The forest’s legends. Natali Stoyanov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Natali Stoyanov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449864949
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did baby Tili dream about? He was very strange and his dreams were strange too. When the baby was admiring the full moon, he dreamed of cheese planet where it could be lived in. And it was not just about food! He dreamed of his planet – the own world where a special order could always rule. The aroma of yellow cheese always filled him with joy but after that he wanted to despond a little. The fact was that he felt sad even from food’s excess when there was no one to treat with it. So, he also dreamed of a friend or even a friendly company. And he would like to become big and fearless.

      So, in dreams and thoughts, mouse family came home to a cozy hole which covered with dry grass. The rest of the Mother-mouse’s day passed in household chores and in the evening she barely managed to put mice in the bed only providing that she finally told them about the magic tree. Those moments were quiet, the most beautiful and a true happiness for the Mother-mouse.

      The story of the Mother-mouse

      – When I was little and was unconsciously listening to the songs of different birds then I made an amazing discovery for myself. Night birds and those who sing during the day often never meet but they sometimes sing about the same events as if they continue telling a story. Like one by one they reveal fragments of a picture. So it was with a song about the tree. Birds which flew with the wind of change began singing it. The wind really liked our forest lake which, according to legend, once flew with him in the sky.

      – How can the lake fly? – Dili asked in surprise.

      – Lake is a water and the water can fly if it is converted to steam and gathers together in the cloud – the Mother- mouse explained calmly. – This cloud was so great and gloomy that closed the sun and frightened everybody. When it became a lake then it got an ability to reflect the night sky. So a cloud-lake was filled with the healing power and gave hope to all who surrounded it. Once the wind that came back from distant travels, gave her a seed, from which our magic tree had grown. The seed was tiny and the tree grew huge and now it always bears fruit.

      – Why didn’t I see any fruit? – Dili asked.

      – Because the tree gives fruit to someone who is ready for the challenge from the wind changes.

      – What challenge?

      – The challenge to follow your dream!

      – Does a dream have footprints? Maybe, sweet scent leads to the dream?

      – Maybe the sign of your dream is just the same. No one knows it. However, the fruit of the magic tree acts the way that you begin to see the tracks that will lead you to your dream. In addition, the one that combines your heart with heaven, with the wildest dream!

      – The wildest dream is already in my heart.

      – Then, keep it as the dearest in your life! Let you dream about that wonderful time when this dream will become a reality.

      – Mo-ther, mo-ther, and what is this seed of the magic tree? – the mouse remembered.

      – It looks like a toughie but it is very small. And the symbol of the heart can be seen on it. The birds were singing so. The nutshell has the ability to change in anything that you want! This charming seed gives a solid self-confidence in yourself and a faith in your dreams that can destroy the stone wall.

      – How could it be that a huge tree had grown from such a small seed? – the mouse asked again. – Can I grow and become big too, if I find such a seed? – the mouse was very concerned about this question.

      – You will be able to become big if you learn to do good things – the Mother-mouse was trying to calm down her son and gently looked into his eyes.

      – And when will it happen?

      – Everything in its own time. By the way, now it’s high time to sleep. Your time will come for good great deeds.

      «Time… What is time? It constantly moves in a given pace. Sometimes it seems that it flows like a river of wisdom, and sometimes vice versa – it stood, especially when you are waiting for something, some gift. For example, it is not possible to borrow or return the time but you can waste it ridiculously and this is the biggest loss. Time is not a figure but a certain sequence of events in motion. Who is the master of the time? And what does the phrase «Everything in its own time, mean» like mother said? "– the strange mouse fell asleep with such thoughts.

      The little forester Tili, who was always different from ordinary mice which lived nearby, asked too deep questions. The curious mouse thought that the one who truly understood him was yellow moon that looked like a cheese. Especially at that time when the moon was rising again in the sky and changed its colour from orange to silver and the forest was getting more mysterious.

      A wonderful dance

      A white unicorn MirrEl seemed silver in the moonlight. His silent figure, his power and greatness, beauty and beauteousness made him the most amazing of all fantasy creatures. The appearance of a unicorn was always surprising. Both MirrEl and his friend Yarok, kept an eye on the manner, the laws and the natural phenomena. Both served faithfully and devotedly to others, although they were the wisest among these mountains. They understood every whisper of the forest and all halftones of the sky symbols well.

      And suddenly both felt that something should have happened now. Perhaps that idea occurred because of the fact that birds suddenly became silent, or perhaps because of dump cold air and fog that unexpectedly shielded the part of the lake.

      – I think we have an uninvited guest – Yarok grumbled and his feathers bristled.

      – Yes, it seems that – MirrEl said quietly. – The cold fog is loyal companion of Sytr-Akhr *.

      – I would not like to deal with this evil sorcerer. He’d better sit on his swamps!

      – Who is hiding behind this fog? Whoever it is, come out! – MirrEl said powerfully and at the same time quietly.

      The watchful eagle owl peered intensely into the fog for a few seconds trying to identify the intruder according to the characteristic contours but only the black water could be seen. The crystal water’s azure became blue-black under the willow plant. Suddenly it was covered with small ripples and the reflection became completely blurred. Yarok strained like a warrior who is ready to throw himself into battle with an enemy. A moment later a black swan came out of the fog that disarmed the guard with her grandeur and pompousness.

      – Wow! – it was the one thing that Yarok could only breathe in amazement.

      His eyes were perfectly round and swan’s amazing dance reflected in them like in a mirror. The circle patterns spread on the surface of the lake that looked like the black lace. She approached slowly and her dance was like precise movements of the brush in the hands of an artist who paints in watercolours. But the artist could display only a moment but the swan was like a soft melody… Can the words describe a dance?! It is beyond the words!

      – Who are you? Tell us your name – MirrEl broke the silence gently.

      Yarok was pleased to hear this question like no other. Beauty always affected him hypnotically, so he was a little afraid of that what he saw was the part of sorcery. Thus, it was something in the swan’s dance that Yarok could not understand. As if it was the usual moves in a circle and his heart sank in anticipation of premonition of Secret. Swan’s outlines, consisting of curved lines, drew very lightsome silhouette in all its details. She just floated slowly gliding on the water. Quiet and silent. The swan knew about something incomprehensible, about the Secret, Yarok was powerless to know it. The eagle owl felt unintelligible anxiety but he did not raise the troops. He froze with wide-opened eyes and enjoyed the beauty of the dance.

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