The Book of Mah Jong. Amy Lo. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Amy Lo
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462914029
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can inadvertently help an opponent to assemble a high-scoring hand. Mahjong is also a game of luck. Players believe strongly in Feng Shui, a belief that supernatural powers can bring good luck to a person occupying a particular seat at a certain time. For this reason, rightly or wrongly, players can become very finicky about where they sit. Thus, it is not difficult to understand why seat allocation is an important part of the game.

      2.1 Seat Allocation (Jup Wai) 執位

      Once all four players are seated randomly around a square table, any player may pick out four different Wind tiles and place them face down on the table. After these Wind tiles have been thoroughly mixed, they are stacked up one on top of another.

      One player casts a set of two or three dice and the dots are summed. The dice caster counts him- or herself as 1, followed by the player at his or her right as 2, and thus the sequence of counting is carried out counterclockwise until the sum is reached. The player who is the last one to be counted will pick up the top tile on the stack. The player at his or her right picks up the next tile, the opposite player picks up the third, and the player at his or her left picks up the last tile. Whoever picks up the East Wind tile from the stack will have the prerogative of selecting the first seat. The player with the South Wind tile will be seated at the right of the East Wind player and will be the East's Lower House. The player with the West Wind tile will be seated opposite the East Wind player and will be the East's Opposite House. The last player, or the one with the North Wind tile, will be seated at the left of the East Wind player, and will be the East's Upper House.

      For example, four players occupy seats A, B, C, and D as shown below. The player at side A casts the dice and the total number of dots is 3 (or 7 or 11). The player at side C should pick the top tile from the stack, the player at side D picks the second tile, the player at side A the third. The last tile belongs to the player at side B.

      If the player with the East Wind tile chooses to sit at side A, then the players with the South Wind tile and the West Wind tile will be seated at side B and side C, respectively. The player with the North Wind tile will be seated at side D.

      2.2 Building the Walls (Darp Pai) 疊牌

      Once everyone is seated in his or her designated seat, all the players take part in turning the tiles face down and mixing them thoroughly. Each player then forms a row of 17 tiles (18 if the Flower tiles are also used in the game; see Section 2.17, page 47), 2 tiles high and face down in front of him- or herself.

      To add sophistication to the game when building the walls, each player first picks up 5 tiles with both hands (6 tiles if playing with the Flower tiles) to make the initial row of tiles. He or she then picks up 3 tiles in each hand and adds them separately to each end of the existing row. The last step is repeated so that the final row consists of 17 tiles. After carefully aligning the tiles against the frame built around the mahjong table, the player makes another row of tiles in the same manner. When this is done, he or she stacks the tiles and pushes the double-deck row toward the center of the table, joining the other rows as connecting walls. Some mahjong sets come with four rulers, each equivalent to the length of 18 tiles. The rulers are useful for gauging the length of the rows and keeping the walls of tiles straight and tidy.

      2.3 Designating the First Dealer (Dar Jong) 起莊打莊

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