With Fire and Sword. Henryk Sienkiewicz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Henryk Sienkiewicz
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066060824
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horses sank to their knees at times in the soft earth; and he gave them only short resting-spells on the grave-mounds, for he was hastening to a greeting and a parting.

      The second day, about noon, after he had passed a strip of forest, he saw the windmills of Rozlogi scattered on the hillsides and mounds. His heart beat like a hammer. No one there expected him; no one knew he was coming. What will she say when she sees him? Now he beholds the cottages of the neighbors, nearly hidden, covered in the cherry-orchards; farther on is a straggling village of cottages; and still farther is seen the well-sweep on the square in front of the house. The lieutenant, putting spurs to his horse, galloped swiftly; and after him flew his suite through the village with a clatter and a noise. Here and there a peasant, rushing out of his cottage, made a sign of the cross. Devils!--not devils? Tartars!--not Tartars? The mud spatters from under their hoofs so that you don't know who is hurrying on. Meanwhile they are at the square, and have halted before the closed gate.

      "Hallo there! Who lives, open!"

      The bustle and pounding, the barking of dogs, called out the people from the house. They hurried to the gate frightened, thinking it was an attack.

      "Who goes?"


      "The princes are not at home."

      "But open, you son of an infidel! We are from the prince at Lubni."

      The servants at last recognized Skshetuski. "Oh, that is you! Right away! right away!"

      The gate was thrown open. Then the princess herself appeared before the entrance, and shading her eyes with her hand, looked at the new-comers.

      Skshetuski sprang from his horse, and coming up to her said: "Don't you know me?"

      "Oh! that is you. Lieutenant. I thought it was a Tartar raid. I salute you and beg you to enter."

      "You wonder, no doubt," said Pan Yan, "at seeing me in Rozlogi. Still I have not broken my word, for the prince sends me to Chigirin and farther. He asked me also to stop at Rozlogi and inquire for your health."

      "I am thankful to his Highness. Does he think of driving us from Rozlogi soon?"

      "He doesn't think of it at all, for he knows of no cause to drive you out; and what I have said will take place. You will remain in Rozlogi; I have bread enough of my own."

      Hearing this, the princess grew good-humored at once, and said: "Be seated, and be as glad as I am to see you."

      "Is Princess Helena well? Where is she?"

      "I know you. You have not come to see me, my cavalier. She is in good health, she is well; the girl has improved in appearance. But I'll call her to you this minute, and I'll dress a little myself, for I am ashamed to receive guests in this gown."

      The princess was wearing a faded dress, with a fur coat outside, and heavy boots.

      At this moment Helena, though not called, rushed into the room; for she had heard from the old Tartar, Chehly, who the visitor was. She ran in panting, and red as a cherry, barely able to catch her breath, but her eyes were laughing from happiness and joy. Skshetuski sprang to her hand, and when the princess had withdrawn discreetly, kissed her on the lips, for he was an impulsive man. She did not defend herself vigorously, feeling that weakness had come upon her from an overflow of happiness and joy.

      "I did not expect to see you," whispered she, half closing her eyes. "But don't kiss me that way, for it isn't proper."

      "Why shouldn't I kiss when honey is not half so sweet? I thought I should wither away without you, till the prince himself sent me here."

      "What does the prince know?"

      "I told him all, and he was glad when he remembered your father. Oh, you must have given me some herb, my girl, for I cannot see the light of day on account of you."

      "Your blindness is a favor from God."

      "But do you remember that omen which the falcon gave when she drew our hands together? It was destiny beyond a doubt."

      "I remember."

      "When at Lubni I used to go from sadness to Solonitsa and see you there just as if present, if I stretched forth my hand you disappeared; but you will not escape me again, for I think that nothing will stand in our way now."

      "If anything does, it will not be my will."

      "Tell me again that you love me."

      Helena dropped her eyes, but answered with dignity and decision: "As nobody in the world."

      "If any one should surround me with honor and gold, I should prefer those words of yours; for I feel that you speak the truth, though I do not know why I deserve such favor from you."

      "Because you had pity on me, drew me to you, took my part, and spoke words such as I had never heard before."

      Helena was silent from emotion, and the lieutenant began again to kiss her hand.

      "You will be my ruler, not my wife."

      They were silent for a while, but he did not take his eyes from her, wishing to make up for the long time in which he had not seen her. She seemed to him more beautiful than before. In that dim room, in the sunlight broken into rays by the glass window-panes, she looked like those pictures of holy virgins in dusky chapels. At the same time such warmth and life surrounded her, so many splendid womanly graces and charms were pictured in her face and whole form, that it was possible to lose one's head, fall desperately in love with her, and love forever.

      "I shall lose my sight from your beauty," said the lieutenant.

      The white teeth of the princess glittered joyously in a smile. "Undoubtedly Anusia Borzobogata is a hundred times better looking than I!"

      "She is to you as a pewter plate to the moon."

      "But Jendzian told me a different story."

      "Jendzian deserves a slap on the mouth. What do I care for her? Let other bees take honey from that flower, and there are plenty of them there."

      Further conversation was interrupted by the entrance of old Chehly, who came to greet the lieutenant. He looked on him already as his future master, and he bowed to him at the threshold, giving the salaam in Oriental fashion.

      "Well, old Chehly, I take you too with your mistress. You will serve her till you die."

      "She won't have long to wait for my death; but while I live I will serve her. God is one!"

      "In a month or so, when I return from the Saitch, we will go to Lubni," said the lieutenant, turning to Helena; "and there Mukhovetski is ready with his robes."

      Helena was startled. "Then you are going to the Saitch?"

      "The prince sends me with letters. But have no fear; the person of an envoy is sacred, even among pagans. I should send you and the princess immediately to Lubni, but the roads are fearful. Even on horseback it is hard to get along."

      "Will you stay long in Rozlogi?"

      "I leave this evening for Chigirin. The sooner I go the sooner I shall return. Besides, it is the prince's service; neither my time nor will is at my disposal."

      "Will you come to dinner, if you have had enough of billing and cooing?" said the princess, coming in. "Ho! ho! the young woman's cheeks are red; 'tis evident you have not been idle, sir! Well, I'm not surprised at you."

      Saying this, she stroked Helena affectionately on the shoulder, and they went to dinner. The princess was in perfectly good humor. She had given up Bogun long ago, and all was arranged now, owing to the liberality of the lieutenant, so that she could look on Rozlogi, "with its pine woods, forests, boundaries, and inhabitants," as belonging to her and her sons,--no small property, indeed.

      The lieutenant asked for the princes,--whether they would return soon.

      "I expect them every day. They were angry at first with you, but afterward, when they scrutinized your acts, they conceived a great affection for you as their future