There are various paths of Yog that lead toward this goal, each one a specialized branch of one comprehensive system. The ultimate goal of yog is moksh (liberation). Though the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated. In Shiv theology, for example yog is used to unite kundalini with Shiv. Mahabharat defines the purpose of yog as the experience of uniting the individual Atman pronounced as aatam with the universal Brahman pronounced as BRaHMM that pervades all things.
Spiritual goals aside, now a days, the physical postures of the Yog Aasans are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple. Yog is also used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine. Many ailments and diseases can be cured by Yogic methods alone without the need for any medication.
Good health ought to be everybody’s concern, not solely the medical profession’s business. In my own case, for many years, and largely due to the shortcomings of the modern medical system, I faced some profound health challenges. In my despair, I earnestly began my study of methods of treatment and cures of ailment and disease. Putting the time-tested Yog cure methods into practice proved so beneficial in my own case of ailments that I took to studying their applications for several health issues as well. What began as mere jottings was gradually expanded into full-length articles on the subject “Cure without Medicines“. The reader’s response was overwhelming and several of them suggested that the articles be compiled in a book. This coupled with the well receiving of my sessions on Yog, meditation, health,nutrition and nature cure held at various venues in India and abroad inspired me to word together a comprehensive book for the benefit of all. The Path of Yog: Cure without Medicines is a result of that. Experience, they say, is the most convincing teacher, and for me too it happened like that I overcame many health challenges with the help of Yog and Panayam. I was introduced to Yog at an early age and met my first YOG teacher at the age of 17, who taught me Yog-aasans (postures) and Pranayams.
In Yog the number of aasans is equal to the number of species of life. Posture and exercise strengthen the muscles and nerves. Strong muscles and nerves in return to help to keep the body healthy. Exercise plays a very important role in supplying the nourishment to different parts of the body obtained through food. Lack of exercise gives rise to imbalance in the body. Correct posture and light exercises strengthen our respiratory system. The therapists are using different Yog aasans in successful treatment of various ailment and diseases in stomach, neck, spine and knees. Yog is fully capable of transforming the physical body.
I hope this book The Path of Yog, Cure without Medicines would empower you to gain control over your passions, emotions and cravings and will help all to get established in Yog. This is an attempt to present the ways and means of achieving this through simple, yet well-tried and effective methods. My efforts would be amply fulfilled if even a single earnest aspirant is helped to get a healthy life. This book is written keeping in mind many little things which are many a times not emphasized to a Yog aspirant have, for example, Yog should not be done in haste, no matter how little time you have on any particular day. When you hurry through your sequence of aasans, you are going against the very core of Yog, which is to slow down! Most parts of our lives are governed, ruled, and indeed rewarded by the idea of speed. Yog takes that rule and flips it around. The slower and the more mindful your practice of Yog is, the bigger are the benefits. Do not try to rush through aasans. Also remember that resting poses are as crucial as the active ones, and cooling down is also as important as warming up. While doing pranayams one has to do some mudras also. The positioning of our hands and fingers are very important in some of the Kriyas. The energy circulating in our body can be controlled by putting our hands and fingers at specific place and points. All these things have been explained in detail in this book which makes it a pleasant journey on the path of Yog.
In this book, I shall recount a little about the initiation and nature of my journey on the path of YOG. The light on this path of YOG was not lit on its own by my innocent infant, mind but it was illuminated by the fully repined Supreme knowledge of my Sat-Guru Swami Ramji Maharaj of Uttrakashi, India. Swami Ramji Maharaj embraced me for the first time at the Udasien Ashram in Haridwar. It was there that he initiated me on this healthy path of Yog.
I can proudly say that today, at 70, when I have four grandchildren, I feel healthier - thanks mainly to my taking recourse to Yogic methods of living. Of course, I do not claim that all my ailments are cured but I do maintain that I have been able to control them substantially and have obtained a lot of relief without resorting to medicines and drugs. This, I feel, is no small achievement. I am certain that my own success in controlling several dreaded disabilities will serve as inspiration to those readers who are suffering from various ailments and helps them in driving real benefits from the Yogic methods of treatment outlined in this book.
This book, I hope, will be received well by the readers as my other book Know – the Unknown Within published in 2014.
Finally I am thankful to my wife Anuradha who have been very helpful while I was writing this book. Her constant critical remarks made me to complete this book in a way it is now. My thanks go to Surinder Lijhara of Overseas Press (publisher of the book) helping to publish the book. I am thankful to the staff of Anvi Composers in reformatting the same.
Please feel free to email me your comments and feedback at my email ID, that is, [email protected]. I hope you achieve a good, peaceful and healthy life with the help of this book.
Ashok K Sachdeva
The author – The Path of Yog: Cure Without Medicines
Born in 1945, in a well to do family, wherein, my Grandfather was an Assistant Commissioner Income Tax who after his retirement from the post in 1951 had written three books on Bhagvad Geeta.
I started doing yogasana in school at a very early age of 10. Because of the interest of my parents in spiritualism, got the chance to meet some enlightened souls, such as Anandmayee Maa, Mata Bhagwaan Kaur ji, Swami Sharnanand ji Maharaj etc. and got the chance to read some Purana’s and Upnishad’s from them at an early age and that left a very deep impression on the mind of otherwise a very young person. By the time I was of 18years, came in contact with many Guru’s and started learning Yogasana’s but later had Dhirendra Brahmchari ji and then Bharat Bhushan ji as a Guru to bless with thorough knowledge in Yog Asana’s (Popularly known as Yoga).
When I was 23 years of age, started doing meditation in the presence of many different enlightened Gurus at different places in India but at the age of 30 came in contact with Shri Goenka ji and started doing Vipasana meditation regularly. Later on, came in contact with Swami Madhavacharya ji Maharaj, then with Swami Parmanand ji Maharaj but it was only the divine presence of Swami Ram ji Maharaj of Uttarkashi, which changed my life and I started reading and understanding the deep meanings of Bhagvad Geeta and got enlightened. Then started taking classes on Yog, meditation; health nutrition and nature cure. Since 1977 I am teaching and giving lectures, about Bhagvad Geeta and Yog became the life.
Chapter 1
Yog: Its Origin, History and Development
What really is YOG?
Most of us are accustomed to looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment. We are living in a world that conditions us to believe that outer attainments can give us what we want. Yet again and again our experiences show us that nothing external can completely fulfill the deep longing within for “something more”. Most of the time, however, we find ourselves striving toward that which always seems to lie just beyond our reach. We are