Decision Making Processes A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition. Gerardus Blokdyk. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gerardus Blokdyk
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная деловая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781867456322
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      <--- Score

      126. What is out of scope?

      <--- Score

      127. Are task requirements clearly defined?

      <--- Score

      128. What are the tasks and definitions?

      <--- Score

      129. Is there a completed, verified, and validated high-level ‘as is’ (not ‘should be’ or ‘could be’) stakeholder process map?

      <--- Score

      130. Who are the Decision-making processes improvement team members, including Management Leads and Coaches?

      <--- Score

      131. Is the team sponsored by a champion or stakeholder leader?

      <--- Score

      132. Will team members perform Decision-making processes work when assigned and in a timely fashion?

      <--- Score

      133. How did the Decision-making processes manager receive input to the development of a Decision-making processes improvement plan and the estimated completion dates/times of each activity?

      <--- Score

      134. Are there different segments of customers?

      <--- Score

      135. How and when will the baselines be defined?

      <--- Score

      136. What is in the scope and what is not in scope?

      <--- Score

      Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section

      Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section

      Transfer your score to the Decision-making processes Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.


      INTENT: Gather the correct data. Measure the current performance and evolution of the situation.

      In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:

      5 Strongly Agree

      4 Agree

      3 Neutral

      2 Disagree

      1 Strongly Disagree

      1. What are your operating costs?

      <--- Score

      2. What causes mismanagement?

      <--- Score

      3. How do you verify the Decision-making processes requirements quality?

      <--- Score

      4. How will success or failure be measured?

      <--- Score

      5. Is the scope of Decision-making processes cost analysis cost-effective?

      <--- Score

      6. What are the Decision-making processes key cost drivers?

      <--- Score

      7. Why do you expend time and effort to implement measurement, for whom?

      <--- Score

      8. How do you verify if Decision-making processes is built right?

      <--- Score

      9. What causes investor action?

      <--- Score

      10. Why do the measurements/indicators matter?

      <--- Score

      11. Where can you go to verify the info?

      <--- Score

      12. What is the cost of rework?

      <--- Score

      13. What are predictive Decision-making processes analytics?

      <--- Score

      14. What potential environmental factors impact the Decision-making processes effort?

      <--- Score

      15. How do you focus on what is right -not who is right?

      <--- Score

      16. Have design-to-cost goals been established?

      <--- Score

      17. What is the cause of any Decision-making processes gaps?

      <--- Score

      18. Are the measurements objective?

      <--- Score

      19. Are you aware of what could cause a problem?

      <--- Score

      20. Where is it measured?

      <--- Score

      21. What details are required of the Decision-making processes cost structure?

      <--- Score

      22. How can you measure Decision-making processes in a systematic way?

      <--- Score

      23. What are the types and number of measures to use?

      <--- Score

      24. What could cause delays in the schedule?

      <--- Score

      25. Has a cost center been established?

      <--- Score

      26. Are Decision-making processes vulnerabilities categorized and prioritized?

      <--- Score

      27. How do you quantify and qualify impacts?

      <--- Score

      28. Are there competing Decision-making processes priorities?

      <--- Score

      29. Is it possible to estimate the impact of unanticipated complexity such as wrong or failed assumptions, feedback, etcetera on proposed reforms?

      <--- Score

      30. How will measures be used to manage and adapt?

      <--- Score

      31. What are the operational costs after Decision-making processes deployment?

      <--- Score

      32. Do decision-making processes consider the impact of a decision on your organizations risk profile?

      <--- Score

      33. Is the solution cost-effective?

      <--- Score

      34. What measurements are possible, practicable and meaningful?

      <--- Score

      35. What are the uncertainties surrounding estimates of impact?

      <--- Score

      36. How will effects be measured?

      <--- Score

      37. Was a life-cycle cost analysis performed?

      <--- Score

      38. How sensitive must the Decision-making processes strategy be to cost?

      <--- Score

      39. Which measures and indicators matter?

      <--- Score

      40. Are you taking your company in the direction of better and revenue or cheaper and cost?

      <--- Score

      41. What tests verify requirements?

      <--- Score
