target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_03689a33-0203-5cd7-bfaf-42bddb8d69bf.jpg" alt="a3k"/> starts slightly delayed and does the same drill.
- After they have shot, the players run back to the starting point as fast as possible (they should pick up the handballs lying around) and repeat the drill until no handballs are left in the ball box (about 25 to 30 shots).
Course B: (red)
- starts from the center, dribbles around the left cone, keeps dribbling until he arrives the wing position, and shoots.
- Since the goalkeeper must cover a longer distance now, must time his start accordingly (by the time the player shoots, the goalkeeper should be in a proper position).
- Repeat until no handballs are left or until the players have shot 25 to 30 times.
Course C: (green)
- starts from the center, dribbles around the left cone, dynamically dribbles towards the center, and makes a jump shot.
- Immediately before shoots, starts the same drill.
- Repeat until no handballs are left or until the players have shot 25 to 30 times.
The players should run around the cones and approach the goal in a highly dynamic manner.
No. 10 Series of shots at defined targets
Category: Series of shots at the goal
Minimum number of players: 7
Difficulty level:
Equipment required: 1 large vaulting box, 2 cones, 1 deck of playing cards, 1 handball per player
- Put two piles of cards upside down on top of the large vaulting box.
- The shooting corridor is defined with two cones.
- Each card suit is assigned a goal corner.
- starts and flips the first card (A).
- dribbles towards the cones and shoots at the goal (B and C). tries to hit the corner assigned to the card suit. If succeeds, he gets three points for his team. If hits one of the other corners, he gets one point for his team. If he does not hit the goal at all, he does not get a point.
- Afterwards, runs back to his team (D) and starts (E and F).
- Which team gets the most points with their pile of cards?
No. 11 Series of shots with coordination exercise
Category: Series of shots at the goal
Minimum number of players: 7
Difficulty level:
Equipment required: 8 cones, 1 balance bench, 6 hoops, 1 small vaulting box, 2 ball boxes with sufficient number of handballs
- Position the small vaulting box, bench, hoops, and cones as shown in the figure.
- Make two teams (shooters left and right). Each team has a ball box containing the same number of handballs.
- starts with a ball, dribbles towards the small vaulting box, and crosses it, still dribbling (A). Then he crosses the bench while bouncing the ball on the floor next to the bench (B).
- dribbles a slalom around the cones (C), bounces the ball into each hoop once (D), picks up the ball, and shoots from the left wing position (E).
- Once has arrived the hoops, the goalkeeper runs towards the coach, touches the handball the coach is holding, and finally gets in position for the shot from the wing position (F).
- If scores, he fetches the ball and puts it into the ball box of the other team. If misses, he puts the ball into his own team’s ball box. lines up again.
- starts the same drill once has left the bench; however, after crossing the bench, he runs to the right side and shoots from the right wing position.
- Which team has fewer handballs in their box after the time is up?
The players should do the coordination exercises in a concentrated manner and – if possible – without making mistakes; the players should speed up only after they have gained more and more confidence.
The coach holds the handball for the goalkeeper (F) in different positions – up, down, left, or right so that the goalkeeper must react accordingly.
Consider playing two rounds and changing the sides.