Learning Mandarin Chinese Characters Volume 2. Yi Ren. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Yi Ren
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462919239
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       VOLUME 2

      YI REN

      TUTTLE Publishing

       Tokyo | Rutland, Vermont | Singapore

      I would like to dedicate this book to my children:

       Lillian, Sandra and Justinian

      Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd


      Copyright © 2017 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd

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      Photo page 6: Wikimedia Commons

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      ISBN: 978-0-8048-4494-9; ISBN: 978-1-4629-1923-9 (ebook)

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       Some Tips on Learning Mandarin Chinese Characters

       1 Happy Birthday 祝你生日快乐

       号 hào number

       快 kuài fast

       乐 lè/yuè happy/music

       迎 yíng welcome

       始 shǐ begin

       介 jiè introduce

       送 sòng send off

       给 gěi give

       您 nín you (polite)

       贵 guì honorable

       姓 xìng one’s family name

       最 zuì most

       Word Practice

       Exercise Set 1

       2 My Family 我的一家

       哥 gēi older brother

       弟 dì younger brother

       妹 mèi younger sister

       丈 zhàng husband

       妻 qī wife

       孩 hái child

       男 nán male

       常 cháng often

       玩 wán to play

       笑 xiào smile

       房 fáng house

       Word Practice

       Exercise Set 2

       3 What Do You Like to Eat? 你喜欢吃什么?

       鱼 yú fish

       羊 yáng lamb

       牛 niú cow

       鸡 jī chicken

       咖 kā/gā coffee/curry

       瓜 guā melon

       已 yǐ already

       也 yě also

       要 yào/yāo will/request

       还 hái still

       完 wán finish

       真 zhēn real

       Word Practice

       Exercise Set 3

       4 In School 在学校

       课 kè class

       题 tí subject

       门 mén door

       考 kǎo to test

       教 jiào to teach

       问 wèn to ask

       答 dá to answer

       懂 dǒng understand

       错 cuò mistake

       外 wài outside

       知 zhī to know

       准 zhǔn allow

       帮 bāng assist

       Word Practice

       Exercise Set 4

       5 Where is the Store? 商店在哪里?

       找 zhǎo to find

       它 tā it

       可 kě may

       向 xiàng towards

       左 zuǒ left

       右 yòu right

       旁 páng other

       进 jìn enter

       告 gào to tell

       Word Practice

       Exercise Set 5

       6 Colorful Clothing 五颜六色的衣服

       颜 yán color

       红 hóng red

       白 bái white

       黑 hēi black

       得 dé gain

       穿 chuān to wear

       件 jiàn measure word for things

       张 zhāng open