Clear Light of Bliss. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781910368046
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       Illusory Body

       Clear Light and Union

       Resultant Mahamudra


       Appendix I The Condensed Meaning of the Text

       Appendix II Sadhanas

       Liberating Prayer

       Prayers of Request to the Mahamudra Lineage Gurus

       The Yoga of Buddha Heruka

       Condensed Six-session Yoga

       Appendix III The Visualized Letters



       Study Programmes of Kadampa Buddhism

       Tharpa Offices Worldwide



      Je Tsongkhapa

      Togden Jampel Gyatso

      Baso Chokyi Gyaltsen

      Drubchen Dharmavajra

      Gyalwa Ensapa

      Khedrub Sangye Yeshe

      Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen

      Drubchen Gendun Gyaltsen

      Drungpa Tsondru Gyaltsen

      Konchog Gyaltsen

      Panchen Losang Yeshe

      Losang Trinlay

      Drubwang Losang Namgyal

      Kachen Yeshe Gyaltsen

      Phurchog Ngawang Jampa

      Panchen Palden Yeshe

      Khedrub Ngawang Dorje

      Ngulchu Dharmabhadra

      Yangchen Drubpay Dorje

      Khedrub Tenzin Tsondru

      Je Phabongkhapa Trinlay Gyatso

      Dorjechang Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe

      Dorjechang Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche (included at the request of faithful disciples)

      Tantric commitment objects

Image of Yongdzin Lingtsang seal


      OM Bliss and Excellence

      With great respect and devotion I rely upon Losang Dragpa,

      Who alone is the precious eyes for countless migrators,

      A manifestation of the wisdom of countless omniscient Buddhas,

      And holder of three immaculate sets of vows.

      This excellent commentary on the joyous Mahamudra

      Derived from churning the essence of the ocean of Tantric scriptures

      That arose from the heart of this most precious Spiritual Guide

      Is published with a pure wish to benefit migrators.

      Through its publication may all three worlds be beautified

      By the infinite benefits of happiness that arise

      From the excellent, impeccable teachings and practices of Losang Dragpa,

      Whose treasure-like tradition of the Conqueror resembles a wish-granting jewel.

      May all the beings and communities following Buddhadharma remain for a long time, and increase in their activities,

      May all Sangha members maintain pure discipline and increase their beneficial actions,

      May all sickness, war, famine and afflictions be pacified,

      And may everyone in this world enjoy happiness, joy and good fortune.

      Throughout all their lives, may all beings throughout space

      Never be separated from precious Spiritual Guides.

      Like a waxing moon, may everything excellent increase in accordance with Dharma,

      And may everyone swiftly attain the ultimate enlightenment of Vajradhara.

      I am very happy to learn that Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has given extensive teachings on Secret Mantra based on Protector Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa’s great treatises and on other authentic commentaries on Mahamudra, including the first Panchen Lama’s root text.

      May these teachings, originally given at Manjushri Centre in England and now made available in this book, Clear Light of Bliss, be a source of great happiness and immeasurable benefit to all human beings of this world.

      May virtue and excellence increase.

      Yongdzin Ling Rinpoche

      In 1980, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave an extensive commentary to Vajrayana Mahamudra to the fortunate students of Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in Ulverston, England. We pray that through studying these nectar-like instructions and attempting to put them into practice sincerely, we can in some small way begin to repay the immeasurable kindness of our most precious Spiritual Guide and Vajrayana Spiritual Guide.

      Not satisfied merely with giving the teaching, out of his immeasurable kindness Geshe Kelsang then worked closely with his translator and a team of editors to prepare the transcript for publication under the title, Clear Light of Bliss. For this incomparable book, the like of which has never before been seen in this world, we offer heartfelt thanks to the author.

      We also thank all the dedicated, senior Dharma students who assisted the author with the rendering of the English and who prepared the final manuscript for publication.

      Roy Tyson,

      Administrative Director,

      Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre,

      May 1992.

      I have written this book primarily for the benefit of Western Dharma practitioners with the hope that indirectly it will prove beneficial for all living beings.

      As for how it was composed, I have based it on the slight experience I have gained through the kindness of my holy Spiritual Guide from whom I received instructions on the generation stage and completion stage of Secret Mantra. In addition, I have drawn material from Je Tsongkhapa’s Lamp Thoroughly Illuminating the Five Stages, which contains the quintessence of Je Tsongkhapa’s Tantric teachings, and also from Je Tsongkhapa’s commentary to the Six Yogas of Naropa. I have also consulted the first Panchen Lama’s root text on the Mahamudra, The Main Path of the Conquerors, and his autocommentary, Lamp of Re-illumination, as well as the Mahamudra texts of Kachen Yeshe Gyaltsen and Keutsang, and many other authentic works on Secret Mantra. Because I have incorporated the teachings of such great Masters, there is some reason to hope that this present book will be of considerable benefit.

      To attain pure realizations of Mahamudra, it is not sufficient merely to read these instructions. First we must train in the stages of the path common to both Sutra and Tantra by relying upon texts such as Joyful Path of Good Fortune, and practise the various preliminaries so as to remove obstacles and accumulate merit. When we have some experience of renunciation, bodhichitta, and wisdom realizing emptiness, we should receive a Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment from a qualified Vajrayana Spiritual Guide and then strive to keep our vows and commitments purely. We should then train in generation stage practices and, once we have some experience of these, we should request a qualified Vajra Spiritual Guide to give us instructions on Vajrayana Mahamudra. If we then put these instructions