A Century of Sail and Steam on the Niagara River - The Original Classic Edition. Cumberland Barlow. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cumberland Barlow
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781486412945
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B. 156

       Brampton, Mills 42

       Britannia, Steamer 33

       Brock, General 15, 33, 169

       Brock's Monument, Imitation of 33

       Brooklyn, Steamer 48

       Bruce Mines 44

       Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad 31

       Buffalo Dry Dock Co. 63

       Buffalo in Sailing Days 64

       Buffalo & Niagara Falls Burlington, Steamer 32

       Butler, Col. 84

       Butlersberg Begun 84


       Callaway, W. R. 123

       Caldwell, Warships 13

       Caledonia, Schooner 15

       Caledonian Society 97

       Caledonian S. S. Co. 140

       Canada, Steamer 26, 28

       Canadian Through Line 37

       Canadian Constitution Compared 47

       Canada Coasting Law Suspended 49

       Canada Railway News Co. 93

       Canadian Pacific Railway Terminals 51

       Campana, Steamer 120

       Campbell, Capt. Alexander, Selects Queenston portage 170


       Captain Conn's Coffin, Schooner 14

       Captain, position of, high importance 27 [Pg x]Cannochan, Miss Janet 119

       Cataract, Steamer 37, 105

       Cayuga Creek 10

       Cayuga, 112 ways of spelling 189

       Cayuga, Steamer, launched, speed trials 190

       Century, the close of a 198

       Campion, Steamer 37

       Charleston, S. C. 159

       Charles II. Adventurers 45

       Chicora, Steamer-- With Woolesly 47

       History name 148

       Renown 138

       Chicora, Steamer, decision to build partner 136

       Chief Justice Robinson, Steamer 34, 39, 41

       Chief Deseronto 152

       Chief Brant 152

       Chippawa River 9

       Chippewa, Steamer-- Name 173

       Launched 174

       Cibola, Steamer-- Burned 17

       Built 145

       History of Name 148

       City of Toronto, 1st Steamer 25

       City of Toronto, 2nd Steamer 35

       Rebuilt as Algoma 44

       Transferred to Upper Lakes 45

       City of Toronto, 3rd Steamer 35

       Goes ashore 123

       Burned 125

       Clermont, Steamer 17


       Collingwood-Lake Superior Line 109

       Columba, Steamer 141

       Commodore Barrie, Steamer 30

       Connaught, H.R.H. Duke of 51

       Conn, Capt. 14

       Corona, Steamer-- Named 179

       Launched 179

       Cornell, Mr. George 89, 102

       Cross raised at Fort Niagara 81

       Cross raised at Quebec by Cartier 81

       Cumberland, Col. F. W., M.P. 48, 49, 53, 62, 78, 121

       Cumberland, Barlow-- 61, 109, 120, 172, 198

       Cumberland, Mrs. Seraphina 122

       Cumberland, Miss Mildred-- 174, 179

       Cumberland, Miss Constance 150

       Cumberland, Steamer 63

       Currie, James C. Neil 36


       Daniels, Geo. H. 176

       Dawson Road 44, 48

       Dennis, Joseph 14, 26

       Denison, Lt.-Col. Robert 154

       Denonville, Marquis de 82

       Demary, J. G. 73

       Dick, Capt. Thomas 30, 44

       Dick, Capt. Jas. 44

       Doctors prescribe Niagara Line 132

       Docks purchased-- Queenston 91


       Youngstown 166

       Niagara-on-Lake 181

       Lewiston 191

       Toronto 195

       Dongan, Col. Thomas 81

       Donaldson, Capt. William 110

       Don Francesco de Chicora 149

       Dorchester, Lord 13

       Dorchester, Lady 13

       Dove, Schooner 14

       Dragon, H. M. S. 30

       Dufferin, Lord 52

       Tour through Upper Lakes 53

       Dufferin, Countess of 54

       Duke of Richmond, Packet 15

       Duke and Duchess of York 183

       Dunbarton, Scotland 38


       Early Steamer Routes and Rates 23, 24, 29, 31, 32, 134

       Early Passenger Schedules-- [Pg xi]Albany and Bugalo 128

       Early Passenger Agents 131

       Early Closing Movement 185

       Eckford, David 18

       Electrical Traction, Infancy of 167

       Emerald, Steamer 32

       Empress of India, Steamer-- 114, 126

       Engineer Corps of U. S. A. 193

       Erie Canal 36, 40

       Erie & Ontario Railway 38

       Ernestown 18


       Esquesing, Mills 42

       Estes, Capt. Andrew 28

       Evolution of the Niagara Gorge 180

       Exclusive Rights for Navigation by Steam 18

       Excursion, Queen's Birthday 94

       Expansion of Niagara Navigation Co. 194

       Exposition, Buffalo 182


       Fast Time to Niagara 26-31

       Filgate, Steamer 114

       Finkle's Point 18, 19, 25

       First Vessel on Lake Erie 10

       First Navies On Lake Ontario 17

       First Company to Build Steamer for Lake Ontario 17

       First Steamer on Lake U & First Steamer on Hudson River 17

       First Steamer on St. Lawrence 17

       First Steamer on Lake Ontario 19

       First Steamers on Lake Ontario, dimensions of 22

       First Board of Directors N. N. Co. 197

       First Steamer to Run the Rapids 121

       First Niagara Camp 119

       First Twin-screw Steamer on Upper Lakes 121

       First Canoe Route to Upper Lakes 9, 45

       First Name of Niagara 155