One woman, one man. Ihar Navitski. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ihar Navitski
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Дом и Семья: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449840974
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girl did not get a heart wound, as is the case with a divorce of parents. A competent psychological approach allowed her to protect the child from internal feelings and discomfort in relationships. Father remained father. The woman does not interfere with the meetings of the pope with the girl. On the contrary, she strongly encourages these meetings.

      Nothing was foreseen in Katerina’s personal life at that time, except for a light calm. She had a man, but rather, he could be called a substitute. Katerina was not interested in marrying this man and making plans for the future. Sex and nothing more. Not even making love, but just sex. In any case, nature demanded its own.

      So the years went by. During this time, Katerina visited the bed of two men, but with none of them a serious relationship was reached. There were always a great many males around her. She, like a magnet, attracted with her feminine data, but not all of these people were worthy of the attention of our heroine. Katya always felt thin people. Some of them needed from her only what was between the legs of each woman, someone needed to use the connections and position. The woman clearly read all this, so it was very, very difficult to get to her favorites.

      Katerina’s girl was growing up. Personal life drifted, but not for long. A saving lighthouse appeared on the horizon in the form of a wealthy man. George was younger than Katerina and was very attracted by the appearance of a handsome male. They had a relationship that lasted a short time, but resembled a meeting of two spouses that live in different countries. The heroine’s chosen one was a foreigner. Katie’s attraction to the guy faded over time. Nature took her own, and the woman broke up with her, as she loved to call him, civil husband. The story, however, was continued. And this continuation is now peacefully sniffing in the back seat of our heroine’s car. From this connection, a beautiful baby was born – another girl. Katerina did not even think about abortion. Really, a woman flint. Give birth and only give birth! Pregnancy proceeded with complications. Women who have had to go through child preservation procedures will immediately understand what we mean. In addition, Katya was left completely alone. The man with whom she had a relationship did not know about the girl until a certain point. Later, she will tell George everything, leaving the choice for him: to accept a daughter from a relationship between them or not. We must pay tribute to this guy, he turned out to be a decent man and a good father. To this day, a man mentally and financially supports his girl. He can be respected for this, and any normal man would shake his hand. But at that time, Katerina was left alone with the baby in her arms. She doubted for a long time: «To speak or not to speak?» A decision was made – to say: Dad should be informed about his native blood.

      Our Katya needed support. She understood that the girl needed to be given only the best. George could provide everything needed. Fortunately, the baby’s father accepted the news of paternity with a bang. He loves his tender daughter very much and does not dwell on her soul. Katerina and George are doing everything so that the child does not feel impaired in something. The heroine has long had no attraction to this man, but there is respect and the most precious gift of life – their daughter.

      Let’s go back today. After Katya took her baby to kindergarten, the next stop is work. What can be said about the work of our heroine? All or nothing. In principle, work, like everything else, is no different from the rest. A man goes to work to make money. It’s great when making money turns into a favorite pastime. So it was with our heroine. She liked the job. Her calling is communication with people. She could find a common language with any person, in which Katya was helped not only by her appearance, but also by her inner strength. A competent and clear approach to any issue, understanding of human problems – these are the main trump cards in the hands of a woman. And this really worked for her: people went to meet her. But, you should make a reservation, as in any relationship, for all you will not be nice. Our heroine was no exception. Katerina also had enough ill-wishers. What did she do with them? Entered into its «black» list. Oh, if a person is on this list, then do not wait for mercy. But, who was in her «white» list, he really could feel the fullness of the friendship of the heroine. I think that we will not stop at work for now. This then will be parting with your favorite work and internal discomfort from the fact that you were «thrown» overboard after so many years of serving faithfully. All this later. Now we are getting closer to the fateful event when the world of Katerina begins to change and flourish with the advent of the second hero of the story.

      Time passed, on the personal front, everything was unchanged. As before, boyfriends were curling around Katya, who tried everything to win the favor of the «iron lady», but nobody succeeded. Someone with contempt will say: «She has too high an opinion of herself.» We will not persuade them, it is their right to think so. On this occasion, we can say the following: «There should be at least a prince near the queen.» Unfortunately, men of this type surrounded by Katerina were not observed at that time. And only if a woman did not want to start a relationship. She waited until she met a worthy challenger.

      The heroine and the hero were introduced to the Internet – social networks. Non-binding correspondence, easy flirtation did not even give a hint that our heroes could build relationships in the future. Everything went on as usual, but, as it turns out later, not by chance. Katya became interested in a man on the Internet correspondence. This is just one thing – the manifestation of interest in him, which, believe me, is expensive, aroused certain feelings in her. No, not love. Katya is not one of those women who will fall in love with a guy just because of the fact that he has an elastic butt or a pumped up press. The intelligence of a person is important to her. The intelligence of a man is the main point of arousal. And then the rest of the components are coming. After a very short time, the correspondence resulted in a phone call. The characters liked each other in a conversation. Katya wanted to see Alexander – that was the name of the young man. He, too, longed for this meeting, but he feared for certain reasons. In more detail we will talk about them in the second part.

      So, the first meeting of the heroes. The usual greeting, template words… The first actions of Alexander forced Katya to take a closer look at the man. As we remember, she is the mother of two charming daughters. At the time of the meeting with our hero, Katerina was experiencing certain financial difficulties. Of course, she struggled with such a situation as she could, and got out of the situation, but still alone, especially a woman, it is difficult to solve everyday issues, especially when there are children. What did she like about the guy? This is a genuine interest in the daughters of Katerina. Our hero is the father himself – he has a daughter, which also played a plus for the young man in the formation of the first impression. The hero behaved with dignity. The actions and words of Alexander were sincere. Very often men try to find a way to the heart of their chosen one through her children, not realizing that the simulated interest causes rejection. If a woman is smart, and in our case, Katya is not only smart, but also knows how to understand people, then the first date will immediately become the last. In the case of our heroes, this did not happen. The man was really interested in children. The hours of the first meeting flew by in an instant. Katerina and our hero did not notice how they spent time. They were very interested together. At the end of the meeting, the moment came when it would be all or nothing. Katya behaved in such a way that everything was further. Attitude to sex on a first date is different for everyone. Someone will say that there is nothing to worry about. Maybe so, but it’s okay if the couple met just for that. As a rule, the relationship of such pairs is short-lived. Katerina does not belong to this part of the female population. Sex was, but later. True, the language does not dare to call the proximity of Alexander and Katerina sex. This was the beginning of love, which manifests itself between two adults, including through an intimate relationship.

      Sasha literally took Katya by force, but this force excited our heroine so much that she forgot about everything in the world. He entered it several times. It was felt that the young man wanted her with such an animal primitive passion that he himself lost orientation in space and time. Alexander not only examined the beautiful body of a woman with his warm hands, but also made her languish from sweetness even before entering the flesh. He longed for this woman, but like any attentive