3.Irish World, 30 April 1977.
4.See Times, 8 and 14 November 1978.
5.See John Sutton, ‘PFF–the breakaway trade union’ in Nicki Jameson and Eric Allison, Strangeways, 1990, A serious disturbance (London, 1995), pp. 86–7. Sutton was a founder member of the putative Prison Force Federation (PFF) which was ‘born out of anger at the lack of representation for non-supervisory grade prison officers’ in 1979. The PFF’s attempt to split from the POA was obviated in 1980 by the parent union and conservative vested interests. Ibid.
6. Report of the work of the Prison Department, 1978 (London, 1979), p. 11.
7. Daily Telegraph, 21 February 1979. The ‘average daily [prison] population’ in England and Wales in 1978 was an unprecedented 41,796. Report of the work of the Prison Department, 1978, p. 3. 11,016 shared cells and 5,082 were held three to a cell. Ibid., p. 4.
8.See The Listener, 26 January 1978. See also Republican News, 11 March 1978 and Irish World, 28 January 1978.
9.Irish World, 21 January 1978.
10.Irish World, 28 January 1978.
11.See Airey Neave, They have their exits (London, 1953) and Saturday at MI9, The inside story of the underground escape lines in Europe in World War II (London, 1969).
12.Fr. Denis Faul and Fr. Raymond Murray, Ballykelly, RUC Special Branch Interrogation Centre, pamphlet ([1973]).
13.Dermot Keogh, Jack Lynch, A Biography (Dublin, 2008), p. 414. See also Pat Walsh, Irish Republicanism and Socialism, The politics of the Republican Movement 1905 to 1994 (Belfast, 1994), pp. 178–9.
14.See Angela Davis, If they come in the morning: Voices of resistance (New York, 1971) and http://www.biography.com/people/angela-davis-9267589.
15.See Ronald Hayman, Sartre: A biography (London, 1987).
16.Socialist Challenge, 2 March 1978.
17.Republican News, 11 March 1978. Litterick suffered a heart attack in March 1977 at a time when his comments on the Irish community of Birmingham being harassed under the PTA and description of Prince Phillip as a ‘useless, arrogant parasite’ was deemed to warrant police protection. Irish World, 26 March 1977.
18.See Alastair Logan to the Editor, Guardian, 25 March 1978.
19.Guardian, 27 July 1978.
20.Times, 26 March 1983.
21.Prior Report, I, p. 3. See also Prior Report, II, pp. 129–30.
22.Cited in Prior Report, I, p. 2.
23.Cited in Prior Report, I, p. 2.
24.Cited in Prior Report, II, p. 19.
25.Prior Report, I, p. 3.
26.Prior Report, II, p. 35. See also Prior Report, I, p. 3.
27.Irish Times, 10 May 1978.
28.Prior Report, I, p. 14.
29.Prior Report, II, p. 132.
30.Walmsley, Special Security Units, pp. 22–23.
31.Walmsley, Special Security Units, pp. 22–23.
32.Cited in Republican News, 11 February 1978.
33.Republican News, 11 February 1978 and EC Zeeman, ‘Catastrophe Theory’ in Scientific American, April 1976, pp. 65–83. Ray Mitchell of the Prison Service College and Dai Curtis of the Officers’ Training School were Wakefield-based members of the Prison Service Journal’s Review Committee. See PSJ, No. 33, New Series, January 1979, p. 17. University of Southampton sociologist Roy King, a member of the Parole Board for England and Wales, noted ‘it is no accident that the worst prison troubles in living memory have occurred in the dispersal prisons … extreme security actually provokes trouble’. Times, 14 March 1978.
34.See Edward O Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (New York, 1975) and Catherine Driscoll, ‘Sociobiology’ in The Standford Encylopedia of Philosophy, http://plato.standford.edu/archives/win2013/entries/sociobiology.
35.HC Deb 8 June 1978 vol 951 c207W.
36.Clarke to Kilbracken, 28 January 1978, MS draft letter, Clarke Papers (COFLA). Kilbracken renounced his British citizenship after Bloody Sunday in 1972. He was later in direct contact with leading Provisionals John Joe McGirl in Leitrim and Ruairi O’Bradaigh in Roscommon. Kilbracken condemned the death of Frank Stagg on hunger strike in 1976 and was persuaded by republicans to maintain his opposition to the PTA rather than resigning from the House of Lords. Saoirse, February 2012, p. 15. See also Irish Times, 25 November 1977.
37.Sunday Tribune, 27 May 1984.
38.Clarke to Kilbracken, 28 January 1978, MS draft letter,