The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto: Grammar & Commentary. George Cox. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: George Cox
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664609489
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a villager.London-o, London, London-an-o, a Londoner.

       -AR- Denotes a collection of the idea implied in the root (ar-o, a collection, flock), (par. 273):arb-o, a tree, arb-ar-o, a wood.hom-o, a man, hom-ar-o, mankind.

       -ĈJ- These letters, substituted for one or more of the letters of a masculine name, make it an affectionate diminutive (par. 274):Petr-o, Peter, Pe-ĉj-o, Pete.Vilhelm-o, William, Vilhel-ĉj-o, Willie, Vilhe-ĉj-o, Will, Vil-ĉj-o, Billy, Vi-ĉj-o, Bill.For feminine names insert nj instead of ĉj (par. 274):Mari-o, Mary, Ma-nj-o, Polly.Helen-o, Helen, Hele-nj-o, Nelly, He-nj-o, Nell.

       -EBL- Denotes possibility, similar to the English terminations -able, -ible (ebl-a, possible, ebl-e, perhaps), (par. 275):leg-i, to read, leg-ebl-a, legible.tra-vid-i, to see through, tra-vid-ebl-a, transparent.

       -EC- Denotes an abstract quality of the idea conveyed in the root, like the English terminations -ness, -tude, -ity (ec-o, a distinctive mark, or quality), (par. 271):bon-a, good, bon-ec-o, goodness.riĉ-a, rich, riĉ-ec-o, wealth.

       -EDZ- Denotes a married person (edz-o, a husband), (par. 276):doktor-o, a doctor, doktor-edz-in-o, a doctor’s wife, lav-ist-in-o, a washerwoman, lav-ist-in-edz-o, a washerwoman’s husband.

       -EG- Denotes augmentation, intensity of degree (eg-a, intense, eg-ec-o, intensity), (par. 277):grand-a, great, grand-eg-a, enormous.pord-o, a door, pord-eg-o, a portal, outer-door.

       -EJ- Denotes the place specially used for, or allotted to, the idea implied in the root (ej-o, place, location), (par. 278):preĝ-i, to pray, preĝ-ej-o, a church.tomb-o, a grave, tomb, tomb-ej-o, a graveyard, cemetery.

       -EM- Denotes propensity, inclination, disposition (em-o, a disposition, bias, tendency), (par. 275):babil-i, to chatter, babil-em-a, chattering.pac-o, peace, pac-em-a, inclined to peace, peaceful.

       -ER- Denotes one of many objects of the same kind, a small fragment (er-o, an item), (par. 273):sabl-o, sand, sabl-er-o, a grain of sand.mon-o, money, mon-er-o, a coin.

       -ESTR- Denotes a chief, leader, ruler, or head of (estr-o, a chief), (par. 272):ŝip-o, a ship, ŝip-estr-o, a captain of a ship.imperi-o, an empire, imperi-estr-o, an emperor.

       -ET- Denotes diminution of degree (et-a, little, small), (par. 277):mont-o, a mountain, mont-et-o, a hill.rid-i, to laugh, rid-et-i, to smile.

       -ID- Denotes the young of, offspring, descendant (id-o, offspring), (par. 279):ŝaf-o, a sheep, ŝaf-id-o, a lamb.Izrael-o, Israel, Izrael-id-o, an Israelite.

       -IG- Denotes the causing, making, or rendering anything to be in the state implied by the root (ig-i, to cause, to make), (par. 280):mort-i, to die, mort-ig-i, to kill.pur-a, clean, pur-ig-i, to clean, purify.

       -IĜ- Denotes the action of becoming, turning to, and has sometimes a reflexive force (iĝ-i, to become, to be made), (par. 280):ruĝ-a, red, ruĝ-iĝ-i, to become red, to blush.riĉ-a, rich, riĉ-iĝ-i, to become, or grow rich, or to get rich.

       -IL- Denotes the tool or instrument or means by which something is done (il-o, a tool, means), (par. 281):tranĉ-i, to cut, tranĉ-il-o, a knife.pres-i, to print, pres-il-o, a printing press.

       -IN- Denotes the feminine gender (in-o, a female), (par. 282):frat-o, a brother, frat-in-o, a sister.leon-o, a lion, leon-in-o, a lioness.

       -IND- Denotes worthiness, deserving of something, worthy of (ind-o, worth, merit), (par. 275):laŭd-i, to praise, laŭd-ind-a, praiseworthy.estim-o, esteem, estim-ind-a, estimable, worthy of esteem.

       -ING- Denotes a thing used for holding only one object (ing-o, a socket, or sheath), (par. 278):plum-o, a pen, plum-ing-o, a penholder.kandel-o, a candle, kandel-ing-o, a candlestick.

       -ISM- Denotes a theory, system, doctrine, school of thought (ism-o, an "ism"), (par. 293):real-a, real, real-ism-o, realism.protestant-o, a protestant, protestant-ism-o, protestantism.

       -IST- Denotes a person occupied with the idea contained in the root (par. 272):drog-o, a drug, drog-ist-o, a druggist.ŝtel-i, to steal, ŝtel-ist-o, a thief.

       -NJ- See ĈJ, page 29, and par. 274.

       -OBL- Denotes a numeral multiple (par. 284):du, two, du-obl-a, double.tri, three, tri-obl-a, triple.

       -ON- Denotes a numeral fraction (par. 284):kvar, four, kvar-on-o, a fourth.kvin, five, kvin-on-o, a fifth.

       -OP- Denotes a numeral collective (op-a, collective), (par. 284):du, two, du-op-e, by twos.dek, ten, dek-op-e, by tens, ten together.

       -UJ- Denotes that which contains, produces, encloses, or bears, a quantity or more than one article (uj-o, a receptacle), (par. 278):ink-o, ink, ink-uj-o, an inkpot.plum-o, a pen, plum-uj-o, a pen box (not a penholder).turk-o, a Turk, Turk-uj-o, Turkey.

       -UL- Denotes a person or being characterized by the idea implied in the root (par. 272):riĉ-a, rich, riĉ-ul-o, a rich man.avar-a, avaricious, avar-ul-o, a miser.

       -UM- Has no defined meaning. The meaning of a word with um is suggested by the context and the signification of the root to which it is joined. It is rarely used (par. 285):kol-o, a neck, kol-um-o, a collar.plen-a, full, plen-um-i, to, a hand, man-um-o, a cuff.

       Table of Contents

       BO- Denotes any relationship resulting from marriage (par. 286):patro, a father, bo-patro, a father-in-law.filino, a daughter, bo-filino, a daughter-in-law.

       DIS- Denotes division, dissemination, separation, etc., (dis-e, separately), (par. 287):ĵeti, to throw, dis-ĵeti, to throw about, to scatter.ŝiri, to tear, dis-ŝiri, to tear in pieces.

       EK- Denotes the beginning of an action, or its short duration (par. 288):kanti, to sing, ek-kanti, to begin to sing.brili, to shine, ek-brili, to flash.

       EKS- Denotes late, formerly, like the English ex-.kolonelo, colonel, eks-kolonelo, ex-colonel.edziĝo, a wedding, eks-edziĝo, a divorce.

       GE- Denotes persons of both sexes taken together (par. 286):patro, a father, ge-patroj, parents, or father and mother.mastro, a master, ge-mastroj, master and mistress.

       MAL- Denotes the direct opposite of any idea (mal-e, on the contrary), (par. 289):forta, strong, mal-forta, weak.estimi, to esteem, mal-estimi, to despise.

       MIS- Denotes mis-, amiss, wrongly, erroneously.

       RE- Denotes, as in English, repetition, again, back (re-e, again), (par. 290):iri, to go, re-iri, to go again.diri, to say, re-diri, to repeat.


      On reference to par. 254, it will be seen that prepositions are frequently used as prefixes. A good many other particles also are used in the same way, e.g.:—

       ĈEF par. 272 (g)

       DUON par. 286

       FI par. 270

       FOR par. 287

       FUŜ par. 270

       MEM par. 291

       SIN par. 291

       PRA par. 286

       VIC par. 292

       Table of Contents

      56. Elision is not common in Esperanto, except in poetry, where it is used, when required, for the purpose