Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies. Melissa Corkhill. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Melissa Corkhill
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Self-Sufficiency
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781504800419
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state of the world. Choose to read something inspirational or watch an uplifting film instead.

      Meditation can be very beneficial in ensuring good mental health and you may find that regular practice helps to improve concentration and memory. Your general mood should lift, sleep will be deeper and more regular and problems will seem less insurmountable. Bach Flower Remedies have been specially formulated to treat emotional disorders. The blend of five flower essences, Rescue Remedy is a good place to start as it can be used to treat so many differing conditions. Use it when you are feeling low or anxious.


      A dependence on a substance such as alcohol or nicotine. Physical withdrawal symptoms can include craving, mood swings and depression. Try using anti-depressant oils such as camomile, ylang ylang and clary sage. A few drops of each can be added to a carrier oil such as organic sweet almond oil. Use this to massage into your arms, chest and legs. It can also be added to a warm bath for an uplifting treat. Also, you might like to add a few drops of clary sage to your cuffs and collar when getting dressed to help you carry the scent with you and allow you to feel the effects all day long. Oats are a useful remedy for helping you to strengthen your willpower when letting something go from your life. They also have a calming effect on the mind. Make oat water (see page 30) and drink three times a day.


      Oat water

      Mentally this is good for strengthening willpower, and physically it can be used to treat the symptoms of diarrhoea and cystitis.

      ▸ 1 tbsp oats

      ▸ 1 cup of water

      1. Combine the oats and water in a bowl, stir and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

      2. Stir again and strain the mixture through a muslin cloth.

      3. Drink the resulting the liquid. The muslin cloth containing the oats can be tied and used as a bath bag to soothe the skin and also to calm the mind and aid more restful sleep.



      A state of fear or apprehension that can become constant. It is associated with depression and causes symptoms such as sweaty palms, rapid pulse, breathlessness, headaches and loss of appetite. Oat can be used as a gentle nerve tonic. Eat porridge for breakfast to benefit from their effects. Also try oat water (above). This tonic can be taken three times a day to help you get over challenging times. Use Rescue Remedy during panic attacks. Place a few drops on the tongue or rub into the pulse points.


      Often triggered by a stressful life event, depression is a feeling of despondency and unhappiness that lasts for a long time. Some women experience this after childbirth, when it is known as Post Natal Depression. Borage (also known as starflower) is recognised for its uplifting properties. A tincture can be made from the bright blue flowers.


      Borage tincture

      This tincture can help to lift the spirits when everything seems hopeless.

      ▸ A handful of borage flowers

      ▸ 200 ml (7 fl oz) alcohol, such as organic vodka or brandy

      ▸ 100 ml (3½ fl oz) water

      1. Place the borage flowers in a large glass jar with a well-fitting lid.

      2. Cover with the alcohol and water.

      3. Replace the lid and leave to infuse for two weeks, gently shaking from time to time.

      4. Strain the mixture though a muslin cloth, retaining the liquid. Bottle the tincture and store.

      5. To drink, add 1 tsp to a glass of water.

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      Nurturing tea

      Try this calming, nurturing tea when you are feeling low.

      ▸ Motherwort

      ▸ Lemon Balm

      1. Pick equal amounts of Motherwort and Lemon Balm. Spread on a baking tray and leave in a warm, dry place for a week.

      2. Once dried, crumble into a glass jar and store.

      3. To drink, place 2 tsp of the dried herbs into a cup. Fill with boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Strain and drink.



      This refers to the inability to sleep or disturbance of sleep patterns. Can be caused by emotional stress, worry and exhaustion. Excess caffeine, rich food and alcohol can also play a part in disturbed sleep patterns. There are plenty of suggestions for helping the mind to rest before sleep but one of the most effective is to keep a notepad by the bed and to jot down whatever is occupying the mind before sleep. I find that this can act as a sort of internal brain cleanse; getting everything out and onto paper so that my mind is ready to let go and go to sleep. A short yoga practice using calming poses such as shoulder stand followed by a relaxation listening to Yoga Nidra can also help to promote restful sleep. Yoga Nidra is known as the yogic sleep and is deeply relaxing to the mind and body. It is a great way to settle before drifting off at night. You can also use the power of mustard and take a hot footbath before bed to help calm the mind (see recipe on page 62). The mustard draws blood away from the head, aiding relaxation.

      Herbal bath bag

      Make this herbal bath bag for a soak just before bed, which should help you get a good night’s rest.

      ▸ 1 tbsp each of dried camomile flowers, dried lavender flowers and oats

      1. Take a 30 cm (11¾ in) square of muslin and lay it out flat.

      2. Place the dried flowers and oats in the centre of the muslin square. Gather up the corners and tie with string to secure.

      3. Place in a warm bath and relax.

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      Memory loss

      Also known as amnesia, this is a partial or complete memory loss, caused by a physical or mental disease or sometimes from a physical trauma such as a blow to the head. While anyone experiencing memory loss should consult a medical professional, rosemary can help to refresh the memory in minor cases when use in cooking or make a herbal tea. Place a small handful of chopped rosemary into a cup, cover with boiling water, leave to infuse for ten minutes. Strain and then drink. Enjoy as needed (up to three cups) throughout the day.

      Obsessive compulsive disorder

      An obsession to perform a certain ritual. This can be something as simple as repeated hand washing or repeated checking