The Ladies Killing Circle Anthology 4-Book Bundle. Barbara Fradkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Barbara Fradkin
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: A Ladies Killing Circle Anthology
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781459723658
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bikes. Plus it had the advantage of allowing her to wear a helmet.

      I’m going to make it, Edie-Rose, she vowed silently. She’d practised this next move many times, fantasizing great getaways. Night after night she’d cycled down the paths in the dark, headlight hooded, relishing the freedom, toning her muscles. She knew every bump and grating on her escape route, but she’d never really expected to have to leave in a hurry.

      Into the empty pannier on the bike went the wig, the blouse with the special padding to make her back look crooked, the glasses, watch and skirt. On top of them she placed Alice’s shoes. Wearing a built up shoe had been a brilliant idea. It meant she didn’t have to remember to limp, it happened naturally. From the pannier on the other side came jeans, black ribbed sweater and fleece vest. Taking some baby-wipes she cleaned the beige make-up from her face, checking herself in the mirror behind the door. The dirty wipes went into the pannier too. Running shoes, helmet and fanny-pack completed the change. Only the white gloves stayed.

      Folding the dust cover, she placed it on top of her spare clothes in the pannier. It might be useful if she had to sleep in the rough. Then Alice wheeled the bike out of the house, locking the door behind her. She stood and double-checked everything in her mind. There should be nothing to connect Elizabeth Sullivan to Alice Hartley.

      A siren sounded in the distance. Time to go.

      She patted her fanny-pack. Alice Hartley was dead. Michelle Roubillard was born. French passport, wallet, sunglasses and snapshots of family in France. All the things a tourist might be expected to carry. She smiled to herself. She had received an excellent education in prison.

      Michelle tucked the white gloves into her pocket and cycled down the lane to the bike path that ran parallel to the highway. Richardson Falls boasted of its network of trails, and Michelle knew them all. She travelled two hundred yards then took the fork leading away from the road. As she turned, an ambulance flashed by with a police car right behind it. So the siren hadn’t been for her. An accident would occupy Blain for a while. She could imagine his language when he eventually arrived at the farmhouse and found it empty.

      The kilometres flew by. Michelle settled into a steady rhythm. She had a long way to go before morning. Thoughts floated in her mind. She’d planned well. Apart from losing Jean’s shoe, she’d made no mistakes. Not bad, considering she’d been playing “Alice” too long for her to wait. Maybe she ought to have heeded Edie-Rose and been unobtrusive. But it wasn’t in her nature.

      Wheels humming, Michelle picked up speed. She wanted to be across the Ottawa River into Quebec before morning. Not until the lights of Kanata lit the sky did she remember she hadn’t switched on the washing machine.

      LIZ PALMER of Chelsea, Quebec, has recently discovered kayaking. Dividing her time between various volunteer activities, writing and this new addiction is proving difficult. She is currently searching for a waterproof laptop that floats.

       TEE’D OFF


      It’s just bizarre to think that because of the murder, I’ll be able to do whatever I feel like when I grow up. Well, the murder and being good at sports.

      In my high school, being good at sports makes you kind of like a god. The popular kids here are the jocks and jockettes, and they’re so competitive, they’ll ignore all sorts of things that would get a kid beaten up someplace else if that kid can help them win all the big games. With me, they mostly ignore the fact that I think sports are stupid, especially when they’re pointless. I mean, what’s the good of a lot of girls running from one end of a field to another, chasing a big white ball and getting all out of breath? It’s like mom on her treadmill. She never actually gets anywhere. I’m not saying exercise is stupid, but I’d rather do it for a good reason. Like when my cousin Judy and I play golf so we can talk about stuff for a few hours without our folks listening in. I really like that about golf.

      Anyway, because I’m good at sports, Coach Flannigan kept me late after swim class that day, trying to talk me into trying out for some special synchronized swim team he’d heard about. Totally pointless. I couldn’t get out of that pool fast enough. And I really didn’t, either, because when I got into the change room all the other girls had staked out a place to strip out of their swimsuits, and the only privacy stall was taken.

      The whole female bonding thing is super-overrated in my opinion. Especially with the jockettes, who spend all their time together either coming up with some sports strategy, figuring out the theme for our big grad party this spring or talking about Dex Monaghan being hot for them.

      “He asked me about my lipstick today,” Heather Lane was bragging when I came in from the fast shower I had taken with my suit still on. No way was I showing off my tush to this crowd, at least not for a week. “He leaned real close and asked me if it tasted good.”

      Kelly Baxter, a pretty good hitter on the softball team, one-upped her as always. “He asked me about my underwear. Wanted to know whether I go for red nylon or black lace.”

      The jockettes all started swooning, so I rolled my eyes and turned around and smacked into one of the dopeheads who must’ve thought she could see my tush through my bathing suit if she just stared hard enough.

      “What did you get, Allie? A butterfly?”

      “Please. Butterflies are so yesterday.”

      The dopehead girls want me to join their clique just as much as the jockettes do, and for pretty much the same reason. They figure my being fit and coordinated makes me their poster girl for all the perfect body, perfect mind crap they puff out the window with every drag on the weed they smoke to prove they’ve cornered the market on inner peace. They are so lame. I think it was their lameness that made me tell them I’d gotten a multi-coloured tattoo on my tush, just to see how many of them would pull a lemming and get an even more daring tattoo in a more private spot. I’d bet Dex that at least a dozen would show up at Eddie’s Tattoo Shop by next Tuesday and turn my hypothetical act of bravado into a total cliché.

      Anyway, having the dopeheads staring at my tush made me even more interested in getting out of my swimsuit and into my jeans so I could go home and have a long bath out of Mom’s way. And, judging by the purple toenails on the feet sticking out of the bottom of our only stall, Caitlin was still in there, which was bad news for me. She always did hog that stall. Looked like I’d be changing in the toilets.

      Then I had to look closer, because I couldn’t figure out why there’d be all that thick red stuff on the floor around her feet. Caitlin’s red cotton swimsuit was too old to bleed out colour like that. Not to mention that this stuff didn’t look like water. I didn’t like it. I knocked on the stall door and asked if she was okay. She didn’t answer. I pushed it open and looked at Caitlin sort of wedged on the bench inside, and what I saw wasn’t very nice. Teenaged girls shouldn’t have big knives sticking out of their chests.

      “You.” I pointed at Heather Lane, who was the closest to being dressed. “Go to the office right now and get somebody to call the police.”

      After that, you can imagine what happened. School was closed for a couple of days, and all the kids went around kind of shocked, and some social workers came out to talk to us about our feelings. And of course, right away the police were turning up, asking a lot of questions about Caitlin. Please.

      “Caitlin didn’t kill herself,” I told the cop who interviewed me, Detective Stewart. He’s a tall weedy guy with a big nose, kind of like a picture of a monk I saw once, except the monk had more hair.

      “I didn’t say she did, Allison. But now that you mention it, there was some fresh graffiti on the inside of the stall, and it suggested that Caitlin had been doing bad things with one of the boys.” I got the feeling that if I pushed, he’d start coming up with some more super hilarious ways to protect my virgin ears, but I had other things to do.

      “You think she carried a knife around in her gym bag so that if her reputation got ruined one day she could just end it all right there, huh? Which boy?”