When the soul perceives this, it will become deeply interested and will search carefully for the intended meaning and will require the mind to concentrate upon the reading so that it likewise will understand.
This will be a good time to try to note the difference between the mind and the soul. Watch the reactions of the mind to what was stated above, while re-reading to catch its significance, then see if you can tell when the soul is leading and when the mind. This knowledge is necessary in order later to know when the Master speaks.
Later there will be given a clear definition and explanation of what is the soul and its relation to the mind. In the meantime and in order to prepare the mind so that it can understand, try to grasp as well as you can the distinction between the two and to become acquainted with your own soul.
Do not forget that this is inner work, and until you are able to follow us and do what is told you cannot get very far in your journey inward to the Kingdom.
Therefore study earnestly all that is said in each article. Every thought in them is chosen to assist you in finding the Master within, that He may help and guide you on your journey. Merely reading them over once or twice will get you nowhere. That, of course, will be the result if they make no appeal to you. If so, this Work is not for you. But if they do appeal, and they make you long to be worthy of all they hold forth as possible, you may be sure, if you faithfully do your part as suggested real joy of accomplishment awaits.
Consequently we cannot stress too strongly the importance of reading an article at least once every during the month, preferably just before your meditation hour. If you do this, earnestly seeking the full Truth of each thought expressed, new meanings will unfold with every reading, and often actual illumination will result.
For you are seeking the greatest goal possible for soul, and all the Brothers of the Kingdom are lovingly waiting to help and to send you all the it needed—when it is earnestly sought—to quicken mind and heart so that you can become one with Them in Their Christ consciousness and understanding.
WE HAVE shown the three stages reached by those whose feet are definitely set upon the Path that leads back to the Father’s House—the stages of the Aspirant, the Disciple on Probation, and the Accepted Disciple. We have tried to show each traveler the stage he or she has attained, so that they may understand the meaning and purpose of the experiences through which they are now passing, and also of those which await in the stages ahead.
All who have accompanied us thus far and who have earnestly studied and meditated upon all that has been said cannot fail to realize that this is a mental journey we are traveling, and that we are headed inward—for is not the Kingdom of Heaven within us? Also all such are beginning to see why we have been so insistent upon those accompanying us taking the suggested daily exercises in meditation and mind control. For it will be utterly impossible to continue with us until the mental faculties have been trained along the lines indicated, so that they will obey you and permit you to direct and use them to any desired end.
This journey, naturally being an inward one, will lead us deep within the mind, or rather within the consciousness that fills and really is what is called mind. But do not become concerned about it yet—those of you who have not made much progress in thought-control, for we are only trying to prepare you—to get you to understand what is necessary, and that it is not at all a difficult journey—when you are properly equipped for it. You are already provided with the required equipment,—you have all your mental faculties, you have an earnest desire to go, a will awaiting your command to direct and put the faculties to work, and plain and simple exercises that you are asked to follow. Therefore, if you are really in earnest in the seeking of the Kingdom is FIRST in your heart and mind—why not get busy now, and let nothing interfere with your gaining perfect control of your mental faculties and thus becoming fully equipped for this all-important journey.
Under the subject of Meditation it was stated, “All must learn that to be of real service to the Master within, they must first be able to hear His Voice when He speaks, and that cannot be until they have learned to become quiet and to turn their thoughts within, for the definite purpose of finding and getting acquainted with Him.”
Many think it most difficult and vouchsafed only to the favored few to hear the Voice of the Master—the Higher Self, but when we say that practically everyone who reads these words hears His Voice many times a day and is being guided and directed by Him almost all the time, you will see that it really only needs that you get better acquainted with Him to enable you to know when He speaks, and to permit you to work with Him and to follow where He directs. It is our wish and aim to make you so well acquainted with Him that you may always know when He speaks, and when it is the voice of self that you hear.
First, try to recall the times during the day when you see yourself doing something foolish or wrong—not what you would have done had you first taken counsel with yourself; or when you find yourself saying something that hurts another, that arouses anger, or that is not true, which you would not have said had you exercised control of yourself.
You will note, if you read again the preceding sentence carefully, that you see yourself doing and saying things. We will repeat it in a little different form—to see if you can learn why: “You see your self doing something foolish or wrong—not what it would have done had it first taken counsel with you; or you find your self saying something that hurts another, that arouses anger, or that is not true, which would not have been said had you exercised control of that self.”
Here apparently are two selves—at first they may seem to be one—yet a careful reading discloses a distinct difference; there is one that sees and knows, and another that is seen and does not know; one that can control the other, yet at times lets the other have its own way— evidently for a purpose.
By studying the activities of your mind and the tendencies of your nature you will discover that there is a part of you that is willful and wholly selfish and which, if not restrained, gets you into much trouble; also that there is another part—one that is all mind, which knows all about and can restrain the other part—the emotional side of your nature, when it wills to do so, but which it seldom does, until it has learned by experience the wisdom of so doing. Now this part—the mind that learns by experience—more and more becomes conscious of a quiet Voice within pointing out the lessons of such experiences and continually suggesting, cautioning, chiding, denying, accusing, shaming, and gradually getting the mind to listen to and it. This continues every day for years, until mind is taught much knowledge—especially the results of listening and obeying.
If you can now see this part—your mind that is learning to listen and obey and also learning to restrain and control the other part, the animal and selfish side of your nature—as the Disciple, the John Smith part of you; and the Voice speaking from within the depths of the soul as that of the Master, the Real You—the Spirit of God, the Christ-Self of you,—you will begin to glimpse a great but a very simple truth. Pause here and try to get the full significance of what has been stated in the last five paragraphs.
Again, at times you find yourself sitting back—outside of your human self as it were—viewing the John Smith part of you in all its petty meanness and selfishness—its shortcomings, faults and weaknesses, pointing them out to your mind so that it sees them clearly through your eyes and becomes heartily sick and ashamed of itself for permitting such things to be, and determines definitely to overcome and eliminate all such from your nature for the good of all concerned.