Legends & Myths of Hawaii. King David Kalakaua. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: King David Kalakaua
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462907045
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have accompanied the expedition, reached the shore and discovered the canoes of Paao far out on the ocean. Raising his voice, he hailed Paao and asked that a canoe might be sent back for him. "Not so," returned the priest in a. loud voice, which the favoring winds bore to the belated prophet. "To return would be an omen of evil. There is room for you, but if you would go with us you must fly to our canoes." And, flying, the prophet reached the canoes in safety.

      Observing the canoes of Paao as they were disappearing in the distance, Lonopele sent a violent storm to destroy them; but the strong fish Aku assisted in propelling the canoes against the storm, and the mighty fish Opelu swam around them and broke the waves with his body. The malignant brother then sent the great bird Kihahakaiwainapali to vomit over the canoes and sink them; but they were hastily covered with mats, and thus escaped destruction. After a long voyage Paao landed in Puna, on the coast of Hawaii. Thenceforth the aku and opelu were held sacred by Paao and his descendants.

      Following is a list of the supreme and principal elemental, industrial and tutelar deities of the Hawaiian group:

Kane, the organizer.
Ku, the architect and builder.
Lono, the executor.

      Kanaloa, the Lucifer, or fallen angel.

Akea, the first Hawaiian king, who, after life, founded the island-kingdom of Kapapahaunaumoku, in the realms of Po, or death.
Milu, the successor of A kea, or who, according to another belief, accompanied Akea to Po, and became the perpetual ruler of a kingdom on its western confines.
Manua, referred to in some legends as the supreme sovereign of Po. With him abide the spirits of distinguished chiefs and priests, who wander among beautiful streams and groves of kou trees, and subsist upon lizards and butterflies.
Kaonohiokala (the eyeball of the sun), a celestial god, with an abode somewhere in the heavens, and to whose presence the departed spirits of chiefs were conducted.
Kuuahaiio, the messenger who conducted the souls of distinguished chiefs to Kaonohio kala.
Olopue, a god of Maui, who bore the spirits of noted chiefs to the celestial paradise. Kamehameha sought to secure possession of a very sacred image of this god, inherited by Kahekili, moi of Maui.
Pele, the ruling goddess of the volcanoes, with her sisters, Hiiaka-wawahi-lani, the heaven-rending cloud-holder; Makoie-nawahi-waa, the fire-eyed canoe-breaker;
Hiiaka-noho-lani, the heaven-dwelling cloud-holder;
Hiiaka-kaalawa-maka, the quick-glancing cloud-holder;
Hiiakahoi-ke-poli-a-pele, the cloud-holder kissing the bosom of Pele;
Hiiaka-ka-pu-enaena, the red-hot mountain lifting clouds;
Hiiaka-kaleiia, the wreath encircled cloud-holder;
Hiiaka-opio, the young cloud-holder; and their brothers,
Kamo-hoalii or King Moho, the king of vapor or steam;
Kapohoikahiola, god of explosions;
Keuakcpo, god of the night-rain, or rain of fire;
Kane-kahili, the husband of thunder, or thundering god;
Keoahi-kamakaua, the fire-thrusting child of war. [The last two were hunchbacks.]

      Akuapaao, the war-god of Paao, taken from the temple of Manini by mi.

      Ku-kaili-moku, the war-god of Kamehameha I., bequeathed to him by Kaniopuu.

Laamcwmao, god of the winds, the Hawaiian Æolus, whose home was on Molokai.
Hinakuluiau, a goddess of the rain.
Hinakealii and
Hookuipaele, sisters of Hinakuluiau.
Mooaleo, a powerful gnome of Lanai, conquered by Kaululaau, a prince of Maui.
Kuula, a god of the fishermen.
Hina, wife of Kuula.
Laeapua and
Kaneapua, gods of the fishermen of Lanai.
Hinahele ard her daughter
Aiaiakuula, goddesses of the fishermen of Hawaii.
Ukanipo, the great shark-god of Hawaii.
Moaalii, the principal shark-god of Molokai and Oahu.
Lonoakiki, the great eel-god of all the group.
Apukohai and
Uhumakaikai, evil shark or fish-gods of Kauai.
Akua-ula, the god of inspiration.
Haulili, a god of speech, special to Kauai.
Koleamoku, the deified chief who first learned the use of herbs and the art of healing from the gods. He was a patron of the kahunas,
Olonopuha and
Makanuiailon, deified disciples of Koleamoku.
Kaanahua. the second son of the high-priest Luahoomoe, and
Kukaoo, gods of the husbandman.
Lakakane, god of the hula and similar sports.
Mokualii, god of the canoe-makers.
Hai, god of kapa making.
Ulaulakeahi, god of distillation.

      Kalaipahoa, a goddess who entered and poisoned trees.

      Kapo and

      Pua, sisters of Kalaipahoa, with like functions.

      Kama, a powerful tutelar god of all the islands.

      Laauli, the god who made inviolable laws.

      Kuahana, the god who killed men wantonly.

      Leleioio, the god who inflicted bodily pain.
