The first part of this book will give you an overview of the spiritual philosophy behind the universe and some definitions about and information on meeting your ascended soul guides. You will learn about the basic purpose of our ascended extraterrestrial teachers, and how many modern ideas about our universal siblings are based on misperceptions. Much of the wisdom given to us by our ascended soul guides is similar to the wisdom espoused by western and eastern mystics of all ages. As a wise biblical author once said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The wisdom contained herein is certainly ancient, but is presented in a new way conducive to modern understanding.
The second part of this book contains further information on ascended extraterrestrial soul teachers. In the second section, you will find detailed historical and anthropological evidence for past earth / extraterrestrial contact. You will also see how an extraterrestrial explanation for the nature of Jesus Christ (i.e. Yeshua) makes far more sense than the traditional biblical story.
The third part of this book focuses on ways to meet your ascended soul guide(s), and what to expect in doing so. In the last section I will present an overview of ways to prepare yourself to meet your guide, and then I will give detailed meditation exercises that will assist in creating mental and spiritual energy frequencies conducive to meeting and communicating with your guide(s). You will also find a self-hypnotic script in Appendix B that will allow for easier initial subconscious contact with your guide. My guides, Gabriel and Yeshua, have assisted me in creating versions of the meditations and exercises you will find in this book to best assist you in preparing to meet your very own ascended soul guide(s). Lastly, you will find twenty-five mantras in Appendix C given to me by Yeshua. These mantras cover major life experiences and events, and are to be used only after you have completed reading this book in its entirety. The effectiveness of the mantras is based on the power of the universal law of attraction. You should understand this law by the time you finish reading this book, and a deep understanding of the law of attraction will give you the power to make the mantras work effectively.
You will notice that there are questions for reflection at the end of certain chapters throughout the book. These are specifically designed to help you fully digest the material. My goal is not to give you dry and useless information, but to give you practical ways to spiritually awaken and meet your ascended soul guide(s). It would be an excellent idea to read this book with a group of like-minded people, and to discuss the questions together after reading each section. In this way you will be able to better process the information together, and dialogue is always the best route to learning.
My ascended soul guides, Gabriel and Yeshua, have made it abundantly clear that our guides are not here to save us, but to assist us. They will usually not use their advanced technologies and spiritual abilities to directly interfere with human choices. Instead of becoming directly involved in changing our affairs, they prefer to suggest to us ways to change the ideas we have of others and ourselves.
They have given us methods, exercises and rites to help us emerge from imbalance into the full life of spiritual enlightenment. There are benefits to this spiritual work. A divine self-image, honed intuitive abilities and better emotional health will result from our spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Our guides do not wish to develop a race of humans who are totally dependent on them for every little thing. They have initiated contact with us to teach us how to live spiritually, physically and emotionally healthy lives.
I am overjoyed that you have chosen to read this book in order to assist you in your spiritual evolution. The Fellowship of Yeshua is a book to be read and used. The wisdom you will find here is meant to be practical wisdom, wisdom you can implement for personal growth. I have written this book in service to the Spirit and humanity. It is my intention that the readers of this book discover the path to divinity through a relationship with their ascended spiritual teachers.
Finally, at the request of my guides, Gabriel and Yeshua, ten percent of all personal proceeds from the sale of this book and from the Ascended Spirit Guide Connections workshops will be donated to a charity organization. I would love to receive your feedback and comments as you journey along the path presented in this book. I will do my best to answer your questions or comments directly. Do not hesitate to contact me at the email address listed in the “About the Author” section. Though it may take a while, I will personally answer any email I receive. I know that you will look back at this point in your life as a turning point, a point at which you began to live as fully as possible. Blessings on your journey towards new spiritual horizons!
Part One: Ascended Soul Guides and Universal Philosophy
Chapter 1 Welcome to the Journey
Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which animates all whom it floats, and you are without effort impelled to truth, to right and a perfect contentment.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Spiritual Laws
The first question you may have is, “How can I grow spiritually by meeting my ascended soul guides?” Questions are only good if they are properly designed, and this is a good question! There are several ways our guides will help us grow spiritually.
The three most important ways our ascended soul guides will help us grow spiritually are as follows: (1) our guides will improve our emotional health and self-concept, (2) our guides will help us to understand the oneness of the universe and (3) our guides will help us achieve reunion with the Universal Spirit by awakening our universal consciousness.
The Spirit of the Universe is not a blind force, but is a Creative Spirit or Mind that unfolds itself in many ways. Everything in the universe lives and acts, and also discloses its spirit. The Spirit manifests in playful creativity. It is this creative, Universal Spirit that sends forth the stars to illuminate the sky, decorates the spring with flowers, dresses autumn in gold and instills consciousness in mankind.
A precursory look around at our world and the universe at large will show how creative the Spirit of the Universe actually is. Have you ever taken the time to see the diversity around us on an every day basis? Everything is unique in its own way, and at the same time, intrinsically part of the Universal Spirit as the Source of all that exists.
The Spirit is artistic in its living and manifesting. It creates all that exists as an expression of itself, as growth sprouting up from the roots of its very own character. We cannot look at something and say of it, “That is ugly or bad,” for nothing is ugly or bad or good or anything else but pure Spirit. Differentiation is an exercise in futility.
Everyone can have direct experience of universal consciousness within the universal Self. It is this interconnected Self of which all life is a part. There is no individual self in reality, but only the whole Self, which is the manifestation of the Spirit. By losing the self and uniting with the universal Self, we become aware of our true relationship with all other things in the universe.
Enlightened beings know that life is not a bare, mechanical motion or a dead series of events. Life is a spiritual, purposive and self-directing force. This is not to discount physical evolution. On the contrary, it is to give physical evolution purpose. Aware beings also experience that there exists some Power unifying intellectual and emotional activities so as to make life uniform and rational. We sense that there lies within us a universal consciousness or unifying Mind.
There is certainly no place for nihilism in this universal philosophy. Meaning exists everywhere and in everything, though that meaning may be limited by illusory perception. For example, in our everyday physical bodies we become accustomed to living within our own egocentric universe.
We actually create these unique self-universes where only we and the physical things we care most about exist. We too often consciously block out the truth of universal oneness