The Trail Hound's Handbook. Ellen Eastwood. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ellen Eastwood
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780899977041
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her beloved, big-boned beauty. How much of your dog’s girth is macho muscle, and how much is love handles? Dogs carrying extra body fat will get a more intense, cardio workout. Watch for signs that she’s had enough.


      Woolly Mammoth

      A dog’s coat may also dictate what type of hiking suits him best.

      Is your dog likely to be overdressed? Fido’s fur can help protect him from the sun’s burning rays, but it can also trap dangerous amounts of body heat. Carry extra water, and start your hikes early in the day, when temperatures are cooler.

      When you return home, don’t forget to check all that fur for ticks and trail trash.

      Under normal conditions, hiking dogs need at least two to three times as much water as they ordinarily drink at home. Crank up the heat and humidity, or the difficulty of terrain, and your dog will need even more. To avoid coming up short, it’s smart to turn back when half of your water supply is gone.

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      NATURAL HUNTER Breeds that are known as hunters, herders, or all-around workhorses are apt to relish the challenge of rough terrain and rambling trails.

      ON THE SCENT Scent trails and wildlife sightings can be particularly stimulating for these eager companions, so make sure that you have a firm grip on the leash at all times. You and your dog are, after all, guests in nature. Good manners dictate that you refrain from running wild and terrorizing your hosts.

      The bigger the beast, the more it takes to control his enthusiasm for life.



      MIGHTY MUTT Obedience training and real-life experience are the only ways to truly equip yourself to deal with this force of nature. There’s no way around it—literally—since you’re guaranteed to meet up with others (and their dogs) on skinny paths and trails.

      If you use a training collar when working with your pet, you’re not alone. When used correctly, training collars that tighten around a dog’s neck, chest, or shoulders provide your dog with feedback that reinforces proper behavior.

      When gearing up for a hike, however, it’s best to leave this particular training tool at home. Such collars present a choking hazard should your pet escape and become entangled in the underbrush, or need to be reeled in to safety.

      A simple, well-fitted body harness can provide adequate control while safeguarding your pet against neck strain and injury.


      Dogs who love exercise can sometimes overdo it. Rest, regular snacks, and plenty of water will keep your hiker in good health.

      If Our Survey Paints Your Dog Black

      If your dog is faster than a speeding Frisbee and able to leap tall staircases in a single bound, you may find it tough to keep up with your heroic companion on the trail.

      Just don’t let that kind of power get away from you.

      HOOKED ON LEASHES Always keep a leash on your dog, not only for his safety but also that of the hikers and wildlife around you. Nothing brings out your dog’s wild side like the wilderness.


      To some extent, a dog’s endurance on the trail increases with the length of her nose.

      Unlike you, dogs can’t work up a nice, cooling sweat when they’re hot. Instead, they utilize the evaporative cooling capacity provided by the mouth and tongue—they pant. Breeds with longer snouts and tongues make better panters because there’s more saliva-slicked surface to increase evaporation. Plus, long, straight nasal passages mean that the breathing comes easier as well. Cool!


      SURE FOOTED Sturdy, well-conditioned dogs often make perfect pack mules. Many are fully willing and able to carry some or all of their food and water supply on the trail. Just make sure that you don’t saddle your pet with this new responsibility out of the blue.

      Like all smart hikers, your dog should break in new gear long before reaching the trailhead. Begin with an empty pack around the house before moving on to a trial run through the neighborhood. Give your dog time to get comfortable with the experience, or you may end up carrying the dog pack on the trail.


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