The truth is that so much of person’s mind is developed after birth that it’s impossible to say how many problem solving skills were nature given and how many are developed through life lessons. What’s more, the sensory skills needed to make a good flint spearhead are largely removed from the purely mental act of working with computer systems. You can hear weakness in a piece of flint by tapping on it. Touch, strength, and a fairly extensive amount of physical coordination are also part of making a first rate spearhead.
Although the spearhead maker may have visualized the finished product before he began working, just as modern system developers do with solutions they’re working on, the act of turning his mental image into a material possession was primarily a physical act with some measure of problem solving thrown in along the way. It’s a vastly different and much more advanced act when you turn a visualized image into a virtual outcome. A virtual outcome is measured only by an abstract input and output, which creates a product that is seen but never touched…at least not directly.
In contrast to the idea of a natural-born tech, practically all complicated jobs you’ll inherit while moving up the tech food chain will involve skills you learn along the way. For instance, multitasking is a skill-set you’ll definitely need to develop to stay in the game if you didn’t possess it beforehand. Not just run-of-the-mill multitasking either. If you’re working on more than one job at a time, then it’s not merely balancing several unrelated tasks at once. You’ll find yourself moving from one group of tasks to another in a non-linear order. That means working on task two from job B, task four from job A, tasks one and three from job C, and so on, all at the same time. Experienced techs already know all about this. You must move quickly and easily between the different tasks in different jobs without losing the perspective of each task’s individual role within their respective job. Sound difficult? It’s just a matter of practice. Anyone who wants to excel in IT must be good at multi-tasking multiple-tasked jobs. This can only come through repetition and experience. The ability to simultaneously track different things with multiple parts is a modern, learnt skill, and not just a part of our shared human nature, so quit pretending there are natural born techs whose skills you can never match. Everybody starts at the same place. It’s just matter of how hard you work at being good at what you do. The bottom line is that everybody starts at the same level when they decide follow a career in information technology.
If there’s no such thing as a natural tech, there’s also no such thing as the hopeless case who can’t get the hang of things either. It’s always just a matter of personal effort. How much effort you bring to the job everyday defines how good you’ll be at your job over time. The effort to be a good tech can be made easier by adopting four simple attributes that will help you along the way. Work to maintain these attributes every day and your career path will become easier.
The Four Attributes of IT Excellence are:
Sense of Scope
Aspiring to these four attributes will help you enjoy a long and happy career in the world of computers:
It’s safe to say that every tech will have a moment of hesitation at least once in their career when asked to take on a critical job. This’s especially true when the job involves a leadership role in an area that affects many people in the company. The company’s productivity will be at risk as well as the tech’s credibility. If anything goes wrong, there’s no place to hide. Your coworkers will know who was responsible for their inconvenience. That kind of pressure can make even the best, most experienced techs pause. Nevertheless, modern computer systems are online and running successfully all around the world, so somebody must be finding the courage to build them. The truth is that good techs have been finding the strength to build complicated and important things for many years now regardless of how critical the systems are to the people around them. Once they got started, those techs then found the confidence they needed to follow the job through to the end.
To be clear with the definitions here, courage is the ability to accept a new challenge while confidence is the bearing you maintain while the challenge is underway. The two are not quite the same so don’t mistake one for the other. Don’t ever think that solely one or the other will be enough to get you through a big job. Courage without confidence is starting a race you won’t have the fortitude to finish; confidence without courage is being well prepared to follow a path you’ll never take. Courage gets you started and confidence keeps you going. Both are only useful together.
It can be overwhelming at first to be given a tough job which affects many people who you know personally and work with every day. Take heart in the fact that there are ways to minimize the weight of the task. The first thing you must do is develop good preparation skills. For example imagine a crazy guy who, on a dare, is about to jump off the two-story roof of his house into his backyard. Just before he jumps he’ll probably be more nervous than another guy with a parachute on his back who’s getting ready to jump off an eighty-story building at the same time. That’s because of the amount of preparation each jumper undertook. The two-story guy probably won’t die; he’ll just break a leg or two. What he’s about to do has nowhere near the stakes of the eighty-story building jumper. Nonetheless he’ll be more afraid than the building jumper at the moment their respective leaps are taken…as he should be.
A life truth is that preparation is the biggest part of courage. This applies to everything you do and goes double in the IT world. Nothing affects your courage more than appropriately preparing yourself ahead of time for a difficult job. Skill-set management, planning, and sufficient testing will all make a positive difference in your attitude before you start. If you need to take some time to review the technology first before starting on new task, then take the time needed (within reason of course). If your boss dropped the job into your lap while adding that it “needs to be done yesterday,” then you need to get those communication skills going to convince him that “needs to be done yesterday” and “doing it right the first time” don’t go together. If that doesn’t sound easy, so be it. Do it anyway. Preparation is a large part of your professional demeanor and your professionalism is one of the few constants in the constantly changing world of IT. Preparation gives you the courage to move forward when everyone else is holding back. As skill-sets come and go, as experience on obsolete systems fade into the past (trust me, the day will come when you really can tell the new guy you’ve forgotten more than he knows), and as employers go through corporate changes, you must cling to your professionalism like a life preserver. It’s the one thing that will keep you proud and confident. It’s also the one thing that will keep you satisfied over a long career in computers. When you lack courage, your professionalism is at risk. Everything you do is vulnerable to being compromised by stronger willed people around you. Never let this happen. If you feel pressured or bullied or kicked about, remember it’s the systems you build and maintain that have the final say in how good a tech you are. Build them well and keep them running and only good things will follow. No one can take away up-time from you and up-time (when the systems run well) is the only true measure of how good you are.
Still, there is the occasional worst case scenario. Let’s say for example there’s a rushed boss who wants you to jump into a job you know you’re not quite ready for. He wants you to move on the spot and you, as a professional, prefer to take a moment to get up to speed on the technology first. The boss is so disappointed in your lack of recklessness that he finds someone else to get the job done on the double quick. To make matters worse, when the new guy takes over he gets lucky and finishes the job correctly and on schedule too. As a result, the boss starts treating you like a goat and the other guy like a hero. If this happens to you, then keep one critically important thing in mind: you were still right. Even if the new guy succeeded brilliantly, he was wrong to begin in the first place and relied far too much on luck to finish the job.
To pick up on the previous analogy, let’s say the guy who jumped off his two-story roof hit the ground and rolled to a stop uninjured. He pops right up and is the hero of the moment, receiving “oohs” and “aahs” from everybody around. Does that mean he can