The Greatest Empires & Civilizations of the Ancient East: Egypt, Babylon, The Kings of Israel and Judah, Assyria, Media, Chaldea, Persia, Parthia & Sasanian Empire. George Rawlinson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: George Rawlinson
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027244256
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have been the material. (See Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 4, § 71.)]

      1034 [ Ibid. § 70.]

      1035 [ Ibid. § 73.]

      1036 [ Diod. Sic. v. 37, § 3.]

      1037 [ Diod. Sic. v. 37, § 3. Compare Strab. iii. 2, § 9.]

      1038 [ Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 4, § 69.]

      1039 [ Ibid.]

      1040 [ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 263.]

      1041 [ Diod. Soc. v. 38, § 1.]

      1042 [ Kenrick thinks that the Carthaginians “introduced the practice of working the mines by slave labour” (Phoenicia, l.s.c.); but to me the probability appears to be the other way.]

      1043 [ See Wilkinson, in the author’s Herodotus, ii. 504.]

      1044 [ Herod. iii. 96.]

      0111 [ Renan, Histoire des Langues Sémitiques, p. 5.]

      0112 [ Ithobal, father of Jezebel, was High Priest of Ashtoreth (Menand. Ephes. Fr. 1). Amastarte, the mother of Esmunazar II. (Records of the Past, ix. 113) was priestess of the same deity.]

      0113 [ As figures of Melkarth, or Esmun, or dedications to Baal, as lord of the particular city issuing it.]

      0114 [ Herod. iii. 37.]

      0115 [ For the fragments of the work which remain, see the Fragmenta Historicum Græcorum of C. Müller, iii. 561-571. Its value has been much disputed, but seems to the present writer only slight.]

      0116 [ Compare Max Müller, Science of Religion, p. 177 et seqq.]

      0117 [ Gen. xiv. 18-22.]

      0118 [ Philo Bybl. Fr. 1, § 5.]

      0119 [ Records of the Past, iv. 109, 113.]

      1110 [ Gen. vi. 5.]

      1111 [ Ps. cxxxix. 2.]

      1112 [ Max Müller, Chips from a German Workshop, i. 28.]

      1113 [ Philo Bybl. Fr. 1, § 5. Compare the Corpus Ins. Semit. vol. i. p. 29.]

      1114 [ See Renan, Mission de Phénicie, pl. xxxii.; Gesenius, Linguæ Scripturæque Phoeniciæ Monumenta, Tab. xxi.]

      1115 [ 2 Kings xxiii. 5. Compare verse 11.]

      1116 [ Gesenius, Monumenta Phoenicia, p. 96.]

      1117 [ Ibid. pp. 276-278.]

      1118 [ See Döllinger’s Judenthum und Heidenthum, i. 425; E. T.]

      1119 [ Döllinger, Judenthum und Heidenthum, i. 425, E. T. Compare Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. xxiii.]

      1120 [ Herod. ii. 44; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 77.]

      1121 [ Judg. ii. 11; iii. 7; x. 6, &c.]

      1122 [ 2 Kings i. 2.]

      1123 [ Strab. iii. 5, § 5.]

      1124 [ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iv. 113.]

      1125 [ 2 Kings iii. 2.]
