack of social skills makes cooperating and collaborating with adults and students a challenge. Additionally, a student without positive, growth mindsets may not see the point or the payoff in practicing and improving learning strategies. A student without productive learning strategies may appear unmotivated, and more immediately, may not regularly persevere. Finally, a student who does not persevere will likely appear unmotivated. Essentially, the point of these examples is to illustrate that there are reasons—explanations, causes, antecedents—to a student’s lack of motivation. When we as educators consider behavioral skills within the context of Farrington et al.’s (2012) framework, we can identify these reasons and do something about it. As John Seita (2014), associate professor of social work at Michigan State University, says, “Behavior is a form of communication providing clues about what is missing in a young person’s life” (p. 29).

      Research suggests that metacognitive behavioral skills matter a lot to students’ long-term life success. For example, a long-term analysis of subjects from Walter Mischel’s (2014) famous marshmallow study shows that children with strong self-regulation skills (who were able to resist the temptation of eating a second marshmallow) had greater academic and life success than their less strong-willed peers. Research further suggests that executive functioning and self-regulation are better predictors of school success than intelligence tests. (See Duckworth and Carlson, 2013, for one review of this research.) Education economist David Deming (2015) reveals that skill knowledge mastery and empathy—in this case, the ability to work with others to solve complex problems—are the critical combination for high-value jobs in the workplace. While definitions and tools for monitoring these learning characteristics are still emerging (for example, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning [], or CASEL, is working with a consortium of states to define common objectives), we should start incorporating them into our mix of measures now (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2018).

      Despite the research indicating the importance of behavioral skills to life, the literature indicates that student readiness is lower than ever. While graduation rates are at an all-time high, ACT (2012) reports that less than 40 percent of students are ready for college. Why might this be? One possible explanation, revealed through an examination of the Lexile levels of texts, shows that while the complexity of text required in college, skilled careers, and the military has steadily increased, the text complexities within K–12 have not similarly increased. Another explanation is that the K–12 curriculum continues to be a mile wide and an inch deep—the curriculum covers a lot of material but doesn’t examine it in depth.

      It is my belief, and the belief of other pioneers of behavioral RTI, that a particularly significant explanation is that educators have not sufficiently focused on developing behavioral skills (Boynton & Boynton, 2005; Mullet, 2014; Sprick, Borgmeier, & Nolet, 2002; Sugai, 2001; Sugai & Horner, 2002; Walton & Cohen, 2011; Zimmerman, Bandura, & Martinez-Pons, 1992). We as educators may teach academic skills, but we have not prioritized the development of behavioral, or noncognitive, skills to the same extent. And to be clear, behavioral skills matter.

      Several research studies investigating readiness for college and career paths indicate that behavioral preparedness is as important as, if not more so than, academics. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning (2016) organizes next-generation skills into the following ten categories.

      1. Creativity and innovation

      2. Critical thinking and problem solving

      3. Communication and collaboration

      4. Information and media literacy

      5. Technological literacy

      6. Flexibility and adaptability

      7. Initiative and self-direction

      8. Social and cross-cultural skills

      9. Productivity and accountability

      10. Leadership and responsibility

      The skills within these categories are all more behavioral (or metacognitive) than academic. However, very few of these are explicitly taught by educators. It seems clear that these skills must be more prioritized within the work of classrooms and schools.
