SAN; yama, mountain
山道 sandō, yamamichi, mountain path
山脈 sanmyaku, mountain range
登山 tozan, mountain climbing
✓ 5
SEN; kawa, river
谷川 tanigawa, mountain stream
川端 kawabata, riverside
川口 kawaguchi, mouth of a river
✓ 5
DEN; ta, rice field
田園 den’en, fields and gardens, rural districts
稲田 inada, rice field
田植 taue, rice planting
✓ 4
CHŌ; machi, town
町外れ machihazure, outskirts of a town
町内 chōnai, the neighborhood
町長 chōchō, mayor of a town
✓ 4
SON; mura, village
村民 sonmin, villager
村長 sonchō, village mayor
農村 nōson, a farm village
✓ 2
SHA; kuruma, wheel, vehicle
自動車 jidōsha, automobile
自転車 jitensha, bicycle
発車 hassha, departure of a vehicle
✓ 5
RIN; hayashi, woods
植林 shokurin, reforestation
密林 mitsurin, thick forest
農林 nōrin, agriculture and forestry
✓ 2
SHIN; mori, forest, grove
森林 shinrin, forest
森閑 shinkan, silent
森厳 shingen, solemn, awe-inspiring
✓ 2
KŪ, sora, sky; a(ku), to become empty; a(keru), to vacate; kara, emptiness
青空 aozora, blue sky
空気 kūki, air
空港 kūkō, airport
✓ 4
TEN, ame, sky, heaven
天気 tenki, weather
天井 tenjō, ceiling
天才 tensai, genius
✓ 5
KI, spirit, energy, mind; KE
天気 tenki, weather
元気 genki, good spirits, health
病気 byōki, sickness
✓ 5
U; ame, rain
大雨 ō-ame, heavy rain
雨戸 amado, rain door, shutter
梅雨 baiu, tsuyu, rainy season of early summer
✓ 5
KA; hana, flower
花屋 hanaya, flower shop, florist
花瓶 kabin, vase
花火 hanabi, fireworks
✓ 4
CHIKU; take, bamboo
竹やぶ takeyabu, bamboo grove
竹細工 takezaiku, bamboo ware
竹かご takekago, bamboo basket
SEKI, KOKU, SHAKU; ishi, stone
小石 ko-ishi, pebble
石炭 sekitan, coal
磁石 jishaku, magnet
✓ 3
KEN; inu, dog
小犬 ko-inu, puppy
番犬 banken, watchdog
狂犬病 kyōkenbyō, rabies
✓ 4
CHŪ; mushi, insect, bug, worm
害虫 gaichū, harmful insect
虫歯 mushiba, decayed tooth
昆虫 konchū, insect, bug
SHI; ito, thread
毛糸 keito, woolen yarn
糸口 itoguchi, clue
糸巻 itomaki, spool for thread
HON, book, suffix for counting long, slender objects; moto, basis, essence, (tree) root
一本 ippon, one (bottle, rod, etc.)
本箱 honbako, bookcase
日本 Nihon, Nippon, Japan
✓ 5
BUN, writings, a sentence; MON, old unit of money;