Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Tuttle Reference Dictionaries
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462917587
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      cellular adj 1 细胞的 xìbāo de 2 移动电话的 yídòng diànhuà de

      cellular phone See cell phone

      cellulite n 皮下脂肪 pí xià zhīfáng

      celluloid n(早期)电影的 (zǎoqī) diànyǐng de

      cellulose n 纤维素 xiānwéisù

      Celsius n See C

      cement I n 1 水泥 shuǐní 2 胶合剂 jiāohéjì II v 1 涂上水泥 tú shàngshuǐ ní 2 巩固 gǒnggù

      cemetery n 公墓 gōngmù, 墓地 mùdì

      censor I v 审查 shěnchá II n 审查人员 shěnchá rényuán

      censorship n 审查 shěnchá, 审查制度 shěnchá zhìdù

      censure v 正式批评 zhèngshì pīpíng, 公开谴责 gōngkāi qiǎnzé

      census n 人口普查 rénkǒu pǔchá

      cent n [钱] 分 [qián] fēn □ Would you pick up a five cent coin if you saw one? 你要是看到一枚五分的钱币会弯腰捡起来吗?Nǐ yàoshì kàndao yì méi wǔfēn de qiánbì huì wānyāo jiǎnqǐlai ma?

      centennial, centenary n 一百周年 yìbǎi zhōunián, 一百周年纪念 yìbǎi zhōunián jìniàn

      center n 中间 zhōngjiān, 中心 zhōngxīn □ In the center of his huge garden is a fountain. 他大花园的中心是一座喷泉。Tā dà huāyuán de zhōngxīn shì yí zuò pēnquán.

      center of gravity 重心 zhòngxīn

      shopping center 购物中心 gòuwù zhōngxīn

      center field n(棒球)中外场 (bàngqiú) zhōngwài­chǎng

      centerfold n(杂志中页的)裸女照片 (zázhì zhōng yè de) luǒnǚ zhàopiàn

      centerpiece n 1 餐桌中央的装饰品 cānzhuō zhōngyāng de zhuāngshìpǐn 2 最重要的部分 zuì zhòngyào de bùfen

      Centigrade n 摄氏 Shèshì

      centimeter n 厘米 límǐ, 公分 gōngfēn □ One centimeter is one hundredth of a meter. 一厘米是百分之一米。(→ 一公分是百分之一公尺。)Yì límǐ shì bǎifēnzhī yī mǐ. (→ Yì gōngfēn shì bǎifēnzhī yī gōngchǐ.)

      centipede n 百足虫 bǎizúchóng, 蜈蚣 wúgong

      central adj 中心的 zhōngxīn de, 中央的 zhōngyāng de

      (New York) Central Park(纽约)中央公园 (Niǔyuē) zhōngyāng gōngyuán

      party central 聚会场所 jùhuì chǎngsuǒ

      century n 世纪 shìjì □ Did the 21st century start in the year 2000 or 2001? 二十一世纪是从二〇〇〇年开始,还是从二〇〇一年开始?Èrshíyī shìjì shì cóng èrlínglínglíng nián kāishǐ, háishì cóng èrlínglíngyāo nián kāishǐ?

      CEO (= Chief of Executive Officer) abbrev 首席执行官 shǒuxí zhíxíngguān [m. wd 位 wèi], 总经理 zǒngjīnglǐ [m. wd 位 wèi]

      ceramics n 陶瓷器(制作)táocíqì (zhìzuò)

      cereal n 早餐谷物食品 zǎocān gǔwù shípǐn, 麦片 màipiàn

      cerebral adj 1 大脑的 dànǎo de 2 需要大脑思考的 xūyào dànǎo sīkǎo de, 深奥的 shēn’ào de

      ceremonial adj 礼仪的 lǐyí de, 典礼的 diǎnlǐ de

      ceremony n 仪式 yíshì, 典礼 diǎnlǐ □ The graduation ceremony will be held in the school auditorium next Monday. 毕业典礼下周一在学校礼堂举行。Bìyè diǎnlǐ xià zhōuyī zài xuéxiào lǐtáng jǔxíng.

      marriage ceremony 结婚仪式 jiéhūn yíshì

      master of ceremony 司仪 sīyí

      certain adj 1 肯定的 kěndìng de □ I’m certain that we’ll win the game. 我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。Wǒ kěndìng wǒmen néng yíng zhè chǎng bǐsài. □ It’s almost certain that he will be the new principal. 他几乎肯定会当新校长。Tā jīhū kěndìng huì dāng xīn xiàozhǎng. 2 某个 mǒu ge, 某些 mǒuxiē □ In certain places in the world you have to bribe officials to get things done. 在世界上某些地方你得贿赂官员才能办事。Zài shìjièshang mǒuxiē dìfang nǐ děi huìlù guānyuán cái néng bànshì.

      certainly adv 1 肯定 kěndìng □ I will certainly keep you in­formed. 我肯定会把情况通告你。Wǒ kěndìng huì bǎ qíng­kuàng tōnggào nǐ. 2 当然 dāngrán □ “Will you share your findings with me?” “Certainly!”“你会让我分享你的发现吗?” “当然会!”“Nǐ huì ràng wǒ fēnxiǎng nǐ de fāxiàn ma?” “Dāngrán huì!”

      certainty n 确定性 quèdìngxìng, 确定的事 quèdìng de shì

      to say with (any) certainty 确切地说 quèqiè de shuō

      certifiable adj 1 可以证明的 kěyǐ zhèngmíng de 2 可以通过的 kěyǐ tōngguò de

      certificate n 证书 zhèngshū [m. wd 份 fèn/张 zhāng], 证明 zhèngmíng [m. wd 份 fèn/张 zhāng]

      birth certificate 出生证 chūshēngzhèng

      certificate of deposit 存款单 cúnkuǎndān

      death certificate 死亡证 sǐwángzhèng

      marriage certificate 结婚证 jiéhūnzhèng

      certification n 证书 zhèngshū [m. wd 份 fèn/张 zhāng], 合格证 hégézhèng [m. wd 份 fèn/张 zhāng]

      certified adj 1 完成专业培训的 wánchéng zhuānyè péixùn de, 合格的 hégé de

      certified public accountant 合格的开业会计 hégé de kāiyè kuàijì, 执业会计 zhíyè kuàijì 2 被核准的 bèi hézhǔn de

      certified check 保付支票 bǎofù zhīpiào

      a certified copy 经鉴定核准的副本 jīng jiàndìng hézhǔn de fùběn

      certified mail 挂号邮件 guàhào yóujìan, 保送邮件 bǎosòng yóujiàn

      certify v 正式证明 zhèngshì zhèngmíng

      cervical adj 子宫颈的 zǐgōngjǐng de

      cervical cancer 子宫颈癌 zǐgōngjǐng ái

      cervix n 子宫颈 zǐgōngjǐng

      cessation n 停止 tíngzhǐ, 中断 zhōngduàn

      cesspool n 污秽的场所 wūhuì de chǎngsuǒ

      chafe v 恼火 nǎohuǒ, 焦躁 jiāozào
