French 649
Frenchman's opinion of 626
Fricandeau of 624
Fried, salt 625
Fritters 627
Hashed 628-9
Hung, to prepare 630
Hunter's 631
Kidney, to dress 632-4
Marrowbones boiled 635
Minced 636
Miriton of 637
Names of the several joints 597
Olives 650-1
Palates, to dress 653
Pickle for 654
Potted 642-3
Qualities of 599
Ragout of 656
Rib bones of 644
Ribs of, boned and rolled, roast (joint for a small family) 658 roast 657
to carve p. 317
Rissoles 615
Roast 658
Rolled 646
Rolls 647
Round of, boiled 608 miniature 618
to carve a p. 318
Round of, to pickle part of a 655
Rump of, stewed 670 steak 666
Sausages 662
Seasons for 611
Shin of, stewed 671
Sirloin of, roast 659 to carve a p. 317
Sliced and broiled 664
Spiced (to serve cold) 665
Steak, a fried rump 626 and kidney pudding 603 oyster sauce 603
broiled 611 pie 604
pudding, baked 650
rolled, roasted, and stuffed 663 stewed, and celery sauce 667 with oysters 668
with fried potatoes 606
Tea, baked 1860 savoury 1859
to make 1858
Tongue, boiled 673 pickle for 641
to carve a p. 318 to cure a 674-5
to pickle and dress a, to eat cold 676
To salt 660
Dutch way 661
Beef-tea, Dr. Christison's 1859
Miss Nightingale's opinion of 1858
Beer, table 191
Beetroot 1094
Boiled 1094
Pickled 369
Benton sauce 370
Bequests, legacies, &c. 2744-9
Beverages, general observations on 1789, 1806
Bills of fare, for January pp. 909-13
February 914-17
March 918-21
April 922-25
May 926-29
June 930-33
July 934-36
August 937-39
September 940-42
October 943-45
November 946-48
December 949-52
ball supper for 60 persons p. 957
ball supper, cold collation, for a summer entertainment for 70 or 80 persons p. 958
breakfasts 959 game dinner for 30 persons p. 953
luncheons and suppers p. 959 menu, service a la Russe pp. 954-5 picnic for 40 persons 960
suppers p. 956
Birds, general observations on 917-25
Biscuit powder 1737
Biscuits, arrowroot 1738
Cocoa nut 1740
Crisp 1741
Dessert 1742
Lemon 1743
Macaroons 1744
Ratafias 1745
Remarks on 1712-15
Rice 1746
Rock 1747
Savoy 1748
Seed 1749
Simple, hard 1750
Soda 1751
Bites and stings, general remarks on 2609 of insects 2610-11
of snakes 2612
Of dogs 2613
Blackcock, heathcock, &c. 1019
Roast 1019
To carve a 1054
Blancmange 1408
Arrowroot. 1407
Cheap 1409
Lemon 1442
Rice 1476
Bleeding, from the nose 2607
Operation of 2605-6
Blonde, to clean 2265
Blood, spitting of 2608
Boar's head, importance of the 815
The Westphalian 787
Bones, dislocation of 2614
Fracture of 2615
Bonnets 2244
Books of account 2731
Boots, polish for 2240-1
Bottled fresh fruit 1542-3 with sugar 1544
Boudin, a la reine 961
Brain, concussion of, stunning 2623
Brandy, cherry 1526
Lemon 460
Orange 1826
Varieties of 1328
Bread, and bread-making 1668-1703
And-butter fritters 1410 pudding 1255
Crumbs, fried 424
Fried for borders 426
Indian-corn-flour 1721
Making in Spain 1776
Origin of 117
Properties of 1252
Pudding, baked 1250 boiled 1252
brown 1253 miniature 1254 very plain 1254
Rice 1720
Sauce 371-2
Sippets of, fried 425
Soda 1722
Bread, soup 117
To make a peck of good 1719
To make good home-made 1718
To make yeast for 1716
Breakfasts p. 959, par 2144-6
Breath, shortness of, or difficult breathing 2670
Bride-cake, rich 1753
Bridles 2218
Brill, the 230
To carve a pp. 175-6
Brilla soup 166
Brocoli, boiled 1095
Broth, calf 's-foot 1862
Chicken 1863
Eel 1866
Mutton to make 1872
Mutton to quickly make 1873
Brown roux for thickening gravies