Eikon Basilike. John Gauden. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Gauden
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664610430
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know no resolutions more worthy a Christian King, then to prefer His Conscience before His Kingdoms.

      O my God preserve thy servant in this Native, Rationall and Religious freedome; For this I beleeve is thy will, that we should maintain: who, though thou dost justly require us to submit our understandings and wils to thine; whose wisdom and goodnesse can neither erre, nor misguide us, and so far to deny our carnall reason, in order to thy sacred Mysteries and Commands, that we should beleeve and obey, rather then dispute them; yet dost thou expect from us, only such a reasonable service of thee, as not to do any thing for thee, against our consciences: and as to the desires of men, enjoinest us to try all things by the touch-ston of reason and Lawes, which are the rules of Civill Justice; and to declare our consents to that only which our Judgments approve.

      Thou knowest, ô Lord, how unwilling I was to desert that place, in which thou hast set Me, and whereto the affairs of My Kingdoms at present did call me.

      My People can witness how far I have been content for their good, to deny My self, in what thou hast subjected to My disposall.

      O let not the unthankfull importunities, and tumultuary violence of some mens Immoderat demands, ever betray Me to that degenerous and unmanly slavery, which should make Me strengthen them by My consent in those things which I think in My conscience to be against thy glory, the good of My subjects, and the discharge of My own duty to Reason and Justice.

      Make me willing to suffer the greatest indignities and injuries they press upon Me, rather then commit the least sin against My Conscience.

      Let the just Liberties of My people be (as well they may) preserved in fair and equall waies, without the slavery of My soul.

      Thou that hast invested Me by thy favours, in the power of a Christian King, suffer Me not to subject My Reason to other mens passions, and designes, which to Me seem unreasonable, unjust and irreligious: So shall I serve thee in the truth and uprightness of My heart, though I cannot satisfie these men.

      Though I be driven from among them, yet give Me grace to walk, alwaies uprightly before thee.

      Lead Me in the way of Truth and Justice, for these, I know, will bring Me at last to peace and happiness with thee; though for these I have much trouble among men.

      This I beg of thee for my Saviours sake.

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