dakangan (=dangkangan) n wart, sore, boil, ulcer.
dakbangké n a species of plantain.
dakbunga n a species of plantain.
dakdak n digestion.
dakén adj shallow (=daki-an) (nakén trans); see dékén.
dakénang pass be made shallow.
dakénin pass be made shallower.
dakep intrans (nakep trans) grab sth (e.g. a fly) with the flat hand; seize, arrest.
dakepa pass be arrested.
dakepang pass be caused to be seized.
dakepdakep intrans try several times to catch a fly (dakepdakepa pass); n a species of plant.
daki L adj dirty, muddy; n dust, dregs, dirt, mud.
dakin the dust (of) (reged H).
dakin basang n anger.
dakin lima n exhaustion.
dakit intrans (makit trans) put very close.
dakitang pass be put very close.
daklanda n a species of plantain.
daksa adj capable, able.
daksari n a species of plantain.
daksina 1 K n south (kaja L) (S dakşiņa-);
daksina yana the course of the sun south of the equator.
daksina 2 (=dakşiņa) n sacrifice, offering; reward.
dal intrans hit, use (abbr of daldal).
dalan (Jav) n road, way (jalan, rurung L; marga, margi H).
dalang n the expert who manipulates the puppets and tells the story in the shadow-play (wayang).
buka dalangé nyiyatang wayang ‘like the dalang makes-fight the puppets’ =like a man who follows only his own desires.
daldal intrans hit, use.
dalekep intrans (ndalekep trans) frighten, be afraid.
dalem 1 adj deep; n the deep (sea) (ndalemang trans).
dalemang pass be made deep.
dalem 2 (Jav) intrans respect, regard (nalemin trans).
dalemin pass be respected.
dalem 3 n king; pura dalem the temple of the dead.
dalér H adv, prep north/south of (=bedalér, balér) (daja L) (see kalér).
dalet intrans (nalet trans) hit, strike, knock.
daletin pass be hit, struck.
dalih n complaint (law), claim, accusation; intrans (ndalih trans) think, have an opinion, accuse of, claim.
dalima (=delima, dlima) n pomegranate; adj dark red; mas dalima red gold.
mirah dalimai n ruby.
dalit n glue, paste plaster; caulking; intrans (nalit trans) glue, cover tightly.
dalitang pass be glued, be covered.
dalu K n night; adj dark (peteng L).
harum dalu n a flower which gives out scent at night.
tengah dalu n midnight.
daluman n a climbing plant, the leaves of which can be made into a drink.
dam n fishpond, dam (D dam).
dama intrans be of good character.
da madu n the name of the letter ḑa, dha.
damah n “mucus” (vernix) on the skin of a newborn baby.
damang adj phlegmatic; calm, composed, always in one humor.
damar 1 H n lamp, torch (properly the lamp wick) (sémbé L); intrans (namar trans) light, illumine.
damarin pass be lighted by.
damar kurung n a lamp hung, lit, in a linen cover, in front of a house where a dead body is lying.
damar séla n resin.
damar 2 n a subdivision of the wésya caste.
damaran n the darkness perceived when one comes from a brightly lit place.
dambel H intrans hold.
dambung n a species of climbing plant with edible fruit.
damé n resting, peace (santi H) (namé trans) (see hedam ‘rest’).
daméyang pass be pacified, reconciled.
ḑamek adj damp, wet (ņḑamek trans).
damel n an offering composed of six things of distinctive flavor (saḑrasa =six tastes): bitter, sweet, salty, sour, savory, highly spiced.
dami n flax; the pulp round the stone of a large fruit.
damit (=demit) n meanness, stinginess; intrans be avaricious, miserly.
ḑampar H adj flat, even, near the ground (dingklik L); n a low bench without a back-rest (ḑaḑampar).
dampat intrans (nampat trans) knock sth away with the hand; repudiate; scold, speak sharply to.
dampeh intrans (nampeh trans) knock away with the hand (=dampat); blow at (put out a light), extinguish.
damping n side, edge (=samping); intrans (namping trans) be near, be close, be beside.
dampingin pass be made ready beside sth or someone.
damprat intrans speak rudely (=demprat, saprak).
dampuk adj straight.
dampuk-an adj straight for some distance.
damuh 1 n dew; intrans there is a dew (ndamuhin trans).
damuh-an n being bedewed.
damuh haketil one dewdrop.
damuhin pass be bedewed.
damuh lengis a poisonous dew.
natakin damuh tengahiné ‘hold-out-the-hands-for dew (at) noon’ =expect the impossible to happen.
damuh 2 H intrans be possessed by a spirit (=katurunan).
damuhdamuh n a species of climbing plant.
dan (=hedan) intrans lead (usually dandan).
dana, ḑana R n generosity, almsgiving; a generous person; dana punya n a freely bestowed gift; adj generous, kind; intrans be kind, give alms (barés L) (S dāna-).
danan n a complete offering, built up and decorated.
dānawa K (=danawa) n demon (raksasa, rangsasa L).
dānawa raja the king of demons.
daņḑa (=denda) n staff, stick, a priest’s staff (hence padaņḑa ‘priest’); n being flogged, punishment, fine.
danda 1 intrans (nandahin trans) punish, esp fine.
dandahin pass be punished, be fined.
danda 2 n the name of a long musical theme.
dandan intrans (nandan trans) lead (tuntun H).
dandanang pass be caused to be led.
dandanin pass be led by someone.
kadandan be being led.
dané H pron he, they, she (hiya L, hipun M); refers to persons of high status, including Europeans, while hida refers to Bali persons of rank; after a n danéné =‘his,’ ‘their’.
danta n ivory (S danta-); H n tooth (gigi L, huntu M).
danu n lake (ranu H, Jav).
danuné the lake.