6.5Work Scope and Associated Risks
6.9Specialized Equipment Overhauls
6.10Cost Control
6.13Shutdown Reports
6.14Post-Shutdown Review
6.15Chapter Summary
7.Facets of Risk
7.1Understanding Risk
7.2Descriptive or Qualitative Risk
7.3Factors Influencing Decision-Making
7.4The Quantitative Aspect of Risk
7.5Risk Management Standards
7.6Chapter Summary
8.The Escalation of Events
8.1Learning from Disasters
8.2Hindsight is 20-20 Vision
8.3Foresight—Can We Improve It?
8.4Event Escalation Model
8.5Damage Limitation Model
8.6Failure of Barriers
8.7Event Escalation Relationship
8.8Evaluating Test Frequencies
8.9Incipiency Period
8.10Chapter Summary
9.1Maintenance at the Activity Level—An Explanation of Terminology
9.2The Raison D’être of Maintenance
9.3The Continuous Improvement Cycle
9.4System Effectiveness and Maintenance
9.5Chapter Summary
Appendix 9.1
10.Risk Reduction
10.1Frequency or Severity?
10.2Reliability Block Diagrams and Mathematical Modeling
10.3Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
10.4Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
10.5Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
10.6Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
10.7Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
10.8Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
10.9Instrumented Protective Function (IPF)
10.10Compliance and Risk
10.11Reducing Perceived Risks
10.12Chapter Summary
11.Information for Decision Making
11.1Work and the Generation of Data
11.2The Collection of Quantitative Data
11.3The Collection of Maintenance Data
11.4The Collection of Qualitative Data
11.5Errors in Data Collection
11.6Fixed Format Data Collection
11.7Obtaining Information from Data
11.8Decision Support
11.10Business Process Management
11.11Chapter Summary
Appendix 11-1
12.The Reliability Improvement Process (TRIP)
12.1The Asset Register
12.2Human Reliability
12.3Getting the Basics Right (GTBR)
12.4Failure Elimination
12.7Work Preparation
12.8Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
12.10Chapter Summary
Appendix 12-1
Appenidx 12-2
Appendix 12-3
13.Improving System Effectiveness
13.1System Effectiveness
13.2Integrity and System Effectiveness
13.3Managing Hazards
13.4Reducing Risks—Some Practical Steps
13.5Communicating Risk Reduction Plans
13.6The Way Forward
13.7Bridging the Chasm Between Theory and Practice
13.8Maintenance as an Investment
13.9Chapter Summary
Appendix 13-1
14.Book Summary
The following abbreviations and acronyms have been used in the book.
Term | Full Expression | Refer also to |
AGAN | As Good As New | |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | |
ALARP | As Low As Reasonably Practicable | |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy | |
CAIB | Columbia Accident Investigation Board | |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure | |
CBM | Condition Based Maintenance | PdM |
CJD | Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease | |
CMMS | Computerized Maintenance | |
Management System | ||
ESD | Emergency Shutdown | |
FBD | Functional Block Diagram | IDEF |
FCA | Failure Characteristic Analysis | RCM |
FMEA | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis | RCM |
FPSO | Floating Production, Storage and | |
Offloading vessel | ||
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis | |
GTBR | Getting the Basics Right | TPM |
HAZOP | Hazard And Operability Study | |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive | |
ICAM | Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing | |
IDEF | Icam-DEFinition | ICAM |
IPF | Instrumented Protective Functions | RCM,RBI |
JIP | Joint Industry Project | |
J-T | Joule-Thomson Effect | |
KISS | Keep It Simple, Stupid! | |
LOPA | Layers