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any concrete religious obligations. A spiritual auto-eroticism of some sort.’36 Pope John Paul II, in Crossing the Threshold of Hope, raised similar searching questions about Buddhism. For example, he explored the question whether Buddhist meditation and contemplation is at all the same as meditation and contemplation in orthodox Christianity. Buddhist meditation strives to ‘wake’ one from existential delusions regarding the status of the world. Christian meditation in the Carmelite tradition begins where the Buddha left off. He continues: ‘Christian mysticism . . . is not born of a purely negative “enlightenment.” It is not born of an awareness of the evil which exists in man’s attachment to the world through the senses, the intellect, and the spirit. Instead, Christian mysticism is born of the Revelation of the living God.’37 Paul Williams, whom I mentioned earlier, an expert in Tibetan Buddhism as well as a Catholic, has further explored these critical probings.38 Taking the other religion seriously in terms of what it teaches is part of the process of respectful and informed theological engagement. None of these explorations negate the positive outreach towards Buddhism. Other Indologists and theologians have made different judgements about Buddhism39 and this is an ongoing engagement initiated by Vatican II’s attitude to search after points of contact and similarities that might facilitate work together towards the common good.

      Vatican II, as I have been trying to illustrate, opened the door to the possibility that scholarship about the religions and theological reflection on the religions might rightly join hands. There is thus room here for both a theology of religions (which is concerned primarily with the dogmatic questions of Christology, Trinity, Church, grace, salvation and so on) and a theology in engagement with each particular religion (dealing with the different contexts of engagement and thus with often very particular sets of questions). Both feed upon each other, although the former drives the latter.

      The meaning of other religions in God’s plan of salvation

      Given the subsequent heated theological debate on this matter after the Council, the magisterium issued a specific declaration on this issue: On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church (Dominus Iesus, 2000; subsequently DI). Paragraphs 20–2 address the intention of the Council teachings and also indicate illegitimate explications from the Council documents. DI acknowledges that while the religions may contain truth and goodness moved by the Spirit, nevertheless: ‘it is clear that it would be contrary to the faith to consider the Church as one way of salvation alongside those constituted by the other religions, seen as complementary to the Church or substantially equivalent to her, even if these are said to be converging with the Church toward the eschatological kingdom of God’. This thereby counters any form of pluralism de iure (in principle). It also shows why the other religions cannot be understood as a ‘means of salvation’ as this term is uniquely applied to the Church precisely because of its Christological foundations. It is for this reason that the document is able to say, despite the many positive teachings that are unhesitatingly repeated, that the other religions per se cannot be understood as ways to salvation. Section 21 is important (as are its notes):