Vera the Mistress. Валентина Басан. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Валентина Басан
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 2020
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a moment. It will be served.

      Two years have passed since then. And now Vera was also clutching a bottle of dry red vine in her kitchen with icy fingers. She was still in her memories.

      Chapter 3

      Vera moved to a new apartment on Sadovoye, which was rented by Oleg, as they say, without noise and dust. She didn't need any help from the movers, just called a taxi and went down to the first floor with two suitcases on wheels.

      – Which airport are we going to? – the taxi driver took the phone to turn on the navigator.

      – Tsvetnoy Boulevard, please, further I will show, – the girl closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the passenger seat.

      Moving from one rented apartment to another is a good thing, but sad. On the one hand, you change the environment, streets, shops, make new neighbors and acquaintances, explore nearby attractions. On the other hand, you feel like an eternal wanderer, who moves from one guest to another with the feeling that it is still not home, not home.

      Parents, when they heard the news of the move on the phone, were as happy as children. Mom, judging by the sobs, was crying with joy, and dad kept repeating what a good girl his daughter was. Saying that she had received a promotion at work, Vera reassured her parents that she would not have to pay more for housing, saying that this is a corporate apartment and she will live here, for the time being, she sighed while she holds this position. Verochka immediately transferred to her parents' card forty thousand rubles, which she had to pay for a month to the owner of the previous home and told them to buy a new washing machine, and the old one almost did not twist anything.

      Vera very quickly put her things in the closet, put her shoes in the hall, and took her cosmetics to the bathroom. A couple of favorite books were already on the shelf by the sofa.

      The window view looked out on the park, and it must be beautiful in spring, she thought as she wrapped her warm housecoat around her. The rain beat at the windows with anger and fury and the wind tore off the last, most persistent yellow-brown leaves.

      Vera dialed Oleg in the late afternoon.

      – Olezhek, hi. My love, I moved. Yes, the apartment is beautiful. I liked the view very much. Yes, good. What time? Of course, I'll wait.

      Oleg arrived exactly an hour later than promised. Vera went mad with joy and happiness. She laughed and kissed such dear and beloved lips, eyes, hands, inhaled the smell of his skin and hair, admired his profile. Even when he left the room, closing the door, Vera had a little ache in the back of her head and somewhere in the area of her heart, but she quickly drove the pain and fear deep beyond the limits of her boundless love.

      She now understood why he often left the room when he saw an incoming call. Previously, she thought that he was talking about business issues and just did not want Vera to hear about money or partners, but now she understood who he was talking to, talking, and will talk to. He probably calms her down, tells her that there is a traffic jam, that there are a lot of papers to read and sign at work, that you need to meet a partner who has flown in from a different time zone.

      – Cat, why are you so sad?

      Vera sat there thinking, fighting the pain and fear that had crept up her throat again like two huge snakes, and she didn't notice him come back into the room.

      "It's all right. Oh, how did you fly? How was your trip?

      – You know, great, held two meetings, signed one pre-contract for the opening of a representative office in Milan, and even managed to go shopping.

      Oleg set the glass on a low glass table and opened a leather travel bag.

      – Kitty, I'm coming to you straight from the airport, so after 40-45 minutes I'm leaving. I must show myself at home. So I won't stay with you, but tomorrow, I think I will. But I'll check the time. This is a gift for you from Milan.

      Vera held in the palm of her hand the most recognizable box of the most recognizable turquoise-azure color in the world. With trembling hands, the girl opened the package, light splashed into her eyes. Vera picked up the chain on which hung a diamond pendant in the form of a heart and sparkled as if it was a real star in the frame. She put on the necklace and stroked the heart with her hand as if trying to warm a cold, lifeless stone.

      "Like it?"

      "Of course, my love! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

      Vera threw herself on the neck of Oleg, who did not even have time to close and put the bag back on the floor.

      Two of the snakes raised their heads and hissed, pulling out their hideous stings. The bag contained the exact same box, the same size, and the exact same brand of the most recognizable color in the world. She was willing to bet that the box contained the exact same diamond heart that glittered on the body with the fire of a star.

      Oleg calmly closed the bag, put it on the floor, and drew his mistress to him.

      Chapter 4

      It had been a long time since Vera had seen the second Tiffany gift wrap in his bag.

      She decided to teach her lover to be more attentive and did not pick up the phone for several days. But it turned out that she tortured herself, sobbed and washed down the pain with wine. On the third day, Oleg rang the doorbell and picked up the emaciated, half-fainting, and drunk Verusha in his arms. She was barely breathing, and the pulse in her neck was visible next to the blue vein through the tissue paper of her skin. On the white face, there was no blood, Oleg grabbed his mistress in his arms and called the doctor.

      – Oleg, who is this?

      A friend and part-time family doctor had been looking at his classmate's scared face.

      – Today, this is a friend, mmm, a good friend of mine, – Oleg paused, he did not know what else to say. This was the first time he had been in this situation. Wincing at the unnecessary difficulties and problems, the man feverishly thought about how to get rid of these painful relationships, which have acquired a completely different turn from what he expected.

      The previous Larisa, he called her Lala, lived with him for three years, happy and in love, she parted with Oleg easily and simply in one day, as they met. Lala was a tall, slender brunette with a sense of humor and a great mind. She understood that she could use Oleg's connections to the maximum, so giving him her body and variety in bed, Lala at the same time received a credit line for her own nail salon without collateral and at a minimum interest rate. He still wished her a happy birthday for old times ' sake, and she jokingly sent him photos of her bare breast. Deeply in his heart, Oleg missed Lala and her cheerful disposition, but then when he met Verochka, he completely forgot about the chatterbox and the giggler. Verusha was an elegant, thin, fragile girl. Those who did not know her origin and simple roots took her for a lady of high society, a girl of blue blood.

      Oleg at first was so carried away that he moved her to the apartment that he rented for Lala. But fainting, starvation, and unconsciousness were not part of his plan.

      "Man, I don't want to spoil your mood, but your friend is pregnant.

      Oleg's temples throbbed.

      "Tolik, what do you mean?"!

      "What are you doing, little one?" You don't know how to get pregnant. The egg matures with sexual…

      "Come on! Are you kidding me?

      – No, you're kidding! You bring me an unconscious girl with signs of alcohol poisoning, starvation, dehydration, and a nine-week period and yell at me. My shift ended three hours ago, at exactly 21: 00. Can I go home, and the nurse will write a referral for tests and registration?

      – Stop! Roofing! What are you doing? What is the account?! Sorry! Sorry, friend, – Oleg from excitement began to stutter and drawl words, – I can't register it, Ara will find out, I'm finished, Arina and I are finished.

      The doctor took off his robe and sat on the leather sofa in the office. He rubbed his tired eyes for a long time, then sighed and asked:

      – Oleg, what do you want from me?

      The lover hesitated