Essentials of Sociology. George Ritzer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: George Ritzer
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781544388045
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the GroupSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      8 Chapter 5: Organizations, Societies, and Global RelationshipsLearning ObjectivesQuestioning Governmental AuthorityOrganizationsBureaucraciesAuthority Structures and Bureaucracy• Trending: Working for RespectRationality and IrrationalityThe Informal OrganizationContemporary Organizational RealitiesGender InequalitiesOther ProblemsContemporary ChangesGlobalizationMcDonaldization and Bureaucratic OrganizationsNetwork OrganizationsCharacteristics of the Network OrganizationInformationalismSocietiesGlobal RelationshipsControlling Global Flows and MobilitiesOther Global FlowsLandscapesGlobal BarriersAre Global Barriers Effective?Organizational BarriersMore Open Organizations?SummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      9 Chapter 6: Deviance and CrimeLearning ObjectivesNorms, Labels, and JudgmentDevianceShifting Definitions of DevianceGlobal Flows and DevianceDeviance and ConsumptionTheories of DevianceStructural/Functional TheoriesStrainSocial ControlConflict/Critical TheoriesDeviance and the PoorDeviance and the EliteInter/Actionist TheoriesLabelingPrimary and Secondary DevianceKey Ideas in the Labeling ProcessMoral PanicsStigmasCrimeThe Criminal Justice System• Trending: HomewardTypes of CrimesDigital Living: Catching a Serial Killer through an Online DNA SiteGlobalization and CrimeCriminalization of Global ActivitiesGlobal Crime ControlSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      10 Chapter 7: Social Stratification in the United States and GloballyLearning ObjectivesStudent “Haves” and “Have-Nots” in Higher EducationDimensions of Social StratificationSocial ClassStatusPowerEconomic InequalityIncome InequalityDigital Living: Income Inequality in the New Sharing EconomyWealth InequalityGrowing Wealth DisparitiesStatus, Power, and WealthThe Perpetuation of WealthThe Decline of the American Middle ClassPovertyAnalyzing PovertyPoverty in the United StatesThe Feminization of PovertySocial MobilityTypes of Social MobilityAchievement and AscriptionTheories of Social StratificationStructural/Functional TheoriesConflict/Critical TheoriesSocial Rewards and StatusGender, Race, and ClassInter/Actionist Theories• Trending: EvictedConsumption and Social StratificationStratified ConsumptionSocial Class and TasteThe Quest for DistinctionElites as Cultural OmnivoresGlobal StratificationThe Global North and Global SouthHigh-, Middle-, and Low-Income CountriesThe Richest People in the World: The Global Concentration of WealthThe Poorest People in the World: The Bottom BillionOther Global InequalitiesThe Global Digital DivideGlobal Health InequalityGlobal Gender StratificationInequality in Employment, Occupations, and WealthWomen and Informal EmploymentWomen in Global Care ChainsChanging Positions in Global StratificationRace to the BottomForeign Aid and DevelopmentTheories of Global StratificationStructural/Functional TheoriesConflict/Critical TheoriesSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      11 Chapter 8: Race and EthnicityLearning ObjectivesMinorities Acquire Political PowerThe Concepts of Race and EthnicityHistorical Thinking about Race“Scientific” ExplanationsCultural ExplanationsThe Fluidity of Racial CategoriesRacial and Ethnic IdentitiesDigital Living: Race in CyberspaceMajority–Minority RelationsStereotypes, Prejudice, and DiscriminationIntersectionalityPatterns of InteractionRacism• Trending: Dying of WhitenessFoundations of RacismSocial Structure and RacismCulture and RacismInstitutional RacismThe “Invisibility” of Institutional RacismSocial Movements and RaceHate GroupsThe Civil Rights MovementCollective Identity and “Power” MovementsRace and Ethnicity in a Global ContextEthnic Identity and GlobalizationGlobal Prejudice and DiscriminationGlobal Flows Based on Race and EthnicityPositive and Negative FlowsEthnic Conflict within Nation-StatesExpulsionEthnic CleansingGenocideSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      12 Chapter 9: Gender and SexualityLearning ObjectivesChallenging Gender StereotypesGender and SexFemininities and MasculinitiesTransgender and Nonbinary GendersDigital Living: Gender Swapping in Online GamesGender DiversityGendered InequalitiesGender and EducationGender, Family, and WorkSeparate SpheresDual-Earner Households and the Stalled RevolutionGender Inequality at WorkGender and Consumer CultureConsumption, Work, and FamilyWomen and Girls as ConsumersMen and Boys as ConsumersThe Sociology of SexualitySexual SelvesSexual Identities and Orientations• Trending: UnboundSpotlight on “Hooking Up”Social Constraints on SexualityCulture and ConsentSex and ConsumptionSexuality, Gender, and GlobalizationSocial Change and the Globalization of SexualityGlobal Flows Related to Sex and SexualityLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Sexualities in a Global ContextThe Global Sex IndustryGlobal Flows Related to GenderThe Feminization of MigrationThe Feminization of LaborThe Feminization of Poverty and Female ProletarianizationGender, War, and ViolenceThe Global Women’s MovementSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      13 Chapter 10: FamiliesLearning ObjectivesFictional Families Get RealFamily, Marriage, and Intimate RelationshipsSome Basic ConceptsMarriageIntimate RelationshipsLoveBroad Changes in Marriage and the FamilyDecline in MarriagePerspectives on the Decline in MarriageThe Deinstitutionalization of MarriageMarriage as a CarouselSelf-Disclosing Intimacy and Pure RelationshipsDigital Living: Online DatingNonfamily HouseholdsAlternative Family FormsCohabitationSingle-Parent FamiliesNonresident ParentsStepfamilies and Blended FamiliesLesbian and Gay FamiliesTheorizing the FamilyStructural/Functional TheoriesConflict/Critical TheoriesFeminist TheoryInter/Actionist TheoriesSymbolic InteractionismExchange TheoryProblems in the FamilyFamily ConflictAbuse and Violence within the FamilyChild AbuseIntimate Partner ViolenceElder AbusePoverty and the FamilyGender InequalitiesDivorce• Trending: Making Motherhood WorkFactors in DivorceGlobal FamiliesGlobal Flows That Involve the FamilyGlobal Flows That Affect the FamilyGlobal Economic FlowsGlobal MigrationGlobal TraffickingGlobal ConflictSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      14 Chapter 11: Education and ReligionLearning ObjectivesScience versus Religion in the Public SchoolsEducationInequality in EducationWho Succeeds in School?The Coleman Report: How Much Do Schools Matter?Intelligence and School SuccessClass Differences in Early ChildhoodPreschoolInequality within Schools: Tracking and Student OutcomesAlternatives to Traditional Public SchoolsVouchersHomeschoolingCharter SchoolsWho Goes to College?• Trending: Lower EdDigital Living: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)Globalization and EducationPISA RankingsGerman, Japanese, and U.S. Education SystemsReligionComponents of ReligionBeliefRitualExperienceSecularizationCivil ReligionReligion as a Form of ConsumptionDigital Living: Practicing Virtual FaithTypes of Religious InstitutionsSectsChurchesDenominationsCults and New Religious MovementsReligion and GlobalizationThe Most Significant Global ReligionsJudaismHinduismBuddhismIslamChristianityMormonismFundamentalismFaith on the MoveSummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      15 Chapter 12: Politics and the EconomyLearning ObjectivesThe Interrelationship of Government and the EconomyPolitics: Democracy or DictatorshipDemocracy: Citizenship as a Radical IdeaCharacteristics of DemocraciesThe Rise of Illiberal Democracy, or Is It Fascism?Digital Living: Hacktivism and State InterferenceDictatorship: The Seizure of PowerWho Rules the United States?The Structural/Functional Perspective: PluralismThe Conflict/Critical Perspective: The Power EliteGlobal PoliticsGeopoliticsThe Nation and the Nation-StateThe U.S. Economy: From Industrial to PostindustrialThe Industrial RevolutionFrom Fordism to Post-FordismOther Industrial RevolutionsSocialism, Communism, and CapitalismSocialism and CommunismWelfare StatesCapitalismDeindustrialization in the United StatesFactors in DeindustrializationDecline of American Labor UnionsThe Postindustrial SocietyWork, Consumption, and LeisureEmployment, Unemployment, and UnderemploymentConsumption and the Postmodern Society• Trending: Strangers in Their Own LandLeisureGlobalization and the EconomySummaryKey TermsReview Questions

      16 Chapter 13: The Body, Medicine, Health, and Health CareLearning ObjectivesThe Opioid CrisisThe Sociology of HealthThe BodyThe Healthy Body: Lifestyle, Beauty, and FitnessBeauty: Cultural Contexts• Trending: Blood SugarThe Quest for the Ideal, the Consumption of Beauty, and the Fit BodyFitness and the Healthy BodyBody ModificationsRisky BehaviorThe Sociology of MedicineThe Medical ProfessionWeaknesses in the U.S. Health Care SystemInequalities in U.S. Health CareHealth Care Reform in the United StatesConsumerism and Health CareThe Internet and the Consumption of Health CareTelemedicineGlobalization and HealthGrowing Global InequalityDiseaseMalnutritionSmokingBorderless DiseasesHIV/AIDSSuperbugsGlobalization