– When will those classes finish?
– Around 6 p.m. I will call you.
– Alright, waiting for your call than.
– Bye!37
Неловко в этом признаваться, но я был счастлив, как школьник, которому одноклассница назначила первое свидание. Я постарался завершить все дела, договорился со вторым помощником, что он останется за меня на вахте. Но вот наступило шесть часов вечера, затем семь, а мне никто не звонил. Я набирал ее номер, никто не брал трубку, я отсылал СМС, на них не приходило ответа. Только к девяти я смирился с тем, что не увижу сегодня темнокожую девчонку с солнечной улыбкой. На следующий день, продолжая гадать о причинах ее исчезновения, я послал короткое сообщение по электронной почте, не зная, случилось ли что с темноокой красавицей или она просто не хочет меня видеть, но не решается прямо сказать об этом. Ответ пришел только в понедельник.
From: "Grace Palmetto" <GracePalmetto@WImarine-pandi.com>
To: "Dmitry Karetniy" <Ch_Off.Odysseus-Sky@SkyFile.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:36:18 -0500
Subject: RE: Missing you
Hey you,
I don't know where to start about what happened on Saturday, I was really looking forward to seeing you. Not sure if you are aware that the country elected a new Prime Minister on Saturday and I have class in that about 2 m from the location where the campaign was held. They had a stampede of some sort and I dropped my phone trying to get away from all the excitement, anyway the long and short of the story is that I broke my phone. I going to the store to replace it today, I think I should be able to get my old number back.
Will you be in Kingston this weekend? My brother is coming from the states on Saturday and I might have to take him to the country to visit my mom. So if I don't get a chance to see you this week, hopefully I will see you the following week.
Original Message
From: Dmitry Karetniy [mailto:Ch_Off.Odysseus~Sky@SkyFile.com] Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:25 PM To: Grace Palmetto Subject: Missing you
Hi Beauty!
Could you tell me, what happened yesterday? Are you alright?
История выглядела странной, но с другой стороны, зачем ей мне врать? Придется поверить. Радовало уже то, что пропажа моя объявилась, что с ней не случилось ничего дурного, и она по-прежнему готова общаться. Жаль несостоявшегося свидания, но у нас еще все впереди. Из Кингстона к тому времени мы уже ушли и следовали на запад, в направлении Гватемалы и Гондураса. Оставалось только писать письма.
From: "Dmitry Karetniy" <Ch_Off.Odysseus-Sky@SkyFile.com>
To: "Grace Palmetto" <GracePalmetto@WImarine-pandi.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:48:00 -0500
Subject: Last Sat
Hi Grace,
That was really a sad story. I was aware, that Jamaica got a woman for a Prime Minister first time in its history, but I never expected this to prevent me from seeing you. Anyway it's good that you safely got away from that turmoil – lost mobile is of no account. I was worrying about you, when was not able to reach you during that night. Hope you are alright.
We'll come to Kingston on next Saturday. On this line it takes exactly one week to make a round trip. It means that I will not see you at least for two weeks more. Well, will hope for the better.
I will highly appreciate if you find time to send me a message or two. You are unbelievably beautiful (and no, I don't say it to everybody), I like the way you dress, I like the way you talk, I like the way you walk, I like the way you smile (though have not seen that smile for so long time), but I know so little about you. What was the class about, that you had on Saturday? How has your day passed today? Yesterday? Anything you feel possible to share. All that is really interesting for me and it will help keep waiting.
Ответ не замедлил себя ждать, видимо девушка была не слишком загружена работой.
From: "Grace Palmetto" <GracePalmetto@WImarine-pandi.com>
To: "Dmitry Karetniy" <Ch_Off.Odysseus-Sky@SkyFile.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:18:01 -0500
Subject: RE: Last Sat
Att.: Dsc03065.jpg (139188 Byte)
Hi Dmitry,
In case you have forgotten exactly how I look a photograph of myself is attached, it's not the best but it's the only one I have at work. I am not sure what it is that you would like to know about me, so whatever you wanna know just go ahead and ask the question.
Yesterday was not so bad I spent the day with my sister and her son; we went yachting around the harbour with a friend of hers. Right now I'm just praying for 1630 hrs to get out of the office.
Oh by the way I'm doing a BSc. In Management Studies, that's what my class was about on Saturday.
How your day is so far and how was your weekend? Let me know if you can open the attachment if not I will send it in another format.