bongsu (bongsu) youngest born; familiar name for youngest in the family
boosiong (busung) bloated-stomach affliction
bopeng (bopeng) pock-marked
borak (borak) fib; lies
boria (boria) minstrels or singers; bands of serenaders who visit houses of prominent citizens to sing and entertain
borong (borong) to buy up the whole of a lot; in the lump
boros (boros) extravagant
■ memboros tendency to extravagance
bosa SEE bolsa
bota SEE sumbu bota
botak (botak) bald
■ botak lichin bald and smooth
botan [牡丹] peony
boto SEE botol
boto pau [袍] the long costume of the groom in the traditional Baba wedding
botol / boto (botol) bottle
botor (botor) SEE kachang
botot botot SEE bobotot
Boyan (Boyan) general term for people from the Bawean island, Indonesia
brani / berani (berani) bravery; to dare; bold
■ brani mati foolhardy; fearless of death
breng-breng (bereng-bereng) the small brass gong held by the pair of young pages at the traditional Baba wedding procession
brenia / brenya (remenia) SEE buah brenia
brenya SEE brenia
brinio (merinyu) police inspector
bu [武] to exert physically
bu ge [武 藝] skill in martial arts
buah (buah) fruit
■ buah ang ki [紅柿] persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
■ buah anggor grape
■ buah bachang horse mango (fruit of Mangifera foetida)
■ buah belimbing belimbing (fruit of Averrhoa blimbi)
■ buah binjay fruit of the Mangifera caesia
■ buah brenia a small round acid fruit from the Bouea macrophylla tree
■ buah chermela a small acid fruit (Cicca acida)
■ buah cherry a small round fruit containing tiny seeds of Mexican origin introduced only in the 20th century
■ buah chiku sapodilla fruit (Achras zapota)
■ buah delima pomegranate (Punica granatum)
■ buah duku / luku a local fruit belonging to the Lansium domesticum species
■ buah duku-langsat a fruit that is a cross between the duku and the langsat fruits
■ buah juat-juat a langsat-like fruit which is red when unripe and purplish when ripe
■ buah kechapi fruit of the sentol variety (Sandoricum koetjape)
■ buah kelondong great hog plum (Spondias cythera)
■ buah kelondong makan nasik a variety of hog plum normally eaten with rice as an appetiser
■ buah kelondong padi a variety of hog plum normally eaten with rice as an appetiser
■ buah kelor the Moringa pod
■ buah keluak nut of Pangium edule
■ buah kelueh breadfruit (Artocarpus communis)
■ buah kembang semangkok seeds of the Sterculia scaphigera that expand in water
■ buah kemola starfruit (Averroa carambola)
■ buah kerair candlenut
■ buah kranji a small olive-shaped ash-coloured fruit of the Dialium species
■ buah kueni a fruit (Mangifera odorata) which resembles the horse mango
■ buah kundang / kundangan a variety of buah brenia (Bouea oppositiflora)
■ buah lai [梨] Chinese pear
■ buah laichi [蒜枝] Chinese lychee
■ buah langsat fruit of the Lansium domesticum species
■ buah lokam wild local cherry-like fruit
■ buah luku SEE buah duku
■ buah mangga mango (Mangifera indica)
■ buah mangga dodol Riau Islands variety of mango
■ buah mangga keleng Indian mango
■ buah mangga Siam Thai mango
■ buah manggis mangosteen (Garcinia mongostana)
■ buah mengkudu / sabun fruit of the Morinda species
■ buah mentega butter-fruit (Diospyros discolor)
■ buah nam-nam a sourish-bitter, kidney-shaped fruit (Cynometra cauliflora)
■ buah nangka jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
■ buah nona custard apple (Annona squamosa)
■ buah nona jantong bullock's-heart fruit (Annona reticulata)
■ buah nona kapri bullock's-heart fruit (Annona reticulata)
■ buah pala nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
■ buah paya papaya (Carica papaya)
■ buah pelaga cardamom
■ buah pulasan a fruit which resembles the rambutan but has shorter and stumpy excrescenes (Nephelium mutabile)
■ buah rambay a local fruit of the Baccaurea species
■ buah rambutan a fruit which is reddish or yellowish in colour with hairy integument (Nephelium lappaceum)
■ buah rambutan gading yellow-skinned rambutan
■ buah renjo the edible fruit of the Gnetum gnemon tree
■ buah sabun SEE buah
■ buah salak a fruit with snake-like skin (Zalacca edulis)
■ buah samak persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
■ buah sentol an edible, sourish fruit with thick skin (Sandoricum indicum)
■ buah sukun breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
■ buah susu Passiflora edulis)
■ buah tampoey fruit of Baccaurea malayana
■ buah thor [桃] Chinese peach
buah ati most loved one
buah chongkak cowrie-shells used as counters in the chongkak game
buah dadu dice
buah jambu atair meja refers to someone who does not know his standing in society
buah pelir testes
■ buah pelir kelapa hernia
■ tak buah pelir lacking manly courage; cowardly
buah pinggang kidney
buah pus testes (crude)
buah sentol, buah kechapi
kepala gondol, makan api a comic rhyme poking fun at a bald-headed person
buah tangan a small gift
buair / bual (bual)
■ berbuair to yarn; to talk