This book, then, should be understood as a study in social democratic political theory that reconstructs the questions asked by the first generation of social democrats in order to pose those questions in a way that might be useful to the democratic Left today.7 Its medium is the political thought of Jean Jaurès, a French writer and politician whose career in public life lasted from his first election to public office in 1885 to his assassination in 1914.8 Jaurès was one of many people in several countries who contributed to the birth of the reformist socialism that would grow into the tradition of social democracy. Except in France, where he is fondly remembered, Jaurès is not the best known of the early social democrats; Eduard Bernstein, his German counterpart, has received more attention.9 Studying Jaurès makes sense for my purposes, however. Like other reformists of his generation, Jaurès thought through the consequences of the social democratic commitment when those consequences were new and surprising. It seems to me that he undertook that intellectual work with exceptional vigor and creativity. He also did so with exceptional prominence: in a way Bernstein never did, Jaurès became an international spokesman for the new reformism; indeed, “Jaurèsism” was one of the first names for social democracy.10
In some ways, Jaurès was a representative member of the first generation of social democrats, albeit a particularly vocal and prolific one. He also contributed something unique to the new politics. Jaurès was unusual among his contemporaries in that he was not only a journalist and a parliamentarian, but also a historian and a philosopher, distinguished by the uncommon breadth of his curiosity and intellectual aptitudes. Although he never wrote a systematic statement of his ideas—in itself a suggestive fact—he thought broadly about both the outward and the inward consequences of social democratic commitments. Best of all, he wrote blazing prose and gave intricate and soaring speeches. These traits have sometimes been seen as faults. I want to suggest, however, that Jaurès’s writerly prowess should be seen not as a quirk of temperament, but as an indication of the kind of political thinking appropriate to social democracy.
Irving Howe, who knew something about both rhetoric and social democracy, wrote: “It has been customary in radical circles to praise Jaurès as a brilliant personality, a scintillating orator, a fine leader, but to condescend a little toward his intellectual powers, often because he was far from Marxist orthodoxy. But time is a cruel teacher. Many of the clogged Marxist tracts of theoreticians allegedly more profound than Jaurès are now all but unreadable, while his writings, for all their oratorical quality, retain a clear vision of the indissoluble link between democracy and socialism.”11
I would go only slightly farther than Howe: Jaurès’s works convey something about the link between democracy and socialism because of their oratorical quality and because of the poetic mood of his oratory. Theory can be allied with rhetoric, ideas with imagery, and when citizens talk with one another, this alliance is not only possible but also indispensable. When we aim to illuminate a shared moral world, we need words that touch the intangible: we need symbols. When we aim to move listeners to political commitment, or to give an account of such commitments, we need models of speech other than those we associate with scientific discovery and technological invention.12 Because Jaurès’s works were elements of his own thoughtful engagement in the democratic politics of his time, they pursue those aims, they meet those needs, and they rely on that alliance. That is no small part of why they remain useful today.
Accordingly, this book reflects on the social democratic tradition by presenting and interpreting the political thought of Jean Jaurès both because he is representative of social democracy’s founders and because he has something unusual and valuable to say. Although it resembles a work of intellectual history, it attempts to project the lines of Jaurès’s thought beyond his own situation; its purpose is as much rumination as exposition. I am concerned with what Jaurès said because I want to figure out what his political thought might mean now. To that end, I write with an eye toward how Jaurès thought; I try to show the process by which he responded to concrete political problems as much as I try to show what his responses were.
Thus, although I try to explain enough about Jaurès’s life to put his thought in its proper context, I offer no full-fledged biography of Jaurès, nor even an intellectual biography, no history of the socialist movement in the France or Europe of his time, nor an account of Jaurès’s historical legacy or influence on later generations. I also offer no apology for social democracy itself. Instead, I write here as a “connected critic” of social democracy; I start from the assumption that social democratic politics is worth practicing and worth thinking about.13
With that in mind, I look at Jaurès’s political thought in order to explore certain questions, thinking with and alongside Jaurès in order to discover what he has to say to us today, at a time when the social democratic tradition seems unsure of its way forward. I ask, what follows from the decision to engage in social democratic politics? What account can those who make this decision give of what they are doing? What tends to trouble them, and how can they think clearly and usefully about those troubles?
In exploring these questions, I argue that Jaurès’s account of the public character of his politics makes a connected whole out of the principles and method that later became the hallmarks of the social democratic tradition. Jaurès was able to give this account of social democracy’s outer life in part because he drew on the vocabulary and imagery of classical political thought. When he uses the word “republic” to describe his political commitments, he is expressing an understanding of reformist socialism that is not peculiarly French. Social democracy, though a distinctively modern tradition, is also a tradition that can be best accounted for by drawing on certain premodern resources. And no one can show us the republican—or, to use the equivalent Greek-rooted word, the political—quality of social democracy better than Jaurès.14
What I have found most interesting in Jaurès’s writings and speeches, however, are those points at which his thought becomes murkier. Jaurès is not shy about revealing the inner life of social democracy, but his account of that inner life is not entirely consistent, and when he spoke to his contemporaries, he at times contradicted himself. Jaurès wants to understand what can motivate a political tradition that does not expect to fully realize its ideals; he wants to give an account of social democratic hope. This, it seems to me, was the deepest concern of his intellectual life. That his account of this hope never became entirely clear may have been less a failure on his part than a feature of the problem he faced.
The subsequent chapters are a reading of several of Jaurès’s major writings and speeches.15 These span the years from his young adulthood to the end of his life and are situated in the context of French and European socialist politics and the events of Jaurès’s own life, with occasional, briefer references to other writings or speeches by Jaurès or his contemporaries.16 Because how Jaurès says things is important to what I want to show about his political thought—and also because so few of his writings have been translated into English17—I often quote