OWEN WISTER Ultimate Collection: Western Classics, Adventure & Historical Novels (Including Non-Fiction Historical Works). Owen Wister. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Owen Wister
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075832429
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bare; on the other half the revellers were densely clotted. At the crowd's outer rim the young horsemen, flushed and swaying, retained their gaudy dance partners strongly by the waist, to be ready when the music should resume. "What is it?" they asked. "Who is it?" And they looked in across heads and shoulders, inattentive to the caresses which the partners gave them.

      Mrs. Lusk was who it was, and she had taken poison here in their midst, after many dances and drinks.

      "Here's Doc!" cried an older one.

      "Here's Doc!" chorused the young blood that had come into this country since his day. And the throng caught up the words: "Here's Doc! here's Doc!"

      In a moment McLean and Barker were sundered from each other in this flood. Barker, sucked in toward the centre but often eddied back by those who meant to help him, heard the mixed explanations pass his ear unfinished—versions, contradictions, a score of facts. It had been wolf-poison. It had been "Rough on Rats." It had been something in a bottle. There was little steering in this clamorous sea; but Barker reached his patient, where she sat in her new dress, hailing him with wild inebriate gayety.

      "I must get her to her room, friends," said he.

      "He must get her to her room," went the word. "Leave Doc get her to her room." And they tangled in their eagerness around him and his patient.

      "Give us 'Buffalo Girls!'" shouted Mrs. Lusk.... "'Buffalo Girls,' you fiddler!"

      "We'll come back," said Barker to her.

      "'Buffalo Girls,' I tell yus. Ho! There's no sense looking at that bottle, Doc. Take yer dance while there's time!" She was holding the chair.

      "Help him!" said the crowd. "Help Doc."

      They took her from her chair, and she fought, a big pink mass of ribbons, fluttering and wrenching itself among them.

      "She has six ounces of laudanum in her," Barker told them at the top of his voice. "It won't wait all night."

      "I'm a whirlwind!" said Mrs. Lusk. "That's my game! And you done your share," she cried to the fiddler. "Here's my regards, old man! 'Buffalo Girls' once more!"

      She flung out her hand, and from it fell notes and coins, rolling and ringing around the starch boxes. Some dragged her on, while some fiercely forbade the musician to touch the money, because it was hers, and she would want it when she came to. Thus they gathered it up for her. But now she had sunk down, asking in a new voice where was Lin McLean. And when one grinning intimate reminded her that Lusk had gone to shoot him, she laughed out richly, and the crowd joined her mirth. But even in the midst of the joke she asked again in the same voice where was Lin McLean. He came beside her among more jokes. He had kept himself near, and now at sight of him she reached out and held him. "Tell them to leave me go to sleep, Lin," said she.

      Barker saw a chance. "Persuade her to come along," said he to McLean. "Minutes are counting now."

      "Oh, I'll come," she said, with a laugh, overhearing him, and holding still to Lin.

      The rest of the old friends nudged each other. "Back seats for us," they said. "But we've had our turn in front ones." Then, thinking they would be useful in encouraging her to walk, they clustered again, rendering Barker and McLean once more well-nigh helpless. Clumsily the escort made its slow way across the quadrangle, cautioning itself about stones and holes. Thus, presently, she was brought into the room. The escort set her down, crowding the little place as thick as it would hold; the rest gathered thick at the door, and all of them had no thought of departing. The notion to stay was plain on their faces.

      Barker surveyed them. "Give the doctor a show now, boys," said he. "You've done it all so far. Don't crowd my elbows. I'll want you," he whispered to McLean.

      At the argument of fair-play, obedience swept over them like a veering of wind. "Don't crowd his elbows," they began to say at once, and told each other to come away. "We'll sure give the Doc room. You don't want to be shovin' your auger in, Chalkeye. You want to get yourself pretty near absent." The room thinned of them forthwith. "Fix her up good, Doc," they said, over their shoulders. They shuffled across the threshold and porch with roundabout schemes to tread quietly. When one or other stumbled on the steps and fell, he was jerked to his feet. "You want to tame yourself," was the word. Then, suddenly, Chalkeye and Toothpick Kid came precipitately back. "Her cash," they said. And leaving the notes and coins, they hastened to catch their comrades on the way back to the dance.

      "I want you," repeated Barker to McLean.

      "Him!" cried Mrs. Lusk, flashing alert again. "Jessamine wants him about now, I guess. Don't keep him from his girl!" And she laughed her hard, rich laugh, looking from one to the other. "Not the two of yus can't save me," she stated, defiantly. But even in these last words a sort of thickness sounded.

      "Walk her up and down," said Barker. "Keep her moving. I'll look what I can find. Keep her moving brisk." At once he was out of the door; and before his running steps had died away, the fiddle had taken up its tune across the quadrangle.

      "'Buffalo Girls!'" exclaimed the woman. "Old times! Old times!"

      "Come," said McLean. "Walk." And he took her.

      Her head was full of the music. Forgetting all but that, she went with him easily, and the two made their first turns around the room. Whenever he brought her near the entrance, she leaned away from him toward the open door, where the old fiddle tune was coming in from the dark. But presently she noticed that she was being led, and her face turned sullen.

      "Walk," said McLean.

      "Do you think so?" said she, laughing. But she found that she must go with him. Thus they took a few more turns.

      "You're hurting me," she said next. Then a look of drowsy cunning filled her eyes, and she fixed them upon McLean's dogged face. "He's gone, Lin," she murmured, raising her hand where Barker had disappeared.

      She knew McLean had heard her, and she held back on the quickened pace that he had set.

      "Leave me down. You hurt," she pleaded, hanging on him.

      The cow-puncher put forth more strength.

      "Just the floor," she pleaded again. "Just one minute on the floor. He'll think you could not keep me lifted."

      Still McLean made no answer, but steadily led her round and round, as he had undertaken.

      "He's playing out!" she exclaimed. "You'll be played out soon." She laughed herself half-awake. The man drew a breath, and she laughed more to feel his hand and arm strain to surmount her increasing resistance. "Jessamine!" she whispered to him. "Jessamine! Doc'll never suspicion you, Lin."

      "Talk sense," said he.

      "It's sense I'm talking. Leave me go to sleep. Ah, ah, I'm going! I'll go; you can't—"

      "Walk, walk!" he repeated. He looked at the door. An ache was numbing his arms.

      "Oh yes, walk! What can you and all your muscle—Ah, walk me to glory, then, craziness! I'm going; I'll go. I'm quitting this outfit for keeps. Lin, you're awful handsome to-night! I'll bet—I'll bet she has never seen you look so. Let me—let me watch yus. Anyway, she knows I came first!"

      He grasped her savagely. "First! You and twenty of yu' don't—God!! what do I talk to her for?"

      "Because—because—I'm going; I'll go. He slung me off—but he had to sling—you can't—stop—"

      Her head was rolling, while the lips smiled. Her words came through deeper and deeper veils, fearless, defiant, a challenge inarticulate, a continuous mutter. Again he looked at the door as he struggled to move with her dragging weight. The drops rolled on his forehead and neck, his shirt was wet, his hands slipped upon her ribbons. Suddenly the drugged body folded and sank with him, pulling him to his knees. While he took breath so, the mutter went on, and through the door came the jigging fiddle. A fire of desperation lighted in his eyes. "Buffalo Girls!" he shouted, hoarsely, in her ear, and got once more on his feet with her as though they were two partners in