Mind Power. Kazumi Tabata. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kazumi Tabata
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Спорт, фитнес
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462901067
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      * The moment the opponent takes back to ward off the attack.

      * The moment the opponent’s energy spreads.

      The Strong Waza, the Weak Waza

      Anyone has his weak point in techniques. Aim at the weak points. Build up stable defense in your weak points. Fulfill energy to make use of your waza.

      Avoid the Situations You Can’t Handle

      Waza should be used with combinations. In a bad situation, go back to the original position so the opponent can’t reach you. Avoid bad situations and wait for the next chance.

      Setting Off Waza that Contrasts the Opponent’s Waza.

      When the opponent attacks your upper body, attack back to the middle. When the opponent attacks you with legs, attack him back with arms.

      Set off the waza that contradicts each other.

      How to Take a Chance by Inviting Attack

      When you set your ready position in the upper position, you will have a space in the middle part. Make space intentionally and invite the opponent to attack there. Wait for the moment he attacks.

      When you fake an attack, the opponent’s energy will be tense. Aim at the point after the tensed energy gets loosened up.

      Make yourself look like you are weak. When the opponent starts to attack, make it look like you are running away. Once the opponent loosens up, take the chance and attack.

      Patiently Wait for a Chance and Set Off Waza

      When you patiently wait for a chance to set off your waza, both the opponent’s waza and your waza could hit off each other and negate each other. In such a case, overwhelm the opponent with heightened energy. That will make your waza strong.

      In the situation where your waza doesn’t work when you try to set it off, do something completely different and bold. Attack a part that your opponent wouldn’t even expect and confuse his judgment. You will then find a way.

      How to Set Your Opponent Off-Guard

      Make yourself look like you are setting off hand techniques, but set off leg techniques instead.

      Make yourself look like you are moving all of a sudden. Your opponent will attack physically. Aim at that moment.

      Always set your mind to believe that you will never lose, never take back.

      When the Opponent Holds and You Can’t Use Your Waza

      Push him with your shoulders.

      Use throwing waza.

      How to Chase Opponents

      Chase your opponent to the poorly situated ground and stand on the better ground. When you chase, chase the opponent to the left and keep a big space on your left.

      Hitting the Opponent Hard

      When blocking, hit the opponent hard, as if you are breaking his arms and legs.

      Receiving and attacking should be done at the same time so the opponent doesn’t have a chance to set off his waza.

      When you hit your opponent hard, beat him until you take his energy completely out so he can never set off his second waza. Do not let him stand up. Kill his chance of attacking back.

      When You Attack His Mental

      Look through your mind’s eye rather than your physical eyes. Do not look at the opponent’s arms and legs. Look at his heart (mind).

      Do not set your eyes on his eyes because he will sense it.

      Never repeat the waza that was a mistake.

      When Your Lower Body is High

      During the fight, your body tends to lose its lower position. This will make you feel fidgety. Keep low in your ready position—it makes offense and defense easier.

      The ultimate waza doesn’t need so much technique. Most of the time it only needs one shot. Lower your body and fulfill your energy.

      Waza by Masters

      A master of waza is liberated. He would never miss a moment. It looks easy and calm. Waza shouldn’t be set off in a rush.

      1. Put yourself in the opponent’s shoes. You will then get rid of your worries.

      2. You can achieve chances by training. Thousands of punches and kicks are called training. Thousands of training sessions are called discipline. Waza can only be achieved by repeating. There is no other way. That is how human bodies are made.




      When your energy and the opponent’s energy meet, it is called aiki or waki. Aiki will make changes in waza. When your waza takes your opponent’s energy, your waza works as you wish. That is because your energy overwhelms the other and his energy dies.

      When you look with composition in your heart, you will lose the balance in your movement. Your physical movement gets tense.

      When your energy wanders around, you cannot set off your waza as you wish.

      Work your energy correctly. That will give you a change in waza to take initiative in the fight.

      Fights are about competition of energy and competition of waza.

      How to Ward off the Energy Meeting (Aiki)

      Energy meeting is a waza that removes the opponent’s freedom. Once you complete extraordinary concentration, you can obtain waza that takes the power of the opponent’s in the moment your waza meets each other.

      In the situations that the opponent has strong energy, you should receive it with weak energy.

      When the opponent has weak energy, you should receive it with strong energy.

      It is called breaking off the matching energy when you set off the energy that goes against the opponent’s and makes him irresistible.

      How to Chase the Energy

      You want to chase your opponent when your energy is fulfilled more and your situation is better.

      When the opponent’s position is stable, do not set off waza against the situation. Wait for a chance.

      When you chase the opponent, if the opponent manages waza and keeps changing his offense, chase him as you change angles and combine your waza.

      You can’t follow the opponent who wants to run away for too long or you will lose your energy. You have to be careful.

      How to Counter Off Flow of Energy (Ki)

      There is a kind of waza to ward off the technique from an opponent while taking advantage of his waza.

      1. When the opponent is attacking, let go of the other’s energy as you back off. Take that moment.

      2. Take the moment when the opponent finishes with his first waza and goes to the next one.

      3. Raise your energy higher than the opponent’s when he attacks you. Break his rhythm and keep attacking.

      4. If you cling to his energy, you will also lose a chance.

      5. When you deal with your own body, do it fully. Do not let the opponent’s waza touch you.

      How to Use Energy Invitation

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