Into the Unknown. Joy Dunicliff. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joy Dunicliff
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781909833128
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      Into the Unknown

      This edition published by Joy Dunicliff.

      ISBN 978-1-909833-08-1 Paperback

      ISBN 978-1-909833-12-8 ePub

      ISBN 978-1-909833-11-1 Kindle

      © Joy Dunicliff 2013

      Joy Dunicliff has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

      A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the publisher.

      eBook conversion by

       Chapter 1 – After the Funeral

       Chapter 2 – Friendship and Joe’s arrival

       Chapter 3 – Relaxing

       Chapter 4 – His Country

       Chapter 5 – 1851-1854 trip

       Chapter 6 – Joe and Impressions

       Chapter 7 – Alfred’s upbringing

       Chapter 8 – Joe’s New Zealand plans

       Chapter 9 – A Tourist

       Chapter 10 – Founding of Australia: history

       Chapter 11 – Goodbye to famly

       Chapter 12 – Gold and Adventure

       Chapter 13 – Decision Time

       Chapter 14 – Parents and the locals

       Chapter 15 – Antipodeas and Joe

       Chapter 16 – Joe sees Australia

       PART II

       Chapter 17 – Alfred alone again

       Chapter 18 – Alfred to Gippsland

       Chapter 19 – Other Members of the Party

       Chapter 20 – Charlton’s introduction

       Chapter 21 – Back to Gippsland

       Chapter 22 – Charlton goes to New Zealand

       Chapter 23 – Maoris

       Chapter 24 – Life and Work in New Zealand

       Chapter 25 – The Sea-Journey

       Chapter 26 – Unhappy choice

       Part III

       Chapter 27 – Wonderful New Life

       Chapter 28 – A New Type of Work

       Chapter 29 – Provincial Government

       Chapter 30 – Charlton’s Summary

       Chapter 31 – Official Decisions in hindsight

       Chapter 32 – Recriminations


Mary’s thoughts


Alfred’s reaction




Anthropological studies



      Australia Red Centre/ New Zealand virgin


      The Todhunter family, have been kind enough to provide me with important information providing a wider understanding of what happened in the Antipodes. This is a fictional story built around true events and wrapped around the real people involved. It is the story of four young men, who had lived near one another in London, during a period of uncertainty, both at home and in the new worlds, and at a time when Britain was building her empire, and looking for others.

      The story concerns two pairs of brothers, of similar ages, who remained life long friends. The story covers a very short period in their lives, approximately 3 to 4 years, in the Antipodes.

      Much information has been obtained from their family papers, which has augmented the story. Consequently some language may sound a bit archaic.

      Part I

      Alfred and Australia

      Chapter 1 – After the Funeral