This study does not attempt to present Ireland’s story as having been pivotal in international relations. However, it does attempt to counterbalance the frequently insular narratives of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland by placing them in the context of a broader narrative on international history. Irish studies of international affairs and the early years of the Irish state receive much attention. However, the pages of International Organization and various European or UN policy documents are treated as no less important. Although it is a work of political history rather than a theoretical or macro-economic study, this book hopes to answer the call of the late Garret FitzGerald for the international economic context behind Irish political history to be fully integrated into the narrative of both the Irish state and its international relations.21 To the best of the author’s knowledge, ideological shortcuts have been avoided while attempting this.
After the establishment of Ireland’s International Financial Services Centre in 1987, debates on Ireland’s relationship with Europe became more vibrant and occasionally took a polemical turn.22 The post-1945 European integration project was closely related to developments in the world of international finance. Ireland’s initial reaction to this trend was fear of being drawn into foreign wars. This book suggests, however, that the European project was certainly of note from its inception for its evidently genuine commitment to embracing equally the concerns of both small and large nations in order to facilitate peace.23 For this very reason, Ireland’s international profile as a small nation has become tied into the greater European question of whether or not economics and questions of education can become the future determinant of the international order more so than military stratagem.24 In the light of this trend, some have asked whether or not there is room for the Irish state or, indeed, Europe to remould international debates through the exercise a degree of ‘smart power’ in international relations.25 If no conclusive answer can be offered to that question, this idea nevertheless mirrors very traditional Irish debates on questions such as pacifism, anti-belligerence and military neutrality.26 It also reflects broader trends in works of international relations theory, such as the relationship between economic change and human rights.27 This study surveys a wide selection of national and international literature on such themes to clarify when or where these debates have met and, in particular, how the Irish experience fits within the broader story of historical developments in international relations. In short, does Ireland have a significant international story to tell in the light of its own historical experience? It is hoped that readers of this book may find some original answers to that question or else discover grounds for drawing their own original conclusions.
1 Zara Steiner, ‘On writing international history’, International affairs, vol. 73 no. 3: globalisation and international relations (Jul. 1997), 531.
2 Paul Kennedy, The rise and fall of the great powers: economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000 (New York and London, 1988).
3 William Crotty, D.E. Schmitt (eds), Ireland on the world stage (New York, 2002); Ben Tonra, Global citizen and European republic: Irish foreign policy in transition (Manchester, 2006); B. Tonra, M. Kennedy, J. Doyle, N. Dorr (eds), Irish foreign policy (Dublin, 2012).
4 Joseph Nye, ‘The information revolution and soft power’, Current history, vol. 113 (2014), 19–22.
5 Owen McGee (ed.), Eugene Davis’ souvenirs of Irish footprints over Europe (1889, 2nd ed., Dublin, 2006), 179–80.
6 Charles Flanagan, ‘Identity and values in Irish foreign policy’, Irish studies in international affairs (2016), 1–5.
7 Department of foreign affairs, Challenges and opportunities abroad: white paper on foreign policy (Dublin, 1996).
8 E.M. Browne, ‘Ireland in the EEC’, The world today, vol. 31 no. 10 (Oct. 1975), 424–32.
9 Michael Kennedy, ‘Irish foreign policy 1919–1973’, in Thomas Bartlett (ed.), Cambridge history of Ireland, vol. 4 (Cambridge, 2017), 604–5, ft. 4 (quote).
10 Ciaran Brady (ed.), Interpreting Irish history (Dublin, 1994), 151–3.
11 Government of Ireland, A memory of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: visit to Ireland, 26–29 June 1963 (Dublin, 1964).
12 Department of foreign affairs and trade, The global island: Ireland’s foreign policy for a changing world (Dublin, 2015).
13 Martin Puchner, The written world: how literature shapes history (New York, 2017).
14 Joyce Appleby, Liberalism and republicanism in the historical imagination (New York, 1992).
15 A.J.P. Taylor, Europe: grandeur and decline (London, 1967).