Collaborative Common Assessments. Cassandra Erkens. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cassandra Erkens
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781936763016
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       Doing Assessment Right … All the Time

       Chapter 1

       Doing Extraordinary Things

       Collaborative Common Assessments Defined

       The Collaborative Common Assessment Process

       The Preparation Phase

       The Design Phase

       The Delivery Phase

       The Data Phase

       The Re-Engagement Process

       Collaborative School Improvement

       Chapter 2

       Embedding Collaborative Common Assessments in a Balanced Assessment System

       Assessment Architects

       The System of Assessments

       External Large-Scale Assessments

       Internal or Medium-Scale Assessments

       Assessments at the Building or Team Levels

       Assessments at the Classroom Level

       Chapter 3

       Working Together for a Common Purpose

       Whole School

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Whole-School Efforts

       Vertical Alignment

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Vertical Alignment

       Horizontal Alignment

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Horizontal Alignment

       Across Buildings or Districts

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Cross-District Teamwork

       Plus One

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Singletons, Plus One

       Special Circumstances

       Modified Assessments

       Universal Design

       Chapter 4

       Preparing the Foundation for Collaborative Common Assessments

       Establishing Team Norms

       Identifying Essential Learning

       Developing Shared Knowledge

       Examining School Data and Establishing SMART Goals

       Mapping Targets and Collaborative Common Assessments

       Monitoring Progress

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Progress Monitoring

       A Culture of Respect

       Chapter 5

       Designing Collaborative Common Assessments

       The Design Phase

       Protocols for Design Work

       Protocol 1

       Protocol 2

       Protocol 3

       Protocol 4

       Design Considerations

       Collaborative Common Assessment Methods

       Toward a Deeper Understanding of Assessment Literacy

       Chapter 6

       Delivering New Approaches to Assessment

       Understanding Assessments as a Way to Inform Teaching

       Collaborative Common Assessments in Action: Teachers Learn in a Formative Context

       (Re)defining Assessment

       Summative Assessment

       Formative Assessment

       An Integrated System

       Delivering Common Assessments Within a Unit of Instruction

       Pretests and Post-Tests

       Frequent Formatives

       Integrated Interventions

       Action Research

       Chapter 7

       Examining Data to Improve Learning

       The Right Kind of Data Conversations

       A Data Protocol


       The Missing Link

       Analyzing Types of Errors

       Error Analysis to Target Learning Needs

       Chapter 8

       Responding With Instructional Agility