Japanese Kanji Made Easy. Michael L. Kluemper. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael L. Kluemper
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462914944
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      め is the ME in raMEn, and is long, curvy, and delicious like the ぬ in noodles.


      も is like し, but like with one MO’ notch on the hook for one MO’ fish having been caught.


      や is a hippo making a large YAwn.


      ゆ is Uncle Sam moving his hand up, around, and at you, saying, “I want YOU.”


      よ is like a hand signal for someone who says “YO!”


      ら is shaped like the base of the ear and the side of the face of a RAccoon.


      り is like the end of a juicy rib ready for the gRIll.


      る is like the letter “r” with a lOOp on the end.


      れ is shaped like a leg (the Japanese might say “REg”) with a foot at the end.


      ろ is like the letter “r” with an Open curl on the end.


      わ is shaped somewhat like an ancient haniWA horse sculpture.


      を is shaped like a man jumping Over an obstacle.


      ん, while shaped somewhat more like an h, is a tall “n”, often used as an eNding sound.

      Kana Combinations (hiragana • katakana)

KYA きゃ・キャ KYU きゅ・キュ KYO きょ・キョ
SHA しゃ・シャ SHU しゅ・シュ SHO しょ・ショ
CHA ちゃ・チャ CHU ちゅ・チュ CHO ちょ・チョ
NYA にゃ・ニャ NYU にゅ・ニュ NYO にょ・ニョ
HYA ひゃ・ヒャ HYU ひゅ・ヒュ HYO ひょ・ヒョ
MYA みゃ・ミャ MYU みゅ・ミュ MYO みょ・ミョ
RYA りゃ・リャ RYU りゅ・リュ RYO りょ・リョ

      カタカナ KATAKANA


      ア looks like a dArt.


      イ is one of many pEople you will see in this book.


      ウ is like a tOOl that could be used to lOOsen a nut.


      エ looks like an “H” on its side and is pronounced with the beginning sound of this letter (EHch).


      オ has an (Opening at the bottom that could close soon.


      カ wields lots of power just like the kanji 力.


      キ looks like it could go on a KEY ring along with the hiragana き.


      ク is shaped like a quiz (KUizu in Japanese) paper that has just been graded.


      ケ is like KElp, a seaweed eaten quite often by Japanese.


      コ looks like a COmb that’s missing its teeth.


      サ is the American English pronunciation for the first part of the word sock (“ SAck”).


      シ has marks similar to a capital letter “ E”.


      ス is for the SUit that goes with this bowtie.