The Apotheosis. Darrell Lee. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Darrell Lee
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781946329851
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      After Amira picked Elona up from school, they made a trip to the mall for a new pair of shoes. She took Elona to the food court for an ice cream.

      “How’s the Rocky Road?” Amira asked as she sat across the table watching the wild-haired child concentrate on the tasty task at hand.

      “It’s so good. But you never let me have Rocky Road before. Why?”

      “It’s because of the marshmallows.”

      “But they are the BEST part! Why?”

      “It isn’t important. Just know, that from now on, when you are with me you can get Rocky Road any time you want.”

      “And when Daddy is with us?”

      “You don’t miss much, do you? No, I don’t think your father will let you have Rocky Road.”

      “Okay,” Elona said quickly between licks to keep the ice cream off the cone. She didn’t like the cone to get soggy before she ate it. “Aren’t you having any, Mommy?”

      “No, I’m not hungry.” Amira took a deep breath. “There’s something I want to talk about with you. It’s important.”

      “What?” Elona asked between licks.

      “It’s about me and Daddy. We’re having problems.”

      “I heard you guys yelling again last night.”

      Amira cringed. “Well, Daddy and I are having a lot of arguments, and… well… I think it is best if you and I live somewhere else.”

      Elona stopped eating her ice cream. “Where?”

      “In our own apartment, near Daddy, but not the same one.”

      “In the same building?”


      “Are you and Daddy getting a divorce?”

      “Where did you learn that word?”

      “From school. Alex’s parents are divorced and so are Cindy’s. That means that the mommy and daddy don’t live together any more, right?”

      “Yes, that’s what that means, and yes, I believe Daddy and I are going to get divorced. But you’ll have your own room with the same things you have now.”

      “What about Daddy?”

      “We won’t be far from him and you can see him all the time.”

      “You promise?”

      “Yes, I do. You’ll have a room with him too, for when you are with him.”

      “And you promise I’ll still have all my stuffed animals?”

      “Yes, I do.”

      “Wait till I tell Alex!” Elona smiled and licked the ice cream off the cone.

      Amira was chopping vegetables next to her mother in the kitchen when her cell phone, lying on the counter, chimed. She saw Ethan’s number on the display.

      “Hello,” Amira answered.

      “What do you think you are doing?”

      “I’m getting mine and Elona’s things ready to move,” Amira answered, keeping her voice low so Elona, watching TV in the other room, couldn’t hear. She glanced at her mother, who continued to chop carrots, her back turned. Obviously listening.

      “You have no job, you aren’t going to be able to pay rent or put food on the table. Where do you think you are moving?”

      “I found an apartment. You may have changed the password to the online bank account, but I am on the account. You don’t need a password if you withdraw in person. I took half the money from the checking and saving accounts. That will do until I find work.” Silence from the other end of the phone. “Hello?”

      “This childish tantrum you’re throwing is hurting your daughter and your family. God has ordained the husband with total authority. I will not give you a divorce! You’ll be back here, you’ll see.”

      “No, I won’t,” Amira answered, but Ethan had already hung up.

      Amira rolled out of bed before the alarm clock the next day. She waited outside Ethan’s building in the crisp air as Boston started its workday, drinking coffee until the moving truck with three muscular men arrived. Amira rode with them and their dollies on the service elevator to the apartment. In less than two hours the furniture from Elona’s room, the guest room, a couch and the television from the living room were moved from their places to the back of the moving van and covered with blankets. The boxes were next, which took less than thirty minutes.

      When they arrived at the new apartment, the boxes were removed from the truck first and placed at one end of the living room. They occupied a quarter of the floor space, even though they were stacked three high. Amira directed the placement of each piece of furniture, including setting up a bed in each bedroom. It took half of the time to unload as it did to load. By lunchtime Amira stood alone in her very first apartment.

      She estimated she had five hours before her mother showed up with Elona. She sorted through the boxes stacked in the living room and moved out the boxes marked “Elona’s Room” and “Elona’s Bath.” She wanted Elona’s space to be totally prepared when she arrived. In two hours, the bed was made, the clothes hung in the closet, and her toys and books placed just like they had been at the old apartment.

      While she was in the kitchen sorting through the boxes labeled “Kitchen Stuff,” the doorbell rang. She opened the door to see her father standing behind her mother, who was holding Elona by the hand. Elona, her hair tamed by a ponytail, gave a nervous smile. She stood in her favorite purple dress and shoes, unconcerned that it clashed dramatically with her green coat.

      “Mommy!” Elona came to Amira.

      “There’s my baby.”

      She gave Elona a long hug and removed her jacket. Sharon stepped in and also gave Amira a hug. Amira could feel her mother’s eyes moving around the apartment.

      “She was dead set on the purple dress,” Sharon said.

      “I know, the coat for it was in a box here.” Amira noticed her father carrying a pizza box. “Oh, Daddy, thank you so much. I’m starving.” Amira took a long sniff over the box. “Cheese pizza, perfect!”

      She gave her father a hug too. Turning to her daughter, she saw Elona studying the large stack of boxes in the living room. “Would you like to see your room?”

      Elona nodded. Amira took her by the hand down the short hallway to the doorway on the right. Elona went into the room first. The lamps on each side of the bed were on and they gave the room a warm glow. Elona walked around, not saying anything, studying the room’s contents. Amira opened the door leading to the bathroom.

      “You even have your very own bathroom.”

      Elona looked through the doorway to see her toys already in the tub. She smiled and looked up at Amira.

      “I like it.”

      Amira bent over and placed her hands on each side of Elona’s face and gave her a big kiss on the forehead. “Good! Now let’s eat. I’m starving.”

      Amira found the box with the plates and got out four. In a different box were the glasses.

      “Sorry, I haven’t made it to the grocery store yet. All we have is water from the tap.” Amira pulled out three glasses and Elona’s spill-proof plastic cup with a picture of Tweety Bird on the side.

      Sharon pulled out