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      What is so very frightening about all the Rockefeller wealth is that it has funded the political aspirations of many powerful dynasty’s for years, and Grandson David has skillfully promoted most of these power monopolies while serving as CEO of the powerful Chase Manhattan Bank, [Now the retail and service arm of JP Morgan Chase] and as the undisputed “Overlord” of his family’s hundreds of wealthy foundations. As Founder and Honorary Chairman of the TC, he’s been in a key position to readily influence world-wide political leaders into his way of thinking, which creates a major conflict of interest with any self governing democracy. David Rockefeller first developed the idea of the politically powerful Trilateral Commission (TC) at one of their family meetings at the Rockefeller Pocantico Hills estate, located near New York City - actually proposing their plan for the TC at a annual meeting of their very secretive and internationally powerful Bilderberg group in Knokke, Belgium in 1972. The Bilderberg group was also another heavily funded Rockefeller aristocracy type organization that included international financiers, industrialists, media magnates, union bosses, academics and political figures whose countries were initially associated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which was established April 4, 1949, by first involving Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States. Later, Greece and Turkey entered the alliance in 1952, and West Germany (now Germany) entered in 1955. Spain became a member in 1982 and the Czech Republic in 1999. Then Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia all became members in 2004, bringing the total membership to twenty-six over a period of some fifty five years. NATO maintains headquarters in Brussels, Belgium and was one of the major Western countermeasures against any aggression by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, which one would like to believe ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The name Bilderberg came from the name of the hotel where their founders first met in Holland in 1954 - and although both the Bilderberg and the TC have somewhat different modes of operation, they both hold an inordinate amount of influence over the United States and their duly appointed politicians. The Bilderberg group was identified primarily with NATO, and constitutes one of the very first shadow governments that sought to influence their will over all these NATO governments and their respective representatives of the working class. What is unique about the TC is that it brought the Japanese ruling elite into the inner circle of this Rockefeller power broker’s association. However, the full TC control can never be assured until they successfully flatten the United State’s sovereign democracy to the same level as these other nations.

      In 1973, right after their successful profit insurance take-over of this country’s once very successful nonprofit healthcare system, David Rockefeller asked a young polish intellectual by the name of Zbigniew Brzezinski to put together an organization of top political and business leaders from around the World, naming this organization the Trilateral Commission, which was a clear illustration of the great power of this Rockefeller dynasty. What’s even more frightening is that Brzezinski later served as co-chair of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force and National Security Adviser for both Jimmy Carter and President Bush. As Executive Director of the TC, he predictably recommended a membership that was made up of international bankers; foundations and Wall Street “think tank” executives; corporate lobbyist; lawyers; military leaders [solely from the Pentagon]; wealthy industrialists; media owners; international business executives; university presidents; as well as selected professors, Senators, Congressmen, U.S. Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, and prospective and past Presidents. In addition, they have more recently included a few selected representatives from Japan and NATO. And last, but certainly not least, David Rockefeller was clearly entrenched as the powerful “Overlord” of the international banksters; all intent on replacing “We the People” and our representatives. If you wish to look at the 2005 membership, it can be found in Appendix I. However, don’t be shocked by the prominence of the Shrub Dynasty’s names that have been integrated into the TC membership. Perhaps this will help explain why the Shrub Dynasty has had such little regard for this country’s duly appointed representatives of the people. Maybe you’ll even begin to understand why Congress has never sought to abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve, or why they continue to pass these devastating international trade agreements. If you carefully study the corporations, institutions, and the individuals in the TC, you’ll soon be able to connect the dots, like why Bush recommended Paul Wolfowitz to head the World Bank, or why he and Richard Cheney have been so distant to Congress and the United Nations. The TC headquarters is located at 345 East 46th Street, Suite 711, New York, NY 10017.

      The TC provided the following description of their organization:

      “The European Community, North America (US and Canada), and Japan - the three main democratic industrialized areas of the world - are the three sides of the Trilateral Commission. The Commission’s members are about 325 distinguished citizens, [March 23, 1994] with a variety of leadership responsibilities, from these three regions. When the first triennium of the Trilateral Commission was launched in 1973, the most immediate purpose was to draw together - at a time of considerable friction among governments - the highest level unofficial group possible to look together at the common problems facing our three areas. At a deeper level, there was a sense that the United States was no longer in such a singular leadership position as it had been in earlier post-World War II years, and that a more shared form of leadership - including Europe, and Japan in particular - would be needed for the international system to navigate successfully the major challenges of the coming years. These purposes continue to inform the Commission’s work. The rise of Japan, and progress of the European Community over the past twenty years - particularly in the world economy - have validated the vision of the Commission’s founders. At the same time, the end of the Cold War calls for a fresh vision of what this outward-looking partnership can accomplish in the coming years. The opportunities are remarkable, and yet, with the welcome end of the old Soviet threat, part of the ‘glue’ holding our regions together has dissolved. Helping meet that leadership challenge is at the heart of the Trilateral Commission effort.” (12)

      The TC secretly gathers every year to make decisions for our country, outlining what our elected officials should be doing. However, many patriotic citizens disagree with this TC takeover and see it in a different light. Here are a just few of their opinions:

      In “The New World Order,” Pat Robertson states:”

      “Brzezinski idealized the theories of Karl Marx. In his book, Between Two Ages, as in subsequent writings, he argued that balance-of-power politics was out, and world-order politics was in. The initial world order was to be a trilateral economic linkage between Japan, Europe, and the United States. David Rockefeller funded Brzezinski, and called together an organization, named the Trilateral Commission, with Brzezinski as its first executive secretary, and director . . . The stated goals of the Trilateral Commission are: ‘Close Trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace, in managing the world economy, [Which is what this is all about] in fostering economic redevelopment, and alleviating world poverty [More like the rich get richer and the poor get poorer] will improve the chances of a smooth, and peaceful evolution of the global system.’” (13)

      In “The Shadows of Power,” James Perloff, states:

      “How did the TC begin? ‘The Trilateral Commission,’ wrote Christopher Lydon in the July 1977 Atlantic, ‘was David Rockefeller’s brainchild.’ George Franklin, North American secretary of the Trilateral Commission, stated that it ‘was entirely David Rockefeller’s idea originally.’ Helping the CFR chairman develop the concept was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who laid the first stone in Foreign Affairs in 1970: ‘A new, and bolder approach is needed - creation of a community of the developed nations which can effectively address itself to the larger concerns confronting mankind. In addition to the United States, and Western Europe, Japan ought to be included ... A council representing the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, with regular meetings of the heads of governments as well as some small standing machinery, would