The Magician's Dictionary. Edward E. Rehmus. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Edward E. Rehmus
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781936239511
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chapter in the Zoroastrian cycle and yet another eschaton in our time.

      Finally, it should be noted, in 2012, Terence McKenna’s Timescape reaches Absolute Zero, the point of infinite novelty. (See AUTOPOETIC LAPIS.) And, interestingly, Jung also predicted the outer limit as occurring approximately fifty years after his death, which was in 1961.

      You will understand that these “end of the world” dates constitute a map of reality, but are obviously not Reality itself. One doesn’t necessarily visit every town on the map. We can choose to live out our alloted span to 1999 or 2012, and perhaps save the world, after all, or we can commit mass suicide beforehand in any of a hundred different ways, thus escaping the horror that is building up. The date of the Apocalypse isn’t important. What matters is its immediacy. We have to understand that we’ve reached the outer limit of our dimension — THERE IS NO FUTURE — or at least, very little. Like the amoeba in his drop of water it’s time to turn away from the edge and move back to the center.

      At any rate, by now it should be clear that we’re moving quickly, not only metaphysically and synchronistically, but literally into the charged nexus of all the “ending aeons,” into a kind of central transformer which is approaching its limit like an overworked fuse. The task of the archons of the ending aeons is to guide the confused through the wreckage of our disintegrating civilization.

      APOCATASTASIS — A closed reincarnational loop wherein the same lifetime is re-experienced over and over again with no alteration of details. Says Nicoll, in Living Time: ...“it is in life that we have to ‘perfect’ ourselves. If we limit ‘this life’ to one single journey between birth and death there is not enough time. People give up trying just because of this appearance of things. They do not bend the life round in a circle, but leave the whole matter to the ‘hereafter.’ We cannot grasp that beyond the ‘end’ lies the beginning. Natural understanding will not conceive this. It can only conceive that beyond the end lies either nothing-ness or something entirely new. Beyond our life we meetour life. We cannot turn in any other direction!” Plato did not believe that the dimension of time in which life occurred was absolutely apocatastatic or needed to be “traversed endlessly without change.” But to continue, ...“if the same time recurs and one reenters the same moment and changes something belonging to one’s former experience of that moment, must it not follow that one changes what has been done in the former experience of that moment, because the time is the same?”

      Thus it is always the same life that we repeat, but it can be an eternal, self-polishing jewel or self-perfecting work of art. On the other hand, if we so choose, it can be no more than a dreary and monotonously unvarying routine.

      APOLLONIUS OF TYANA — Greek philosopher and magician, credited with healing miracles, feats of bilocalism, raising of the dead, &c. An actual historical personage, who was the contemporary and rival of the merely legendary Jesus Christ. He is said to have observed, “Common men see the present, sages, that which is about to happen, the theoi see the future.”

      APOPHIS — (“The Destroyer.”) Ancient “left-hand” adversary, Set. KG says he is Set in his “Ophidian” (serpent) form. A huge Nilotic serpent that attempted to devour Ra, he figures strongly in the left-hand path. Also “Apepi.”

      APOPSI — Anti-psi power. Word invented by Bonewitz.

      APORIA — The state of not knowing which way to turn. Philosophical doubt or confusion arising from the difficulty of reconciling contradictions or incomplete ideas. From Gk. aporos, “impassible, perplexing.”

      APOTHEOSIS — Becoming a god, in the historical sense. Usually it referred to Roman emperors or Egyptian kings being given divine attributes, after they had died. In the superstitious or drugged mind, Ascension necessarily accompanies Apotheosis. That is, the spirit of the dead person, having been made into a god, is seen to rise literally into heaven. Initiates think of apotheosis as everyone’s task, while still alive: to achieve the literal transmogrification of the human condition.

      APOTROPAIC — Lit. “turning away,” descriptive of any protective device, such as garlic worn around the neck to fend off vampires. More particularly, it applies to the “Eye of Horus,” which is a wooden phallus used to avert the “evil eye.” However, all apotropaics are defenses against some sort of “eye” and the purpose of the object is to engage the attention of said eye and detour its malevolence. Hence the more startling or unusual the device, the better.

      AQUARIUS — The llth Sign, the number of wizardry — electronic as well as esoteric. The sign of astronomy, no less than astrology, and above all, the sign of Independence and service to the world. The new precessional beginning of the zodiac, heading the New Age. It is the emblem and inspiration of “Man”: “Henceforth the Son of Man Appeareth in the Heavens.”

      In 1929 Jung wrote that we would enter the first star of Aquarius in 1940, adding, “That would be the turning point. We may look for a new development about that time.” Famous Aquarians: Lincoln, Thomas Paine, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Edison, Lindbergh, Dickens, Jules Verne.

      ARACHNE —The Spider. 13th Month of the proposed “Newtime” calendar to begin at the winter solstice of 2000 A.D. From a possible corruption of the early Pagan or Druidic 13th zodiacal sign Auriga, The Charioteer. That there were originally 13 signs in the zodiac goes back, probably, to Osiris’ body being dismembered into 13 parts. Reference should be made to James Vogh’s Arachne Rising, wherein he points out that Auriga (or Arachne), lying as it does between Taurus and Gemini, is the logical placement for the 13th sign and appears to have been so designated by the Druids.

      There are others who cite Ophiuchus, The Serpent Holder, as the more logical 13th month. Ophiuchus (between Scorpio and Sagittarius) is even cited by some as the Age we are now inhabiting, rather than Pisces or Aquarius, and that it began in the early 1940’s.

      ARCHANGELS — Guardians of the ten Sephiroth of the Qabalah: Metatron, Ratziel, Tzaphkiel, Tzadkiel, Chamael, Raphael, Haniel, Michael, Gabriel, Sandalphon. It is useful to know their names in order to work gematria, temurah and notariqons which will yield further information about the Sephiroth.

      ARCHON — On the mundane plane, a temporal ruler. Each magician has his own dimension over which he is its Archon. In Gnosticism, the Archons were planetary rulers, the planets representing as they did, spiritual worlds through which the soul, as in Ancient Egypt, passed after death. In order to pass from one sphere to the next, the soul had to be able to recite the proper password, or give the name of the corresponding Archon. This is the “sacred knowledge” that Gnosticism (or “Knowing”) was concerned with. Archons, however, are rulers of the earth and universe, which are the evil, inferior realms composed of souls imprisoned in matter — that’s why special or privileged knowlege is necessary to get past them.

      ARIES — The Ram, first sign of the zodiac and all beginnings. The Great Beginner. Sign of spring, freedom, leadership and the emblem of the initiator in all things. The ram’s horn or shofar is still the rallying call of Judaism, which began at the beginning of the Arietian Age over 4000 years ago. The Ram is the unifying Emperor because he is the head of the world, the mansion of the exaltation of the Sun. And the most powerful number is One, the Ace that tops the multitudes.

      Aries, being the individual, represents the uniqueness of all monads. Famous Arietians: Charlemagne, Bismarck, Jefferson, Cesar Chavez, Raphael, Swinburne, Wilhelm Reich, Dane Rudhyar, Houdini, Hans Christian Andersen, Rachmaninoff, Descartes, Joseph Campbell.

      ARITHMOSOPHY — Numerology, but specifically Bertiaux’s breaking down of words into numbers for one of his alternate universes.

      ARMAGEDDON — The Plain of Meggido, a site of traditional battles in ancient Canaan. According to the bible this is where the last mighty battle in the War between the armies of Light and Darkness will culminate and climax in the Day of Judgment. It should be understood that this is not an ordinary war between