Series Editor
in a PLC at WorkTM
Juli K. Dixon
Thomasenia Lott Adams
Edward C. Nolan
A Joint Publication With
Copyright © 2015 by Solution Tree Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dixon, Juli K., author.
Beyond the common core : a handbook for mathematics in a PLC at work, grades K-5 / Juli K. Dixon, Thomasenia Lott Adams, Edward C. Nolan ; Timothy D. Kanold (editor).
pages cm. -- (Beyond the common core)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-936763-46-7 (perfect bound) 1. Mathematics--Study and teaching (Primary)--Standards--United States. 2. Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Standards--United States. 3. Professional learning communities. I. Adams, Thomasenia Lott, author. II. Nolan, Edward C., author. III. Kanold, Timothy D., editor. IV. Title.
QA135.6.D59 2015
Solution Tree
Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO
Edmund M. Ackerman, President
Solution Tree Press
President: Douglas M. Rife
Associate Acquisitions Editor: Kari Gillesse
Editorial Director: Lesley Bolton
Managing Production Editor: Caroline Weiss
Senior Production Editor: Suzanne Kraszewski
Copy Editor: Sarah Payne-Mills
Proofreader: Elisabeth Abrams
Text and Cover Designer: Laura Kagemann
Compositor: Rachel Smith
My deepest love and gratitude to my daughters, Alex and Jessica, who continue to allow me to understand mathematics more deeply through their eyes, and to my husband, Marc, who understands my need to spend countless hours doing so. Special thanks to all of the teachers who have used our books and helped us to see how to extend their learning. And finally, to our mentor, Tim Kanold, thank you for providing the opportunity to help so many.
—Juli K. Dixon
My accomplishments would not be possible without the support I receive from my husband of twenty-five years, Larry, and from our three sons, Blake, Philip, and Kurt, or without the love of my father, Pickens Lott, Jr. (deceased), and my mother, Tennie Ruth Lott, and the daily strength that comes by way of knowing who I belong to.
—Thomasenia Lott Adams
Many thanks to my family, Michele and Calvin, for the wonderful support they provide me in all of my endeavors. I also wish to thank all of my colleagues from whom I have learned so much over the years.
—Edward C. Nolan
First and foremost, I extend thanks to Juli, Thomasenia, and Ed for understanding the joy, the pain, and the hard work of the writing journey, and for giving freely of their talent to others. Thanks, too, to Jeff Jones and Douglas Rife from Solution Tree for their belief in our vision and work in mathematics education. Special thanks to Becky DuFour for her wisdom, insight, advice, and deep understanding of what it takes to become an authentic professional learning community. Most importantly, thanks to Susan, my loving critic, who understands how to formatively guide me through a handbook series as bold as this.
—Timothy D. Kanold
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Kristopher J. Childs
Project Director, The Cognitively Guided Instruction Project
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
Matt Larson
Mathematics Curriculum Specialist
Lincoln Public Schools
Lincoln, Nebraska
Samantha Neff
Mathematics Coach
Highlands Elementary
Winter Springs, Florida
George J. Roy
Assistant Professor, Middle Level Mathematics Education
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Farshid Safi
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
The College of New Jersey
Ewing Township, New Jersey
Sarah Schuhl
PLC Associate and Mathematics Educational Consultant
Portland, Oregon
Jennifer M. Tobias
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
James Vreeland
Director of Mathematics and Science
School District 54
Schaumburg, Illinois
Visit go.solution-tree.com/mathematicsatwork to download the reproducibles in this book.
Table of Contents