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better themselves, their attaining goals, and their over-coming challenges. Doing so lowers the level of their unconscious entity in its self-felt form which is a pleasurable experience. It’s pleasurable because it causes these people to become less emotionally uncomfortable by decreasing the level of their unconscious entity. Because becoming less emotionally uncomfortable is becoming more emotionally comfortable, it is a pleasurable experience, and because it is so, it helps meet, indirectly, what is unmet of their basic emotional need. This makes them less necessary to meet that need directly from somebody. Because it is meeting better their basic emotional need, they can increase their emotional strength by this means. They don’t have to increase emotional strength by meeting their basic emotional need in any extended talking with someone else, or others, listening to them talk. They can build it with this “work”-related way. People, who are work-oriented, are most often so because of their increased self-felt unconscious entity producing secondary feelings conducive to working hard. Such people aren’t characterized by “wasting time in talking.”

      Many people wanting to “make themselves much better,” as a secondary feeling from their self-felt unconscious entity, are unconsciously resolving their emotional problems, which are perceived dissatisfactions about themselves arising from their uncomfortable levels of self-felt unconscious entity, when they join, for instance, exercise groups. Such groups may go by a variety of different names depending on what their physical goals are. With becoming part of an exercise group, these people can gain emotional support for continuing with the group. They meet regularly for their particular form of physical exercise and then work hard at it. They may do very little talking with each other but they can diminish their dissatisfactions about themselves, by decreasing their self-felt unconscious entity and what is unmet of their basic emotional need in this work-related way. These people may do so under a reality-oriented guise of wanting to be more physically fit. They may have been told that their involvement in their exercise group “gets the endorphins flowing,” “tones muscles,” “boosts energy levels,” “promotes better sleep,” “improves sex lives,” “benefits cardiac function,” and “prevents obesity.” They don’t recognize that they become more emotionally fit, with more emotional strength, as they become more physically fit, with more physical strength, with their regular physical involvement in their particular exercise group. These people feel more emotionally comfortable, and have a better self-image, more self-confidence, less emotional problems, less anxiety, depression, and worry, and appear to handle stress better, from unconsciously turning an uncomfortable amount of self-felt unconscious entity, into a more comfortable level. They turn that uncomfortable level of self-felt unconscious entity into inwardly directed anger and this decreases the level of their unconscious entity. In doing that, they are indirectly meeting some of what is unmet of their basic emotional need in their becoming more emotionally comfortable. They might also be unconsciously decreasing their unconscious entity through subtle anger expression in any extended talking with others who are also exercising and talking. In contrast, this would be unrecognizably expressing their anger outwardly.

      As people’s self-felt unconscious entity and their unmet basic emotional need increase, they may respond by working harder, which is due to their developing more demanding secondary feelings from their primary feelings becoming more intensified. The challenges they may now want to overcome, and the goals they may want to reach, may then become greater. A woman, for instance, that feels she looks “old,” can feel “more old” with more self-felt unconscious entity, and less acceptable to herself from a less met basic emotional need, and may, as a secondary feeling, want to be seen as “more young.” If people’s unconscious entity and their unmet basic emotional need increase enough, from increasing frustrations of their basic emotional need in their lives, and their repressing the resulting anger, their strivings might not now be able to lower their unconscious entity as easily or as well as they did before when their unconscious entity was at a lower level. The goals that these people’s secondary feelings from their increasing unconscious entity may now set for them, may become too difficult for them to attain. This is because the increasing self-felt unconscious entity from more repression of anger, and an insufficient means to lower that increasing unconscious entity, will tend to move the bar higher for what it will take to successfully accomplish what their secondary feelings now want accomplished. As it does this, it also increases the urgency and the worrying to reach those goals. When these people can’t reach those new goals, they may then develop emotional problems that mental health clinicians might recognize. Mental health professionals might erroneously feel these people are “willfully” setting too high a goal for themselves, when their goals aren’t being consciously set by them but instead, are being unconsciously set by their unrecognized increasing unconscious entity and the intensifying secondary feelings it produces. Since the goals are not being “willfully” set, advice to these people to lower their goals to decrease the stress they may now be feeling, isn’t helpful. To set their goals lower, and to feel there is less stress to accomplish those goals, they must first lower their self-felt unconscious entity to a more comfortable level. As a result of their lowering their self-felt unconscious entity, they will then tend to feel less of an urgency to do anything, and will tend to be less worried about things, so that they will feel less stressed. With their lowering their unconscious entity, they will meet more of their basic emotional need which will result in their feeling more acceptable about themselves just the way they are. They’ll feel more this way, the more their basic emotional need is better met.

      If these people don’t lower their uncomfortable level of unconscious entity, it may lead them to becoming depressed, or anxious, or phobic, or stressed out, or worried, or hypochondriacal, or obsessive-compulsive, or subject to panic attacks, or having pedophilic tendencies, or any other manifestation of an uncomfortable level of self-felt unconscious entity that can develop from different primary feelings, with different foci, and a kaleidoscopic array of possible secondary feelings, most of which can’t be predicted beforehand with any certainty. Where their self-felt unconscious entity is focused most, will be the predominant manifestation. It’s those very different primary and secondary feelings that are possible, that will determine how these people’s being emotionally uncomfortable will show itself. At any one time, the unconscious entity isn’t limited to producing only one primary feeling, and from that primary feeling only one secondary feeling. It can produce many different possible primary feelings, each with a different reality focus, and each with many different possible secondary feelings, so that there could be many varied manifestations of an uncomfortably increased unconscious entity in a person. Where one person might appear predominantly depressed, another might appear predominantly phobic. Rather than a predominance of any one manifestation, a person with an uncomfortable level of unconscious entity might appear anxious, depressed, stressed out, obsessive-compulsive, phobic, panicky, pedophilic, and hypochondriacal, all at the same time! But these manifestations would be less in intensity than if this person’s unconscious entity was more singularly focused in the person’s reality, with one primary feeling and one secondary feeling predominating.

      The possible manifestations of our increased self-felt unconscious entity often have a recognizable defensive purpose. This is best seen when the level of the unconscious entity is not producing a severe degree of being emotionally uncomfortable. Having any one or more of those primary and secondary feelings could be advantageous to us in the current reality that we might have. But what might be an asset at one level of unconscious entity, could become a liability at a higher level. For instance, with a primary feeling of being “out of place,” my secondary feeling might entail my putting in place things associated with my business that should be put in place, which could be highly advantageous for me in the reality I might have. I might be characterized as being a “stickler” for wanting things done in my business in a very certain way, and no other way, which could lead to my business becoming successful. But with too much unconscious entity focused this way, I might be obsessive-compulsive to a disadvantageous degree. As a housewife, with a primary feeling that my house is unclean, I might be noted for keeping a very clean house. But with more unconscious entity, my secondary feelings of needing to clean might make me constantly cleaning house so that I do little else but that, and still be unable to have the feeling that I have adequately done it “right.” The more my self-felt unconscious entity increases, and continues with the focus it has, the more increasingly difficult it will be for me to do that house-cleaning “right,”