3201 (return) [ The expression is that of Jean Bon Saint-André to Mathieu Dumas, sent to re-establish tranquillity in Montauban (1790): "The day of vengeance, which we have been awaiting for a hundred years, has come!"]
3202 (return) [ De Dampmartin, I. 187 (an eye-witness).]
3203 (return) [ "Archives Nationales," F7, 3223 and 3216. Letters of M. de Bouzols, major general, residing at Montpellier, May 21, 25, 28, 1790.]
3204 (return) [ Mary Lafon, "Histoire d'une Ville Protestante ".(with original documents derived from the archives of Montauban).]
3205 (return) [ Archives Nationales," F7, 2216. Procés-verbal of the Municipality of Nîmes and report of the Abbé de Belmont.—Report of the Administrative commissioners, June 28, 1790.—Petition of the Catholics, April 20.—Letters of the Municipality, the commissioners, and M. de Nausel, on the events of May 2 and 3.—Letter of M. Rabaut Saint-Etienne, May 12—Petition of the widow Gas, July 30.—Report (printed) of M. Alquier, February 19, 1791.—Memoir (printed) of the massacre of the Catholics at Nîmes, by Froment (1790).—New address of the Municipality of Nîmes, presented by M. de Marguerite, mayor and deputy (1790), printed. Mercure de France, February 23, 1791.]
3206 (return) [ The petition is signed by 3,127 persons, besides 1560 who put a cross declaring that they could not write. The counter-petition of the club is signed by 262 persons.]
3207 (return) [ This last item, stated in M. Alquier's report, is denied by the municipality. According to it, the red rosettes gathered around the bishop's quarters had no guns.]
3208 (return) [ An insurrection in the sixteenth century, when the Protestants fired on the Catholics on St. Michael's Day.—320TR.]
3209 (return) [ "Archives Nationales," F7, 3216. Letter of M. de Lespin, Major at Nîmes, to the commandant of Provence, M de Perigord, July 27, 1790: "The plots and conspiracies which were attributed to the vanquished party, and which, it was believed, would be discovered in the depositions of the four hundred men in prison, vanish as the proceedings advance. The veritable culprits are to be found among the informers."]
3210 (return) [ Buchez and Roux, III. 240 (Memorandum of the Ministers, October 28, 1789).—"Archives Nationales," D, XXIX. 3. Deliberation of the Municipal council of Vernon (November 4, 1789)]
3211 (return) [ "Archives Nationales," KK, 1105. correspondence of M. de Thiard, November 4, 1789.—See similar occurrences, September 4, October 23, November 4 and 19, 1789, January 27 and March 27, 1790]
3212 (return) [ "Archives Nationales," F7, 3257. Letter from Gex, May 29, 1790.—Buchez and Roux, VII. 198, 369 (September, October, 1790).]
3213 (return) [ "Archives Nationales," H. 1453. correspondence of M. de Bercheny, Commandant of the four central provinces. Letters of May 25, June 11, 19, and 27, 1790.—" Archives Nationales," D. XXIX. 4. Deliberations of the district administrators of Bourbon-Lancy, May 26.]
3214 (return) [ "Archives Nationales," H. 2453. Minutes of the meeting of a dozen parishes in Nivernais, June 4. "White bread is to be 2 sous, and brown bread 1½ sous. Husbandmen are to have 30 sous, reapers 10 sous, wheelwrights 10 sous, bailiffs 6 sous per league. Butter is to be at 8 sous, meat at 5 sous, pork at 8 sous, oil at 8 sous the pint, a square foot of masonry-work 40 sous, a pair of large sabots 3 sous. All rights of pasturage and of forests are to be surrendered. The roads are to be free everywhere, as formerly. All seignorial rents are to be suppressed. Millers are to