<--- Score
103. The political context: who holds power?
<--- Score
104. What is the worst case scenario?
<--- Score
105. What baselines are required to be defined and managed?
<--- Score
106. Is the scope of Education management information system defined?
<--- Score
107. What is out of scope?
<--- Score
108. What sort of initial information to gather?
<--- Score
109. Are approval levels defined for contracts and supplements to contracts?
<--- Score
110. Scope of sensitive information?
<--- Score
111. How do you keep key subject matter experts in the loop?
<--- Score
112. Do you have a Education management information system success story or case study ready to tell and share?
<--- Score
113. Is Education management information system currently on schedule according to the plan?
<--- Score
114. Where can you gather more information?
<--- Score
115. How will the Education management information system team and the group measure complete success of Education management information system?
<--- Score
116. Have specific policy objectives been defined?
<--- Score
117. Has a team charter been developed and communicated?
<--- Score
118. What is the definition of Education management information system excellence?
<--- Score
119. What Education management information system services do you require?
<--- Score
120. Who are the Education management information system improvement team members, including Management Leads and Coaches?
<--- Score
121. Have all basic functions of Education management information system been defined?
<--- Score
122. Are the Education management information system requirements complete?
<--- Score
123. Who approved the Education management information system scope?
<--- Score
124. Is the work to date meeting requirements?
<--- Score
125. Is there a clear Education management information system case definition?
<--- Score
126. Will a Education management information system production readiness review be required?
<--- Score
127. What knowledge or experience is required?
<--- Score
128. How do you gather the stories?
<--- Score
129. Who is gathering Education management information system information?
<--- Score
130. How do you think the partners involved in Education management information system would have defined success?
<--- Score
131. What key stakeholder process output measure(s) does Education management information system leverage and how?
<--- Score
132. What is a worst-case scenario for losses?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Education management information system Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Gather the correct data. Measure the current performance and evolution of the situation.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. How to cause the change?
<--- Score
2. What are the costs of reform?
<--- Score
3. How much does it cost?
<--- Score
4. What are the strategic priorities for this year?
<--- Score
5. What happens if cost savings do not materialize?
<--- Score
6. Did you tackle the cause or the symptom?
<--- Score
7. How is the value delivered by Education management information system being measured?
<--- Score
8. What is the root cause(s) of the problem?
<--- Score
9. How do you measure lifecycle phases?
<--- Score
10. Are you able to realize any cost savings?
<--- Score
11. How frequently do you verify your Education management information system strategy?
<--- Score
12. What causes mismanagement?
<--- Score
13. What are you verifying?
<--- Score
14. How do your measurements capture actionable Education management information system information for use in exceeding your customers expectations and securing your customers engagement?
<--- Score
15. Which measures and indicators matter?
<--- Score
16. Have you included everything in your Education management information system cost models?
<--- Score
17. Does management have the right priorities among projects?
<--- Score
18. What are the operational costs after Education management information system deployment?
<--- Score
19. What are the types and number of measures to use?
<--- Score
20. What are the current costs of the Education management information system process?
<--- Score
21. What are